Release Notes and Changelog

Check Voucherify release notes with the latest updates.

What's new in version v20250224

Released on 14 March 2025


  • OAuth 2.0: Increased the number of tokens generated per project from 200 to 1000.
  • Klaviyo: Added Klaviyo as a channel in the Loyalty card points added distribution.

Bug fixes:

  • Validation rule builder:
    • Fixed an issue which did not display Matching item metadata subrule for order item rules.
    • Fixed an issue which displayed all validation rules instead of subrules when adding the next subrule.
  • Import CSV: Fixed an issue where importing an existing generic (standalone) voucher with a CSV file failed to update the voucher if that generic voucher had a campaign.
  • Voucher list: Fixed an issue where loyalty cards created by the auto-increase voucher count option were not listed.

What's new in version v20250217

Released on 13 March 2025

What’s new:

  • Validation rule builder: The validation rule builder has now a completely new look. You can select rules from a list and add conditions in one view. Then, you are moved to a new pop-up window, so you can add new rules, subrules, and further configure the validation rule.


  • Async actions (API): Added a new boolean field, has_more, to GET List async actions endpoint. The field indicates if there are more results to be returned.
  • Filters: Added the new filtering method to the Redemptions and Orders sections in the dashboard.
  • New user interface:
    • Refreshed the add loyalty tier pop-ups throughout the app.
    • Renamed the button label from Other to Unknown in Metadata in filters.
  • Products and collections: Added the option to create a product or collection in different places throughout the app, including in earning rules or discount effects.
  • Validation rule builder: Metadata are now listed alphabetically.

Bug fixes:

  • User interface
    • Fixed a bug which caused the dropdown list to misalign in filters for loyalty tiers.
    • Fixed a bug which displayed an ID of a loyalty tier instead of its name in Distributions.
    • Fixed a bug which failed to display another page of results when clicking an arrow in Background tasks in Audit log.
    • Fixed a bug which failed to display a validation rule in earning rule details if a validation was added to an earning rule.
    • Fixed a bug which failed to display the details in the Most recent redemptions section under the three-dot menu.
    • Fixed a bug which failed to display redeeming users in filters in Redemptions when searched for users who were not displayed on the result list.

What's new in version v20250203

Released on 24 February 2025


  • Import CSV files:
    • Refreshed the import CSV file creators throughout the app: in Campaigns, Products, and Customers.
    • Added possibility to map metadata as unknown. The metadata will be added to Unknown definition in the Metadata schema in Project settings.
  • New User Interface:
    • Changed the list view in the following tabs in Project settings:
      • Custom event schema
      • Error messages
    • Refreshed the view of the Reward catalog step in the loyalty campaign builder. Also, removed the Create new campaign option for the Discount coupon and Credits on gift card reward types.
    • Limited for usability reasons the number of returned campaigns in a filter drop-down list.
  • Approval Requests: Added group change approval. Users whose changes need an approval can add up to 5 approvers.

Bug fixes:

  • Validation rules: Fixed a bug which prevented a validation rule assigned to a product discount from being cloned.
  • Loyalty tiers: Fixed a bug which prevented a loyalty tier from being deleted.
  • Rewards: Fixed a bug which displayed standalone campaigns in the reward list.

What's new in version v20250131

Released on 12 February 2025

What’s new:

  • Loyalty campaigns (API): Added a new endpoint, Adjust pending points [BETA] (POST /v1/loyalties/members/{memberId}/pending-points/{pendingPointsId}/balance). You can add or subtract pending points with a given ID. The pending point feature is currently in the beta phase; contact Voucherify support to unlock it for your organization.
  • Distributions: Added a new trigger – Loyalty pending points updated. It is triggered when the pending point balance is changed.
  • Webhooks: Added a new webhook to Project settings – voucher.loyalty_card.pending_points.updated. It is sent when the pending point balance is changed.


  • Filters (UI and API):
    • Added a new condition, “overlaps with”, for metadata arrays in campaigns and vouchers. The filter lists all resources that have at least one of the values added in the condition. In the API, use the $intersects condition in the request.
    • Changed the way the “includes” (API: $includes) condition works  in campaigns and vouchers. Now, the condition can include more than one value. It returns all resources which include the listed metadata array values.
  • Loyalty campaigns (API):
    • Reworked how the value of the loyalty_card.points field is calculated. Now, the field shows only the number of added points throughout the card lifetime. Earlier, the value was reduced by the number of expired points. This change works from this version onwards; the points value will not be recalculated backwards.
    • Added new fields to the loyalty_card object: expired_points and subtracted_points.
    • Added a redeemed_points field to the redemption object in the voucher object.
    • Now, loyalty_card.balance is calculated as follows: lifetime points minus expired points, minus subtracted points, minus redeemed points.
  • Gift campaigns (API):
    • Reworked how the value of the gift_card.amount is calculated. Now, the field shows only the amount throughout the card lifetime. This change works from this version onwards; the amount value will not be recalculated backwards.
    • Added subtracted_amount to the object. The field shows the sum of all credits that have been subtracted from the card over time.

Bug fixes:

  • Filters: Fixed a bug which prevented displaying correct results when filtering array metadata with unknown definitions.

What's new in version v20250127

Released on 5 February 2025


  • Validation Rules:
    • Added a drag and drop functionality to the Validation Rule Builder. You can move added rules, change their sequence, or place inside or outside brackets.
    • Added preview of the validation rules in the Validation rules tab in the campaign details and in validation rules details.
    • Added preview of the fallback error message.
  • User Interface. Changed the list view in the following sections:
    • Categories,
    • Bin,
    • Audit Log; also, added the new filtering method to Webhook sendouts,
    • Rewards; also, added the new filtering method,
    • Distributions; also, added the new filtering method

Bug fixes:

  • Validation Rule Builder: Fixed a bug which prevented adding new rules in the Safari browser.

What's new in version v20250124

Released on 30 January 2025

What’s new:

  • Authorization – OAuth Beta (API): Added a new authorization method. Users with an API app ID and secret key pair can generate an Open Authorization token through the API. The generated token expires after 15 minutes. The token can be used as a Bearer token for authorization and with the oauth value for X-Voucherify-Channel. The token inherits all permissions of the API key that is used to generate the OAuth token.
  • You can manage OAuth with the following endpoints:
    • POST v1/oauth/token: create an OAuth token. Pass grant_type=client_credentials&scope= as x-www-form-urlencoded to generate an OAuth token.
    • POST v1/oauth/instrospect: check the details of the generated token, for example when it will expire or if it is still active. Pass access_token={accessToken} as x-www-form-urlencoded to receive the response.
    • POST v1/oauth/token/revoke: revoke authorization for the token. Pass access_token={accessToken} as x-www-form-urlencoded. It returns an empty 204 (success) body or 404 if the token is not found.

    OAuth is in the beta phase. Contact Voucherify support to get access to the feature and learn more about the scope values. OAuth will be available to all clients when it will leave the beta phase.

    The documentation of the feature is in progress.

What's new in version v20250107

Released on 24 January 2025

What’s new:

  • Events: Added new events to the webhooks in Project settings:

    The documentation of these events is in progress.

  • Stacking Rules: Added a new rule to Discounts’ application rules – Rollback order mode. The rule has two options:
    • With order: Default option; the rollback cancels the order and reverts all applied discounts. This is the current rollback behavior.
    • Without order: The rollback bypasses order modifications, preserving the order’s status and information about applied discounts.


  • Events: Added a channel object to events and webhooks containing simplified redemption data. This change improves tracking automatic redemption, as the object includes a channel_type property with an AUTO_REDEEM value, among others.
  • List Campaigns:
    • Added a new filter to retrieve campaigns by areas, stores, and all stores. This filtering is also available in the GET List Campaigns endpoint.
    • Added a new filter to retrieve campaigns with bulk codes or standalone codes. This filtering is also available in the GET List Campaigns endpoint.
  • Validations (API): Now, the validation response returns the validation ID as well.

Bug fixes:

  • Categories: Fixed a bug which incorrectly filtered results with the OR junction.
  • Date Pickers: Fixed a bug which prevented the date entered manually from being selected.
  • Distributions: Fixed a bug which prevented a webhook from being sent for distributions with the reward redeemed trigger when the reward was redeemed automatically.

What's new in version v20241216

Released on 13 January 2025


  • Collections and Segments:
    • Selected customers and products in the filtered results can be now saved as a static segment or collection, respectively.
    • Selected items appear also in an expandable beam at the bottom of the screen. The items there include all items selected throughout the result pages.
  • Standalone Codes: Renamed Standalone codes to Generic codes for better clarity.
  • User Interface:
    • Rearranged filters and search fields throughout the app to appear in one line.
    • Restyled input fields throughout the app.
    • Refreshed the look of the validation rule builder.

Bug fixes:

  • Redemptions (UI): Fixed a bug which did not display the Redeem button for users with the Merchant role.

What's new in version v20241208

Released on 8 January 2025

Bug fixes:

  • Qualification (API) – Fixed a bug which inappropriately returned standalone codes. Now, qualification returns the standalone codes which have and those which do not have an associated campaign.

What's new in version v20241101

Released on 20 December 2024


  • Areas and Stores:
    • Access to an area no longer grants access to all the stores within that area.
    • Added a new “All stores” checkbox for the campaign and restricted user access lists. The All stores option grants access to all stores within an area, but without the access to the area itself.
    • Restricted users can now be assigned to areas and stores in Project Settings, General tab, Project Members section.
    • The restricted user’s or API key's assignments and campaign's assignments to stores, areas, and all stores must overlap in any way for the restricted user or API key to be able to view and to use qualification, validation, and redemption related to that campaign’s vouchers or promotions. However, the restricted user or the API key cannot edit the campaign without the full overlap of assignments.
    • For example, a restricted user is assigned to Store 1, a campaign is assigned to Store 1 and Store 2, so the restricted user can view the campaign and use qualification, validation, and redemption. However, the restricted user cannot edit the campaign, as it is also assigned to Store 2.

    • The restricted user’s or API key's assignments and campaign's assignments to stores, areas, and all stores must fully overlap for the restricted user or API key to be able to edit the campaign.
    • For example, a restricted user is assigned to Store 1 and Store 2, a campaign is also assigned to Store 1 and Store 2, so the restricted user can view and edit the campaign, and use qualification, validation, and redemption.

    • API:
      • Added area_all_stores_ids property in the access_settings.assign and access_settings.unassign objects for assigning or unassigning a campaign to all stores in POST Create Campaign and PUT Update Campaign methods.
      • The areas_id property now designates an assignment to area only.
      • Added a new query parameter, access_settings, with the following filters: areas_ids, area_all_stores_ids, area_stores_ids.
      • The API documentation updates are still in progress.
  • Loyalty Campaigns (API): Added category and areas_assignments to the expand query parameter to list categories and assigned areas and stores.
  • Standalone Vouchers: The advanced code settings are now hidden when editing a standalone voucher.
  • User Roles: The Campaign Create button is hidden for users who do not have the campaign create permission.
  • Campaigns: Added three new fields to voucher export in the Campaign dashboard – Formula, Validation Rule ID, and Discount Effect.

Bug fixes:

  • Approval Requests: Fixed a bug which prevented the loading box from disappearing once the data were loaded.
  • Campaign Templates: Fixed a bug which failed to correctly clear a selected campaign template when adding a template to a promotion tier.
  • Management API: Fixed incorrect update of arrays for PUT Update Project.
  • Standalone Vouchers:
    • Fixed a bug which displayed voucher code settings when editing a standalone voucher.
    • Fixed a bug which displayed the Save draft button while editing a standalone gift voucher.

What's new in version v20241021

Released on 9 December 2024

What’s new:

  • New Discount Configurator: The discount configurator has been remodeled. Now, you add a separate discount effect and configure its details in a pop-up window. This change is a preparation step for further changes and new functionalities in the discount configurator.
  • New Discount Application Rule Effect – Unit: In the v20240722 release, application rule effects for order lines were introduced. The application rules can now also target individual order line units. For example, a 10% product discount can be applied to every third unit of a T-shirt in a cart, skipping the first unit, so the second, fifth, eighth, etc. T-shirts will be discounted.
  • This change is also reflected in the API, as the target property can have a new value: UNIT. Also, an order_items_units array has been added, which defines which order lines and units within them are covered by the discount.
  • New Demo Shop: The demo shop user interface has been simplified to present the shop in one view with additional tabs and drawers. The functionalities of the demo shop remain unchanged.
  • New User Interface: New filtering methods have been added to the following tabs in the Campaigns section: Campaigns, Vouchers, Promotion Tiers, Combined promotions, and Categories; as well as in the Segments, Product Collections, and Bin.


  • Voucher Transactions (API): a holder_loyalty_tier object with an id and name has been added to a loyalty card transaction details. This object is also returned in the Voucher Loyalty Card Transaction Created event.
  • Klaviyo Integration: Upgraded the compatibility to Klaviyo API version 2024-10-15. Also, added a mapping field for current loyalty or gift card balance in distributions sent with Klaviyo.
  • Discounts – Upgrade Bonus:
    • API: The response in the qualification, redemption, and validation endpoints returns an application_details array in the order.item object. The array shows which items have been replaced and which items are replacements.
    • Demo Shop: The demo shop shows now which items are replaced and which items are replacements.

Bug fixes:

  • Distributions: Fixed a bug which prevented variables from displaying while editing in the Voucherify email editor.
  • Validation Rules: Fixed a bug which did not clone validation rules for the pay with points reward when the campaign was cloned.
  • Bin: Fixed a bug which prevented other result pages from loading when the “OR” junction was used.
  • Product Metadata: Fixed a bug which caused metadata definitions not to load when a metadata with an unknown type was added. Also, this bug caused the issue that the metadata could not be deleted.
  • Campaign Creator: Fixed a bug which caused an error and prevented the user from going to the next step when code pattern and initial code number were configured.
  • Validation:
    • Fixed a bug which prevented date-time metadata with the "is within hours" from successful validation for dates other than today.
    • Fixed a bug for unit discounts with the Add missing items effect which prevented the added product from being returned in the API in the object.
  • Discounts: Fixed a bug which incorrectly applied a unit discount with an order amount validation rule when the order value is first decreased by another discount.

What's new in version v20241004

Released on 20 November 2024

What’s new:

  • Remodelling Standalone Vouchers: New standalone discount or gift vouchers will create a campaign. This way, the standalone vouchers can be saved as a template, used with the Areas and Stores feature, included in budget limits, and more.
  • Standalone vouchers will create a campaign only when they are created through the dashboard. Standalone vouchers created through the API (Create Voucher and Generate Random Code) still do not create a campaign for that voucher. This will be improved in future releases.


  • Campaign Calendar: Added a campaign search field, campaign type filter, and a monthly calendar that shows the currently selected range.
  • Areas and Stores: Added areas and stores to which a campaign is assigned in the campaign list view. Also, the assigned areas and stores are displayed in the campaign dashboard.
  • Areas and Stores (API): access_settings_assignments are now returned when an expand query parameter with the access_settings_assignments value is sent in the request in the GET List Campaigns endpoint.
  • Campaign Templates: Metadata keys and values are saved in the campaign template for the metadata in campaigns, vouchers, and promotion tiers.
  • Accounts: Trial account period is increased from 30 to 60 days.
  • Campaign Creator: Changed the name of the "Auto update" checkbox to "Auto-Increase Voucher Count".

Bug fixes:

  • Mailchimp: Fixed a bug which caused the distribution to fail.
  • Permissions: Fixed a bug which allowed users who had not the Create and modify products and product collections permission to create product collections nonetheless.

What's new in version v20240930

Released on 4 November 2024

What’s new:

  • User Interface – The Product Collections have been moved to a new section in the Campaign Hub. Also, the Product section now has a new view, filtering methods, and product collection wizard.
  • Loyalty Campaigns – Automatic reward redemption: You can now configure a reward in a loyalty program to be automatically redeemed when a customer reaches a selected number of loyalty points. This can be used for “collect stamp scenarios”, e.g., buy ten coffees to receive one for free.
  • Loyalty and Gift Campaign Transactions: The loyalty and gift campaign dashboards now have a new tab called Transactions. The Transactions tab displays all transactions for all vouchers in a given campaign. You can also export the results to a CSV file. You can also use new API endpoints to list and export campaign transactions:
  • Validation Rules: date and datetime metadata validation rules have now new operators. The values in brackets are for the API: after ($after), before ($before), was exactly (days ago) ($is_days_ago), was less than (days ago) ($less_than_ago), was more than (days ago) ($more_than_ago), in exactly (days) ($is_days_in_future), in less than (days) ($less_than_future), in more than (days) ($more_than_future).


  • User Interface: Improved another batch of headers throughout the application.

Bug fixes:

  • Collections: Fixed a bug which prevented metadata values from being displayed for the “in” condition in filters.
  • Gift Card Campaigns: Fixed a bug which unassigned a product collection in the gift card campaign wizard when a validation rule had been created.
  • Loyalty Campaigns: Fixed a bug which did not display related loyalty cards in the Transactions tab when transferring points between loyalty cards.
  • Distributions: Fixed a bug which prevented displaying all actions and channels for the Successfully published trigger.

What's new in version v20240918

Released on 21 October 2024

Bug fixes:

  • Integrations: Removed the Google Analytics connector. Now, it is available only to the organizations which use landing pages (deprecated feature).
  • Areas and Stores: Restricted Users are not able to create standalone vouchers anymore. This part of the feature will be reworked in future releases.
  • Validation Rules: Fixed a bug which counted a product multiple times if the product was present in multiple collections instead of counting it only once.
  • Distributions: Fixed a bug which prevented displaying all available distribution channels for the Successfully published trigger.

What's new in version v20240910

Released on 15 October 2024

What’s new:

  • Custom Domains (Deprecated): The Custom Domains feature has been removed from Project Settings.
  • Order Objects (API): The order objects can include up to 500 order line items.


  • User Interface: Improved headers throughout the application.

What's new in version v20240906

Released on 3 October 2024

What’s new:

  • User Interface: We have added a new section to the Dashboard, called Marketer Hub. It includes the Demo Shop and a new feature, Campaign Calendar.
  • Campaign Calendar: You can now monitor when your campaigns and draft campaigns start and end in a calendar view. There, you can click on a given campaign bar to display more information or go to the Campaign Details page. This feature will be improved in future versions.


  • Campaign Templates: The Templates tab shows more details about the campaign templates, e.g. the type of the campaign, discount amount, discount effects.

Bug fixes:

  • Areas and Stores:
    • Fixed a bug which prevented a restricted user assigned to the whole area from assigning a campaign to the area's store.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented a restricted user from creating a campaign without an area or store assignment through the reward creator.
  • Redemption (User Interface): Fixed a bug which prevented all vouchers from being returned in the Select Voucher step.

What's new in version v20240902

Released on 30 September 2024

What’s new:

  • Segments: Added a new Segment Create Wizard. You can use it in the Segments section of the UI with the Create segment button. The wizard has also been added throughout the app, e.g. in the Distribution Wizard.
  • Giveaways (Deprecated) – Giveaway (LUCKY_DRAW) campaigns have been removed from the API, existing live accounts, and landing pages.


  • User Interface: Added and unified customer selection throughout the app.
  • Distributions: Now, static segments will not appear for Customer Joined or Customer Left Segment distributions.

Bug fixes:

  • Customers:
    • Fixed a bug which prevented displaying search results on pages other than page 1.
    • Fixed a bug which caused improper behavior of filters on pages other than page 1.
  • Customer Cockpits: Fixed a bug which prevented the project currency from being displayed.
  • Consents: Removed consent webhooks from the Project Settings.

What's new in version v20240809

Released on 19 September 2024

What’s new:

  • Areas and Stores (Enterprise feature) – Now, you can create areas representing your regional structure and stores representing your points of sale. With this feature, you can assign your team members to a new Restricted User role, which can be assigned to individual areas and stores. Additionally, you can create campaigns that can be added to areas or stores to easily run local promotional activities. The users who are assigned to an area or store cannot access other areas or stores and their associated campaigns. This way, they can run campaigns independently without the risk of affecting campaigns assigned to other areas or stores.
  • Also, you can create new API keys with the restricted user role and assign the keys to particular areas or stores.
  • Campaign templates – Promotion tiers have been added to campaign templates. You can create a template out of a promotion tier or combined promotion, which is saved as a template of a discount campaign. Then, you can reuse this template to create a discount campaign or add it to a promotion campaign as a promotion tier. You can also do this through the API.

    The documentation of these endpoints is in progress


  • Campaign templates – Now you can create a campaign out of a template directly in another project, without the need to switch between them.
  • Product CSV import – The response in the GET Async Action to a product CSV import returns now a source_id in the failed array.

Bug fixes:

  • Distributions – Fixed a bug which caused improper behavior of distributions for loyalty tier related activities.
  • ActiveCampaign – Fixed a bug which prevented the connector from correct behavior.

What's new in version v20240723

Released on 16 September 2024


  • Vouchers (API) – List transaction endpoints now support a new paging method with starting_after_id which uses the value from the more_starting_after key in the response. Also, removed ordering by created_at; now, the only supported ordering is by id and -id. The affected endpoints are:
    • GET v1/vouchers/{campaignId}/transactions
    • GET v1/loyalties/{campaignId}/members/{memberId}/transactions
    • GET v1/loyalties/members/{memberId}/transactions
  • Trash bin (API) – Removed ordering by created_at, because it returned incorrect results in certain cases; now, the only supported ordering is by id and -id.
  • Webhooks – Added two new public IP addresses to each shared cluster from which webhooks will be sent:
    • eu1 cluster – (existing), (new), (new)
    • us1 cluster – (existing), (new), (new)
    • as1 cluster – (existing), (new), (new)

    Dedicated clusters will also have two new addresses; they will be sent individually to respective clients.

    The change is not live yet. You can add the new addresses to your whitelists, but the actual traffic will begin on 18th October.

    Read also Voucherify webhook documentation – IP Whitelisting.

Bug fixes:

  • Customer Wallet – Fixed a bug which showed the incorrect number of Amount to go and Points to go on gift and loyalty cards.
  • Filters – Fixed a bug in date type metadata filters that prevented all operators from displaying.

What's new in version v20240722

Released on 9 September 2024

What’s new:

  • New distribution manager – As part of refreshing the Voucherify user interface, we have introduced a new distribution manager. Now, creating the distribution has fewer steps and it consists of:
    • Trigger – choose manual distribution or the trigger that will send the distribution, e.g., customer entered segment.
    • Action – choose the action that the trigger will cause.
    • Channels – choose channels through which the message will be distributed.
    • Summary – an overview of the distribution configuration.
  • Product discounts – Added Application Rules effects. Now, you can apply product discounts that can be repeated every several products while skipping the first product. You can also set up an effect that sorts the products according to their price and applies the discount to the cheapest or the most expensive product. Additionally, you can apply the discount by starting from the cheapest or the most expensive product.
  • By combining these effects, you can, for example, apply a discount to every product from a collection and the discount will be repeated every four products, starting from the third one.

    Currently, the application rule effects cover only products (order lines). We are developing the effect that will be applied to product units as well.

  • Product discounts (API) – The new application rule effects are attached to validation rules. We have added the following fields to the applicable_to.included objects:
    • target with value ITEM – the effect targets order lines
    • skip_initially with integer values – the effect skips first X order lines, where X is the integer value
    • repeat with integer values – the discount is repeated every X items, where X is the integer value


  • Consents – Deprecated the Consents feature and removed:
    • Marketing Permissions from Project Settings,
    • Consents step from the distributions manager,
    • Related API endpoints.
  • New user interface:
    • Improved styling throughout the app.
    • Improved the behavior of windows in filters
  • Campaign manager – Now the campaign manager loads more than 100 earning rules in the Points expiration & earning rules step for loyalty campaigns.

Bug fixes:

  • Discounts – Fixed a bug which, in extremely rare cases, returned a higher total_applied_discount_amount than the amount of the order in the validation response.
  • Validation rules – Fixed a bug in which validation rules with optional metadata are passed when the value of that metadata is undefined or null.

What's new in version v20240715

Released on 21 August 2024

What’s new:

  • Campaign templates – You can create campaign templates of discount and gift card campaigns. A template stores configuration of a campaign, including the products, metadata, validation rules, or time frame settings. The template can be used to create a similar campaign or it can be copied to another project. This way, you can create a campaign in the Sandbox project to test its configuration. Once ready, you can copy the campaign template to your production project.
  • Campaign templates API – You can manage campaign templates of discount and gift card campaigns through the API with the following endpoints:
    • GET v1/templates/campaigns – lists all campaign templates in a project
    • GET v1/templates/campaigns/{campaignTemplateId} – retrieves one campaign template
    • POST v1/templates/campaigns – adds a campaign template to a project from a given campaign
    • PUT v1/templates/campaigns/{campaignTemplateId} – updates a campaign template
    • DELETE v1/templates/campaigns/{campaignTemplateId} – deletes a campaign template

      The documentation of these endpoints is in progress

  • Campaign templates in Management API – You can also manage campaign templates with the Management API (Enterprise feature) and two new endpoints:
    • GET management/v1/projects/{projectId}/templates/campaigns – lists all campaign templates in a project
    • POST management/v1/projects/{projectId}/templates/campaigns/{campaignTemplateId}/copy – copies a campaign template from one project to another
    • The documentation of these endpoints is in progress


Bug fixes:

  • Campaign API – Fixed a bug which allowed invalid time frame payload for campaign endpoints. Now, the invalid payload returns an error.
  • Permissions – Fixed a bug which displayed inactive edit options in products and SKUs for users without the Create and modify Products and Products Collections permission.
  • Project Settings – Fixed a bug which allowed publication of vouchers which are active after publishing for a given amount of time in inactive campaigns. Now, such vouchers cannot be published.
  • Publications – Fixed a bug which allowed publication of vouchers which are active after publishing for a given amount of time in inactive campaigns.
  • Generate Random Code – Fixed a bug that prevented generating codes for referral campaigns if a type property has been provided.
  • Publication – Fixed a bug which did not return the active field in the voucher object when a voucher is published in a campaign with expiry_after publication.

What's new in version v20240705

Released on 7 August 2024

What’s new:

  • Referral programs:
    • You can now assign a referral code to many referees. Thanks to this, the referees can see the referral codes in qualification results. You can assign a referral code either in the dashboard, or with a new API endpoint, Add Referral Card Holders (with and without campaign ID).
    • Additionally, you can remove the referees from a referral code. You can do this only with a new API endpoint, Remove Referral Code Holder (with and without campaign ID).
  • Webhooks – Added three new Project Settings webhooks:
    • voucher.loyalty_card.points_expired – this webhook can replace the distribution webhook for Customer loyalty card points expired, as the new webhook is triggered by expired points in any loyalty campaign.
    • voucher.loyalty_card.transaction.created – triggered by each point balance change (transaction) on a loyalty card.
    • – triggered by each credit balance change (transaction) on a gift card.
  • Events:
    • Added the following events for assigning and unassigning redeemable holders. They can be returned with the List Customer Activity endpoint:
      • voucher.holder.assignment.created
      • voucher.holder.assignment.deleted
    • Added reward metadata to the following events:
      • customer.rewarded – also for the Project settings webhooks
      • redemption.succeeded – also for the Project settings webhooks
      • redemption.rollback.succeeded – also for the Project settings webhooks
      • customer.reward_redemptions.completed – also for the Reward redeemed distribution webhook
      • customer.reward_redemptions.created
      • customer.reward_redemptions.pending
      • customer.redemption.rollback.succeeded
      • customer.redemption.succeeded
  • Stacking Rules – You can now apply two new stacking rules in the discount application rules:
    • No effect rule determines how redeemables are treated even if there is no effect applied, e.g. no discount is applicable, no points are used, or no gift card credits are spent:
      • Redeem anyway (default setting) – valid redeemables will be redeemed regardless of the effect.
      • Skip – the redeemables are treated as skipped redeemables.
    • Product application rule determines if product-level discounts are stacked:
      • Always stack (default setting) – discounts applied to a product can be stacked.
      • Apply only once – if a discount is applied to a product, all the other discounts applied to this product are skipped.


  • Promotions – Increased the number of promotions in a stack from 5 to 30.
  • API – Dropped ordering the results by created_at in the following endpoints:
    • List Customer Redeemables. Also, this endpoint is no longer in the beta phase.
    • List Referral Code Holders (with and without campaign ID). Also, this endpoint is no longer in the beta phase.
  • Customer wallet – Refreshed the appearance of the customer wallet in view of the changes to the Voucherify UI and the referral codes. The customer wallet also displays the status of redeemables, i.e. active, used, disabled, not active yet, expired, or no balance.

Bug fixes:

  • Qualifications – Fixed validity_hours settings that caused campaigns not to be returned in the API response.

What's new in version v20240628

Released on 23 July 2024

What's new:

  • New User interface:
    • Filtering in the Customers section – Reworked the user interface for managing customers and segments. You can use the new filtering method to create dynamic customer segments or select individual customers, either from the filtered results or the whole list, to create a static segment.
    • New Segments section – Added a Segments section to the Engagement sidebar for easier managing customer segments. You can see a list of created segments, their type, and other information. When clicked, a segment displays the included customers, an export option, and other details.


  • Validation Rule Builder – Deprecated the basic and advanced validation rule builders and removed them from the user interface. The new builder, released in July 2023, is now the default one.
  • Klaviyo integration – Improved the synchronization method of IDs between Klaviyo and Voucherify. Now, Voucherify source ID is used as Klaviyo external ID. If a customer does not have a source ID, then Voucherify ID is used as the external ID.

Bug fixes:

  • List Customers (API) – Fixed the segment_id filter to properly list customers who belong to a given segment.
  • Validation Rule Builder – Added new contexts for the Replace Item discounts.

What's new in version v20240614

Released on 9 July 2024

What’s new:

  • Management API – New endpoint, POST management/v1/projects/users/invite Invite a user to a project, has been added. You can use this endpoint to invite new users to join Voucherify and assign their projects and roles directly in the request.
  • Areas and Stores (BETA) –  API keys can now be assigned to particular areas or stores. Users who use these API keys can perform activities only on campaigns and related resources, e.g. vouchers, assigned to those areas or stores. The users who are not assigned to an area or store will not have the access to campaigns in those areas or stores.

    Areas and stores will be an Enterprise feature.

    This feature is still being developed. Follow future release notes for more details.


  • Management API – POST /management/v1/projects Create project endpoint returns the server and client-side keys in the response.

Bug fixes:

  • Management API – Fixed validation for name and property name in custom event schemas. Now, only the accepted characters can be used.

What's new in version v20240612

Released on 8 July 2024

Bug fixes:

  • Validation rules:
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the validation rule from being cloned when a campaign or a promotion tier with the Product Discount effect was cloned.
    • Fixed a bug which caused an error and failure to assign a validation rule in a specific configuration scenario for the Product Discount effect applied to each item.

What's new in version v20240611

Released on 27 June 2024


  • Voucher exports – Campaign vouchers can now be exported with a validation rule ID. The validation rule ID is either the ID of a validation rule assigned to the campaign or to a specific voucher.
  • Cockpits – Rearranged the referral section to display Customer’s referral codes and Referral codes shared with customer.

Bug fixes:

  • Date and time – Added tooltips showing UTC and local time for date-time inputs.
  • Qualification:
    • Fixed a bug which did not return published vouchers for a resource_type is voucher filter when its campaign had a validation rule assigned.
    • Fixed a bug which did not return a campaign in which the conditions for Added valid hours per day had been added and then removed while other time limitations were fulfilled.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented returning a published voucher with product replacement effect when one product was replaced with a product SKU.
  • Discounts – Fixed a bug in the product replacement effect which prevented the replacement voucher from being applied if a product or an SKU is replaced with its related SKU.

What’s new in version v20240603

Released on 19 June 2024


  • User interface - the toggle button color is now easier to differentiate.

Bug fixes:

  • Rewards API - Fixed creating validation rule assignment with REWARD_ASSIGNMENT object type to display correct error 404 instead of 500 when the resource is not found.
  • Validation session lock - the session lock now checks the status for each redeemable to determine whether the session lock should be removed in partial stacking validations.

What’s new in version v20240529

Released on 12 June 2024

What’s new:

  • Asynchronous actions – introducing operation_status in listing and getting Async Actions both in the Audit Log and API.


  • Exports – export operations have been improved and are now more resilient. Larger exports should now be performed without issues.

Bug fixes:

  • User interface:
    • Unified time frame information component. 

What's new in version v20240521

Released on 29 May 2024

What’s new:

  • Areas and Stores (BETA) – the areas and stores feature, which represents markets and individual points of sale, has been developed with campaign assignment. Particular campaigns can be assigned to individual stores or whole areas.

    Areas and stores will be an Enterprise feature.

    This feature is still being developed. Follow future release notes for more details.


  • Voucher import and export – added a formula, discount effect, and validation rule ID fields for exporting and importing voucher data with dynamic discount formulas. The updating of the voucher discount details, including the formula field, through the voucher import is possible only for standalone vouchers.

Bug fixes:

  • Time frames:

    • Fixed displaying incorrect local time for some time zones in the campaign, voucher, and gift card dashboards.
    • Fixed date formatting.
  • Gift cards – fixed a bug for customer rewarded event that displayed a reward for a gift card as a sum of amount and balance instead of the amount only.
  • Demo shop – fixed a bug that prevented the product list from being displayed when a new product with a price was added.
  • Items – fixed a bug which prevented items in the Selected tab in selectors from being selected.

What's new in version v20240515

Released on 27 May 2024

What’s new:

  • Filtering in the user interface – added a new method of filtering. In this release, it covers only the filtering in the Audit Logs, Webhook sendouts tab. In the future releases, it will be added to other filterable elements.


  • User interface – improved font styling throughout the application.

Bug fixes:

  • User interface:
    • Fixed the label for rollback created activity to be correctly displayed in the details of a redemption.
    • Fixed wrong data being returned in the Show metadata pop-up in the Earning rule step of the loyalty campaign manager.
  • Products (Dashboard) – fixed a bug which prevented saving a null value as a product price.

What's new in version v20240513

Released on 22 May 2024

What’s new:

  • Referrals – added new endpoints to list customers assigned to a given referral code. For now, these endpoints return only a single referrer of the referral code. The endpoints are BETA versions and they will be further developed in the future. They can be used by the users who have the “Read Customers” permission granted. The endpoints:


  • Qualification API – publication metadata can be now evaluated by Qualification API.
  • Validation rule assignmentchanged the body parameters to "related_object_type" and "related_object_id" for all applicable resources to make the assignment consistent. The previous method of validation rule assignment can be still used. Also, the validation of the data sent in the request has been improved to accept specific values of the related object types.

Bug fixes:

  • Management API – fixed the remaining discrepancies between the Management API and the website by adding missing countries and dial codes.

What's new in version v20240419

Released on 15 May 2024

What’s new:

  • Upgrade Bonus – introduced a new type of a discount under Rewards (previously "Free Products"), called Upgrade Bonus: Replace order items. With the Upgrade Bonus discount, you can replace one order item or item from a collection with another item. For example, codes offering the Upgrade Bonus can replace a medium-sized coffee with a large coffee.
  • User interface:
    • Changed the label from "Free Products" to "Rewards" in the discount configurator.
    • Added new label and filter components throughout the app.
    • Added new font settings.
  • Loyalties (API) – Removed the following endpoints:
  • Webhooks v2018-08-01 – as part of migration to v2024-01-01 webhooks, switching back to the v2018-01-01 version has been disabled.
  • Webhooks v2024-01-01 – added new events to the webhook sendouts configured in the Project Settings:


  • Bloomreach Engagement – now, Voucherify events with null values are also sent to Bloomreach Engagement.
  • Management API – unified data such as country, currency, and dial code between the Management API and the website.

Bug fixes:

  • Cockpits – fixed a bug which displayed copies of rewards and earning rules when points were exchanged for a reward.
  • Gift cards – fixed a bug which displayed a popup with the amount of the added balance incorrectly multiplied by 100.
  • Time frame – fixed a bug which wrongly recalculated hours for a UTC time zone when going back to the Time frame step in the campaign editor.
  • Discount configurator – fixed a bug which prevented selecting discounted products.
  • Promotions – fixed a bug which sent a campaign update event when no campaign parameters have been changed but only promotion tiers.

What's new in version v20240405

Released on 9 May 2024

What’s new:

  • Areas and Stores (BETA) – this feature allows creating areas and stores. The areas can represent a market while stores can represent individual points of sale that can be assigned to areas. In future releases, it will be possible to assign campaigns to individual areas or stores. As a result, you will be able to run market-specific campaigns instead of using separate projects for this purpose. 

    Areas and stores will be an Enterprise feature.

    This feature is still being developed. Follow future release notes for more details.

  • Bin – we have introduced a bin feature to delete permanently campaigns, vouchers, products, and SKUs which have been moved to bin. Previously, you had to ask Voucherify support for these resources to be permanently deleted. Now, you can delete the resources either through the user interface or the API. Once permanently deleted, you can create, e.g., vouchers with the same code or products with the same source ID. We have added two new endpoints for the bin feature:
    • GET /v1/trash-bin – lists resources in the bin
    • DELETE /v1/trash-bin/{resourceId} – deletes permanently the resource with the given ID.

    To view and delete permanently the resources, the user must have adequate permissions.

    This feature is only for deleting permanently these resources. You cannot restore a resource from the bin to its previous environment.

    The bin includes only the resources that have been deleted after the v20240405 release. The resources that were deleted earlier are not moved to the new bin.


  • Publications – publication of codes from inactive campaigns (either deactivated or expired ones) has been disabled.
  • Management API:
    • The "api_usage_notifications" and "webhooks_callout_notifications" objects can now be partially updated. It is not required to send the whole object with all its parameters anymore.
    • The role key was removed from the responses for Users endpoints. The user role is still displayed in the "projects" array.

Bug fixes:

  • Products and collections – fixed a bug which did not change the OR filter behavior when switching between the AND/OR conjunctions.
  • Promotions – fixed a bug which displayed a tier ID instead of the tier name when a tier was removed or tier hierarchy was changed in a promotion stack.
  • Cloning discount and gift campaigns with approval requests:
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the approval request from being sent when a campaign was cloned by a user with limited permissions.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the user with limited permissions to choose a user who would approve the clone campaign request.
    • Fixed a bug which did not copy discount values or discounted products when a campaign was cloned by a user with limited permissions.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the admin from adding a validation rule to a cloned campaign.
    • Fixed a bug which changed the source validation rule to a default one in the cloned campaign.
    • Fixed a bug which allowed the user with limited permissions to edit a validation rule.
  • Management API:
    • Fixed a bug which allowed sending the "timezone" value as null in the Create Project request.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented the "api_usage_notifications" and "webhooks_callout_notifications" parameters from being saved in the Create Project request.
    • Fixed a bug in the Create Metadata Schema endpoint that set null for "allow_defined_only" instead of a default value false when the request did not include this property.

What's new in version v20240314

Released on 15 April 2024

What’s new:

  • Management API – we have introduced API endpoints for managing Voucherify projects. This way, you can use the API to configure projects instead of the dashboard. The Management API is accessible through a new set of API keys. The following project features can be managed through the API:
  • Each project feature can be used with the following methods:
    • POST – Create a resource
    • GET – List all resources
    • GET – Retrieve a resource
    • PUT – Update a resource
    • DELETE – Remove a resource

This is an Enterprise feature.


  • API – in List Customer Redeemables, the NOT_ACTIVE redeemable status has been renamed to NOT_ACTIVE_YET.

Bug fixes:

  • Gift card campaigns – fixed a bug which removed products to which the gift applied when validation rules were assigned.

What's new in version v20240312

Released on 9 April 2024

What’s new:

  • API – new customer endpoint:
    • GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/redeemables [BETA] – lists all voucher redeemables that have been assigned to a customer. This endpoint is a beta version and it will return only the redeemables that have been assigned to a customer after the v20240312 release. We plan the migration of historical data in the future. This endpoint can be used by the users who have the “Read Customers” permission granted.


  • Qualifications – details about the current balance for loyalty and gift cards are returned also when no order has been created.
  • Validations – details about the current balance for loyalty and gift cards are now returned. 
  • Braze integration – Braze can be used now in each distribution which notifies customers about promotions.

Bug fixes:

  • New user interface – fixed the styling of some buttons and icons to differentiate between active and inactive states.
  • Loyalty programs – fixed a bug which calculated points expiration according to the UTC time zone instead of the project time zone.
  • Time frame – fixed a bug which converted days into months resulting in a wrong date selected.

What's new in version v20240226

Released on 18 March 2024

What's new:

  • User interface – The Voucherify interface is getting a fresh look in the coming months. In this version, the changes to the user interface cover colors, styling, and section arrangement.
  • The new user interface uses only the side bar, which groups previous interface sections as follows:
    • Project selection – switch between projects.
    • Search codes – search code by name.
    • Home section – go to the dashboard, demo shop, or project settings.
    • Campaign hub – manage campaigns and campaign-related features, like validation rules or redemptions.
    • Engagement – manage customers, distributions, or landing pages.
    • Audit log – check logs, background tasks, exports, and webhook sendouts.
    • Notifications – check Voucherify notifications.
    • Username – check and manage your profile and team settings and use other features.

    Read the Voucherify new user interface changelog to learn more about the changes.


  • Performance:
    • Improved performance for qualification API in which significant numbers of validation rules must be verified.
    • Improved performance of listing redemptions to avoid out of memory errors.
  • Predefined campaigns – Old protected predefined campaigns can be now disabled or removed.
  • Distributions – Webhooks and Braze are now available for Manual message distribution for notifying customers about promotions.
  • Webhooks v2024-01-01 – Data about categories has been added to simplified campaign data and simplified voucher data.
  • Discount configurator (UI) – The maximum discount value has been increased to 100,000,000. Discounts created through API do not have any upper limit.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which prevented adding a definition field for campaign types with redeemables for easier identification of referral programs. It enables filtering out referral programs in qualification.
  • Fixed a bug for Free Product discounts which changed the discount effect to Order Discount / Amount discount in specific contexts.
  • Fixed a bug which did not add a predefined Free shipping product to new projects. The projects with the missing predefined Free shipping product will have it added.
  • Fixed a bug which displayed an incorrect notification about expired promotion tiers.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the basic validation rule view from refreshing when it was edited.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the search filter with the “is” condition from retrieving the orders with number metadata value beginning with 0.
  • Fixed a bug which recalculated local time to UTC in datetime pickers. Now the datetime pickers correctly apply the local time.
  • Fixed a bug which displayed incorrect date format in the date picker.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented creating a validation rule with date-type order metadata.
  • Fixed a bug which rounded the decimal value of a percent discount in the user interface.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented correct validation of validation rules with a validity time frame and the “is between” condition.
  • Fixed a bug which incorrectly displayed the values of order total in the campaign analytics tab.

What's new in version v20240219

Released on 08 March 2024

What’s new:

  • Campaign manager – the timeframe step of the campaign manager has been reworked and a new limitation has been added, named Add valid hours per day. This limitation is for happy hour scenarios. You can define hours and days when the redeemables are active.
  • API:
    • Because of the time frame changes to the campaign manager, voucher, promotion_tier, campaign, and earning_rules objects now include a validity_hours object which specifies the days of the week, start time, and expiration time. The validity_hours object also affects qualifications.
    • Sample request and response for validity_hours:
      		"days_of_week"   :[0,1],
      		"start_time"     :"15:20",
    • Three new endpoints have been added to monitor customer activity:
      • GET /v1/loyalties/members/{memberId}/activity – lists all loyalty activities for a given member (i.e. loyalty card code).
      • GET /v1/loyalties/{campaignId}/members/{memberId}/activity – lists all loyalty activities for a given member (i.e. loyalty card code). This endpoint requires a campaign id as a path parameter.
        • The following activities are monitored:
          • customer.loyalty.tier.upgraded
          • customer.loyalty.tier.downgraded
          • customer.loyalty.tier.prolonged
          • customer.loyalty.tier.expiration.changed
          • customer.loyalty.tier.joined
          • customer.loyalty.tier.left
          • customer.publication.succeeded
          • customer.publication.failed
          • customer.redemption.failed
          • customer.redemption.succceeded
          • customer.redemption.rollback.succceeded
          • customer.redemption.rollback.failed
          • customer.rewarded
          • customer.rewarded.loyalty_points
          • customer.reward_redemptions.created
          • customer.reward_redemptions.pending
          • customer.reward_redemptions.completed
          • customer.reward_redemptions.rolledback
          • customer.voucher.deleted
          • customer.voucher.loyalty_card.points_added
          • customer.voucher.loyalty_card.points_transferred
          • customer.voucher.loyalty_card.points_expired
      • GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/activity – lists all activities of a given customer.
        • The current GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/activities endpoint becomes deprecated.
      • The response in these endpoints can include a more_starting_after property whose value contains an event ID. This event ID can be used to paginate the results with the starting_after_id parameter.


  • Exports – Improved download behavior for exporting large files.
  • Bloomreach Engagement – Improved data structure of the events sent from Voucherify to Bloomreach Engagement. The complete payload is now stored in a complex object. The most important parameters are moved to dedicated ones to meet the Bloomreach Engagement’s 255 parameter limits.
  • Rewards – Optimized the reward process to improve the time of customer reward actions.
  • Webhooks v2024-01-01:
    • Added category, start_date, expiration_date, and description to campaign data to events containing simplified campaign data.
    • Added start_date and expiration_date to voucher data to events containing simplified voucher data.

Bug fixes:

  • Interface:
    • Fixed a bug which showed wrong tooltips in the marketing onboarding tour in the Demo shop.
    • Fixed a bug that did not show Incentive workflow and Referee reward in the Rewards tab in referral campaigns details.
  • Team settings – fixed a bug which prevented users with the Campaigns' updates must be approved by Managing User permission from cloning a campaign.
  • Webhooks v2024-01-01 – fixed a bug which did not return voucher data in reward data and amount data in balance data in specific cases of double-sided referral programs.

What's new in version v20240215

Released on 22 February 2024


  • Security – to increase security, API tokens are now hidden as follows:
    • Primary secret key: after 14 days when it is first generated; after 15 minutes when the token is regenerated.
    • Secondary keys, integration keys: after 15 minutes when they are first generated or when the token is regenerated.

To maintain security, write your keys down and keep them in a safe place.

  • Webhooks v2024-01-01 – for permanent code deletion, voucher.delete webhook now also returns code value instead of null.

Bug fixes:

  • Webhooks v2024-01-01 – webhooks containing voucher transaction details now include complete transaction data.

What's new in version v20240208

Released on 14 February 2024


  • Metadata – added “metadata” to the simple promotion tier object. This metadata is now returned in the API responses, events, and v2024-01-01 webhooks which include the simple promotion tier object.
  • Events:
    • Added a promotion_stack property to the following events:
      • Redemption – created, succeeded, failed, rollback created, rollback succeeded, rollback failed,
      • Customer – redemption succeeded, redemption failed, rollback succeeded, rollback failed,
      • Order – redemption succeeded, redemption failed, rollback succeeded, rollback failed,
  • v2024-01-01 webhooks – added a promotion_stack property to the following webhooks: redemption.succeeded, redemption.failed, rollback.succeeded, rollback.failed

Bug fixes:

  • User interface:
    • Fixed a bug which prevented selecting a loyalty tier while creating a segment in the validation rule builder.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented displaying next pages in the team member list in the Team settings.
  • Metadata – fixed a bug which prevented metadata from being returned in the validation for simple campaign, simple voucher, and simple earning rule objects

What's new in version v20240124

Released on 8 February 2024

What’s new:

  • Rollback redemption – rollback is limited to redemptions which occurred up to 3 months ago. The redemptions which occurred more than 3 months ago cannot be rolled back now.
  • Validation rules:
    • We have introduced an Initial amount validation rule. It defines the initial order amount (i.e. before any discounts are applied) that needs to be met.


  • Stacking rules – for the All application rule, validation responses with inapplicable redeemables include more details now, e.g. which redeemables are inapplicable or skipped, a message containing the reason why a redeemable cannot be applied, and a stacking_rules object listing the stacking rule settings.
  • Loyalty campaigns – earned points in the order paid event are now calculated faster.
  • Connector performance – new caching mechanism improves the performance of the following webhook-based connectors: ActiveCampaign, BigCommerce, Bloomreach, Braze, mParticle, Segment, and Shopify.
  • Security – to ensure the highest security, we have introduced the following changes:
    • New passwords must be at least 12 characters long.
    • New permission options have been added to custom roles.
  • Customer exports (API) – a new updated_at filter has been added to the customer export.
  • Metadata: simple campaign, voucher, and earning rule objects include now also metadata. The metadata is now returned in the API responses, events, and v2024-01-01 webhooks which include these simple objects.

Bug fixes:

  • Stacking rules:
    • Fixed the application logic for the Partial application rule to be more flexible. Formerly, an exclusive redeemable whose validation rules are not met caused regular redeemables (i.e. belonging to a non-exclusive, non-joint category) to be skipped. Now, regular redeemables will be validated or redeemed in such scenarios.
    • Fixed the application logic for stacking rules and the Redemptions per customer in a campaign validation rule. Validation will now fail for the All application rule if this validation rule is not met. Validation will be successful for the Partial application rule only up to the redemption limit defined in the validation rule and the remaining redeemables will be inapplicable.
  • API – Fixed a bug which incorrectly merged order and redemption data for the customer summary object.
  • Customer segments – Fixed a bug which did not refresh the currently selected segment in Segment tab in the Customers section of the Dashboard
  • Qualification – Fixed a bug which prevented the NOT IN and IS NOT filters from returning records with a null value.

What's new in version v20231205

Released on 25 January 2024

What’s new:

  • Webhooks v2024-01-01 – we have introduced a new version of webhooks. The new webhooks are available for distribution and the events listed in Project settings. All of the events that are covered by the webhooks v2018-08-01 are also available for the new version.
  • The v2024-01-01 version is available for all projects along with the previous v2018-08-01 version. However, new accounts can use only the v2024-01-01 version. The v2018-08-01 version will be eventually withdrawn in a few months.

    You can change the URL for project or distribution webhooks. The change will be applied in the next send-out or in the retry if the send-out failed.

    You can also check logs for the v2024-01-01 webhooks in the Audit logs section of the dashboard.

  • Validation rules – we have added new conditions “does not differ from” and “does not intersect with” for metadata arrays.


  • Improved voucher counting – The voucher count in the dashboard is now faster and returns either the exact number of vouchers or the value of +99,999 if exceeded.
  • Improved times of counting earned points.
  • New production projects do not have test data.
  • Events for loyalty tiers (e.g. entering or leaving a tier) now have a group_id.
  • Improved data filtering for campaigns and vouchers with the “created at” condition. The date time format is now used in both.

Bug fixes:

  • Loyalty campaigns:
    • Fixed point update for loyalty tiers.
    • Fixed adding the data about next_expiration_date and next_expiration_points for loyalty cards when they are created in a campaign with an initial value of loyalty points.
  • User interface:
    • Fixed the alignment of filter input fields with conditions.
    • Fixed the icon overlap in text input fields.
    • Fixed highlighting in inviting members in Team settings.
    • Removed the inadequate error message when disabling or enabling a voucher.
  • Validation rule builder – fixed the removal of a subrule in a duplicated validation rule when the subrule in the original validation rule has been removed.
  • Dynamic discounts
    • Order metadata values work correctly with dates now.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented saving the dynamic discounts for Free product discounts.
  • Data import – fixed a bug which enabled code import to promotion campaigns.
  • Discount configurator – fixed a bug which did not allow setting a 0 value for amount, percent, fixed price, and free item discounts.
  • Campaign manager:
    • Fixed a bug with improper calculation of amounts when cloning a campaign.
    • Fixed the flow of cloning a campaign to improve copying campaign details, saved validation rules, etc.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented from listing more than 120 activities with conditions starting_after_id and the created_at value.
  • Validation rules – fixed a bug for the customer metadata rule with “does not intersect with” and “does not differ from” conditions and empty or null values.

What's new in version v20231027

Released on 20 December 2023

What’s new:

  • Discount configurator – the discount configurator has been redesigned to improve the user experience. Read the Complete discount configurator guide to learn more.
  • Validation rule builder in the campaign manager:
    • A clone feature has been added to the validation rule builder in the campaign manager. You can clone an existing rule for further configuration.
    • The edit function has been redesigned. You can edit a rule in a pop-over window instead of a separate browser tab.
    • New conditions have been added to metadata arrays: has exactly, has less than, has more than
  • Campaign manager: time frame – you can now set the campaign to be valid for months or years.
  • Demo shop – a new demo shop has been created for the sandbox project. You can test your campaigns there.


  • mParticle – we have changed the behavior of the connector. Now, the mParticle customer ID is always sent in the payload. As a result, all mParticle events can be received by Voucherify, the customer data between the platforms are adequately synchronized, and the customer_id cannot be accidentally overwritten in mParticle anymore.
  • Selectors – the appearance of selectors has been unified throughout Voucherify.
  • Asynchronous actions – we have enhanced asynchronous actions to improve performance of updating campaigns.
  • Custom events – we have improved the processing of custom events to 1-by-1.
  • User interface:
    • Fixed styling throughout Voucherify.
    • Fixed scrolling in the dashboard. The top sidebar is now fixed in place.
    • Added Capped by details for product discounts in the Validation rules tab in Campaign details.
    • Added “with limits” information for product discounts with Capped by details in the Campaign dashboard tab.
    • Collections:
      • The collection search field displays 100 collections as a drop-down list when selected.
      • You can type the name in the search field to narrow down the results to collections containing that name.
      • You can select collections also in the Advanced filtering and use filters to narrow down your search results.
      • You can create static and dynamic collections in the Validation rule builder.
      • Added the Reload button for Collection filters.

Bug fixes:

  • Webhooks – fixed the webhook status from publication.succeeded to publication.failed in webhooks with the FAILURE result for niche cases of voucher campaigns.
  • User interface:
    • Fixed the display of the pop-up screen in the Customer step for voucher publication.
    • Fixed the pagination in the Vouchers tab to show the results correctly.
    • Fixed the display of the order and discount amount in the order summary.
    • Fixed search function for collections.
    • Fixed improper display of percent discount value fields in the discount configurator.
    • Fixed the displayed date format for campaigns with a defined and non-defined time frame.
    • Fixed improper behavior related to the search function throughout the app. Unfortunately, the case-insensitive function in some search bars is reverted.
    • Fixed the improperly displayed fallback value for discount amounts.
    • Added a warning message when saving a draft of a product discount without a discount value.
    • Fixed improper highlighting of selected discount types in the discount configurator.
    • Added spacing in the campaign summary for item discounts with limits.
    • Fixed tab switching in the discount configurator.
    • Fixed adding a free product through Advanced filtering in the discount configurator.
  • Validation rules:
    • Fixed validation logic for metadata and arrays. Now at least one array element must meet the validation condition for metadata properties.
    • Fixed a bug in which it was possible to create a promotion tier with an apply to item effect without creating a validation rule
  • Discounts – fixed loading the wrong discount amount when the campaign manager is reopened to continue working on an unfinished campaign.
  • Loyalty campaigns – fixed the non-expiring points to display the correct value in the Points expiration tab in loyalty card details.

What's new in version v20230930

Released in November 2023

What’s new:
  • Configurable character set – you can create a default character set in the Project Settings. It is then used in new campaigns.
  • We have also removed the Advanced code settings checkbox in the Campaign builder. The advanced code settings are always displayed.

    Note: this feature works only in the user interface. When a campaign is created through the API, the default character set is not used, only the one defined in the API request. If no character set is provided in the request, the alphanumeric character set is used. Depending on the settings of the project, this character set is case sensitive or insensitive.

  • Qualifications API – we have improved our Qualifications API.
  • The request can include now:
    • two new filters – code and id with a new condition $not_in.
    • sorting_rule with DEFAULT (sorted by descending by date of voucher creation), BEST_DEAL (sorted by descending by total_applied_discount_amount), and LEAST_DEAL (sorted by ascending by total_applied_discount_amount) conditions.

    The response also lists now:

    • validation_rules_assignments which also lists validation_status (VALID or PARTIALLY_VALID) and validation_omitted_rules
    • categories with stacking_rules_type (EXCLUSIVE or JOINT, or not defined).
    • stacking_rules with exclusive_categories and joint_categories.
    • Current balance of the gift card or loyalty card (balance).
    • exchange_points_ratio and points_ratio.
  • Team Settings – projects are now listed alphabetically.
  • Dynamic discount rule builder – improved the UI by adding a scroll bar for discount formula categories and fixing the search box at the top.
  • Static collections – the option is removed in item filters which allow selecting only one item, e.g. Add items in Validation Rule builder for discounts.
  • Stacking rules – we have added two new settings to Limit settings for stackable discounts API:
    • Maximum count of valid promotions per category to apply in a request
    • Maximum count of valid exclusive promotions per category to apply in a request
Bug fixes:
  • Loyalty campaigns:
    • fixed the behavior of the point expiration date picker to save the correct date.
    • fixed the UI for the segment creation screen
  • Adding products or SKUs – new items added in the Campaign Manager are correctly displayed in the FOUND and RECENT filters.
  • Integrations – if a customer is added to Voucherify from an integrated platform and it does not have a “name” parameter defined, the customer’s id or “source_id” will now be displayed in drop down lists.
  • Distributions – you can now display the values of Lifetime accrued points and Current points balance for gift cards and loyalty cards.
  • Single select checkboxes – checkboxes do not appear on lists which have a single-select option.
  • Stacking rules – the maximum values are now correctly displayed in the Edit settings window.
  • Validation rule builder
    • products or collections without ids in the validation rules that were created via API cannot be now edited because they cannot be identified. Such products or collections should be removed to enable editing of the rule.
    • fixed a bug that ignored the timezone when providing date and time in the metadata.
  • Gift cards – fixed labels displaying wrong gift effects.
  • Filters – fixed the date picker to pick the actually selected date.
  • Loyalty cards – fixed the date picker to pick the actually selected date for point expiration.
  • Qualification API:
    • validation rule filtering is now less restrictive in the ALL scenario.
    • fixed a bug that returned disabled vouchers when a campaign was disabled.
  • Mailgun – fixed a bug that prevented correct distribution with Mailgun integration.

What's new in version v20230915

Released in October 2023

What's new:

Note: these are only customer events.

  • mParticle inbound integration – similarly to and Braze, we have added a new redemption_metadata object to the following events sent to mParticle:
    • redemption.succeeded
    • redemption.rollback.succeeded
    • redemption.rollback.failed
    • redemption.failed

Note: these events do not have to be associated with a customer. That is why they do not have a customer prefix. 

  • Condition configurator – we have improved the behavior of adding multiple conditions in the Validation Rule Builder. Now, you cannot add more conditions than there are operators.

    Add next condition button is grayed-out because all possible conditions are already in use

  • Exporting redemption data – you can now add new redemption attributes – order id and order source id – to the exported redemption data.
  • Validation Rule builder – we have reorganized and renamed some of the categories in the builder. We have also added a new category called Metadata.
  • Referral codes and loyalty cards – you can now edit the redemption limit of individual referral codes and loyalty cards by clicking the edit button of a given referral code or loyalty card.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed the behavior of some dropdown lists to be clickable throughout their whole width.
  • Fixed a bug in the dynamic discount formula builder which prevented some formulas from saving.
  • Fixed a bug in the referral code edit screen where a discount was inadequately calculated when saved.

What's new in version v20230830

Released in September 2023

What's new:

  • priority renamed to hierarchy – we have changed the name of the importance of campaign categories from priority to hierarchy.
  • commercetools – our integration with commercetools supports now stacking rules with partial redemption as well as exclusive and joint campaigns.
  • Validation rules – we are improving metadata filtering methods with FOUND, RECENT, and SELECTED filters.

    Validation rules builder - new FOUND, RECENT, and SELECTED filters

    We have also added a from operator to the following validation rules: Any order item, Every order item, None of the order items. This way, you can narrow down your rule to particular items in collections.

  • Message distribution – as part of our anti-spam policy, we are limiting the number of messages sent with Voucherify Distribution Manager.

    The limits for unverified accounts are: 10 messages per day, 10 messages per month, and 0 emails from Voucherify.

    The limits for verified trial and free plans are: 10 messages per day and 100 messages per month, respectively.

    Note that these limits do not apply to third-party email distribution services.Contact our Support team to have your account verified.

  • Airship integration – you can now integrate Voucherify with Airship. Go to Project Settings, General tab, and scroll down to the Integration Keys section to generate Airship integration keys.
  • Contentful integration – Voucherify integration with Contentful is now available at Contentful marketplace, making the integration smoother. We have accordingly updated our Contentful integration article.
Bug fixes:
  • Customer's summary and loyalty points are now properly recalculated when a single voucher/loyalty card is deleted.
  • We have improved the behavior of the Cheapest and Most Expensive validation rules for collections which have excluded items as the cheapest/most expensive items. Now, the discount is applied to the cheapest/most expensive product that is not excluded in the order instead of the discount not being applied at all.
  • Fixed the behavior of the Switch function for number-type metadata to work correctly with number strings.

What's new in version v20230823

Released in September 2023

What's new:
  • New limits for total discount value – We have introduced additional settings for the total discount value for items in discount campaigns.

    For the amount type discounts for items, you can set up the maximum discount amount per order. This way, you can cap the amount of discounts applied to the whole cart for this voucher. This option is available for two items effects – each item subtotal is discounted equally and each unit of matched products has the same discount value.

    For the percent type discounts for items, you can set up a maximum discount amount per order line as well as the maximum discount amount per order. This way, you can cap the amount of a percent discount per one order line and for the whole cart.

    Additionally, you can also set up a limit on how many item units can be discounted in an order line, how many units in total can be discounted for all matched order lines, the maximum discount amount per order line and the maximum discounted amount combined for all matched order lines. You can set up these for individual items or whole collections. Note that these settings are validation rules and you can re-use them in the future.

  • Multiple conditions – In the last release we added the ability to put multiple conditions on a rule in the rules builder. We have taken a similar approach across the Dashboard. Each property can now be filtered for multiple conditions. For example, you can now create a filter for customer names which confines them to both starting and ending in a certain way.

  • Metadata filters – You can now create filters for individual metadata properties if a metadata schema is defined as an object. For example, if you define a custom metadata property for a customer and that property is an Object, meaning it can have multiple properties nested underneath, then you can also put conditions on these individual properties in the dashboard.

  • Dashboard layout – We are improving the user experience by introducing step wise changes to the dashboard.

    Campaigns Manager We have added a new Create Campaign button.
    Vouchers Manager We are consolidating the Vouchers Manager into the Campaigns Manager. You will no longer see a Vouchers option on the left bar menu. It is now embedded in the Campaigns Manager view.
    Promotion Tiers and Combined Promotions Along with the change, we are introducing more tabs where you can view all the Promotion Tiers and Combined Promotions.
    Category configurator Additionally, we have moved the Categories configurator into the Campaign Manager to help you assign ranks to categories directly in the Campaign Manager instead of maintaining them in the Project Settings.
    Copying IDs Previously, if you wanted to grab the specific id of a resource, you could have navigated to the URL and retrieved the information from the URL. Now we have added a copy option, where you can copy the ID of a resource directly in the Dashboard.
  • List vouchers (API): we have limited the number of pages showing vouchers and redemptions to 100.

What's new in version v20230630

Released in August 2023

What's new:
  • Locations Endpoints - We are exposing two location endpoints in the developer documentation to provide you with a way to list and get specific geolocations.

    Endpoint Name Function
    List Locations
    GET /locations
    Get Location
    GET /locations/{locationId}

    You can list locations or get a particular location by the Iocation ID.

    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
  • Multiple Conditions - We have extended the ability to add multiple conditions to the rules builder. For example, multiple conditions can be set on items quantities:    

  • Validations Manager moved to Redemptions Manager - As we streamline the UI, we are moving the Validations Manager to be contained within the Redemptions Manager as one of the available tabs.

  • Manage stacking in Redemptions manager - For the stacking API, we have introduced a place in the Dashboard to give room for some options in the configuration of the response.
    Sorting redeemables You can define whether the redeemables that are provided in the request are processed in the same sequence as provided or by the priority level of the redeemables' category.
    Partial validate and redeem You can determine whether a validation or redemption request will go through for all the redeemables or only a part of them. If you choose all the redeemables, all of them must be applicable for the requests not to fail. If you choose partial, only a portion of the redeemables qualify and, as a result, the request will be feasible to process.
    Set limits on stacking You can now set the number of redeemables that are to be processed in the request, the number of applicable redeemables at once, and the number of applicable exclusive redeemables that can be applied at once. Also, we have increased the number of redeemables in one stack from 5 to 30.
    Set exclusive and joint You can set the relations between redeemables by defining the categories as exclusive or joint.
    Base for discount calculations Either let subsequent discounts be calculated based on the discounted amount applied by the previous redeemable or have each stacked redeemable calculate the discount based on the initial amount.
  • Redemption rollbacks - Updated the redemptions manager to more easily express the status by including a rolled back status.

  • Formula Builder - We have introduced two new formula literals which allow you to build logical rules around whether a number or text is or is not in an array. Additionally, we have added Date and Date time operators that make it possible to enter a specific date with an exact hour in the formula builder. 
  • Request duration in log details - We are including the amount of time a response took in the log details on the dashboard.

  • Popovers and drop downs - We are improving the user interface by introducing popovers and drop downs across multiple areas of the dashboard.

  • Email distribution for Trial and Free Subscriptions - We have turned off the ability to send email distributions through the Trial and Free Subscriptions for unverified accounts. The function is available after a successful verification of your account. Read more.
  • New Rule for Cheapest and Most Expensive Item - In the new rules builder, you can now build a rule to specify the cheapest and most expensive item. You can use the  is operator to specify the cheapest or most expensive item and the  from operator to set a range of the products that the cheapest or most expensive item can come from.

What's new in version v20230529

Released in July 2023

What's new:
  • We've enhanced the formula builder used for creating dynamic discount values by adding a 'switch' function. This new function allows you to define varying discount value variants based on the input metadata parameters from any objects involved in the processed request. Read more.

  • The integration with Braze has been enhanced by adding a new feature that synchronizes Braze audience IDs to Customer metadata. This development allows the creation of promotions targeted at specific customer groups segmented in Braze.
  • The Voucherify team has implemented integration with Contentful. This opens up the possibility for managing promotional content (terms and conditions, banners, etc.) and linking it seamlessly with Voucherify. Through this integration, Content Managers can prepare promotional and loyalty content directly in their content management system and link it effortlessly with a Voucherify campaign. The information about the linked content will be stored in the promotion metadata and can be retrieved via Voucherify API. Read more.

  • We have launched an integration with Bloomreach CMS, which allows content managers to link documents created in Bloomreach directly to Voucherify promotion and loyalty campaigns. This integration simplifies the process of creating and managing promotional content, such as terms and conditions or banners. Read more.

  • The list of Voucherify connectors has been expanded with the addition of a Klaviyo plugin. This integration streamlines the process of transferring coupons and loyalty attributes to custom attributes stored under a user's profile. Consequently, properties such as unique coupon codes or referral tracking codes can be distributed through the Klaviyo marketing automation platform. Read more.
  • We've introduced a new enterprise-grade feature that enables whitelisting of IP addresses. This functionality, available only upon request for customers on the Enterprise plan, provides an additional layer of security by filtering and allowing API requests exclusively from an authorized list of IP addresses. Read more.
  • The new Rules Builder is currently available to chosen users. You may contact your account manager or our Customer Success team to have the feature enabled. Within the next two weeks, the feature will be officially released to all users, and over time, this tool will become the only way to define campaign rules.

  • Qualification API - We released a Qualifications API that will help recommend applicable promotions and coupons in the given customer and order context with filtering options based on campaign category and hierarchy. The qualifications API can be applied, for example, in the customer’s cart and be based on the cart contents. Another example where it could be used is in the product catalog. The API can return a reusable code that is available to everyone or a one-time use code that is applicable to that one specific customer. There will be an option to extend it to show bundle promotions. If you bundle two or more products, you will be able to get a better price for a specific product. If one product from the bundles is already in the cart, then the Qualification API will recognize the product and will hint a better deal which is defined in a bundle discount. We are working on documenting this endpoint and plan to release an endpoint description in our developer documentation. You may contact your account manager or our Customer Success team to have the feature enabled. Read more.

What's new in version v20230425

Released in May 2023
What's new:
  • Interactive Documentation - We revamped our developer documentation with detailed descriptions of request body and response body parameters. You can now login to our API Reference documentation and interact directly with your sandbox project.

    Click Login at the top right corner and login to the Voucherify Dashboard just as you always would. You will be re-directed to the personalized documentation.

    To see examples of requests, you can use the Examples drop down in the Try It section and try sending an example pre-filled request.

    Alternatively, you can use the fields in the query and request parameters section to fill in your custom data and send a request with your desired inputs.

  • Transactions Endpoints - We are exposing 6 transactions endpoints in the developer documentation to provide you with a way to list and export transactional data for gift cards and loyalty cards.

    Endpoint Name Updates
    List Gift Card Transactions
    GET /vouchers/{code}/transactions
    Export Gift Card Transactions
    POST /vouchers/{code}/transactions/export

    You can view and export the gift card transaction details.

    List Loyalty Card Transactions
    GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/members/{memberId}/transactions
    List Loyalty Card Transactions
    GET /loyalties/members/{memberId}/transactions
    Export Loyalty Card Transactions
    POST /loyalties/{campaignId}/members/{memberId}/transactions/export
    Export Loyalty Card Transactions
    POST /loyalties/members/{memberId}/transactions/export

    You can view and export the loyalty card transaction details.

    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
  • CDP Integrations (beta) - We are excited to announce bi-directional integrations for customer data platforms Segment and mParticle, where both inbound and outbound synchronization has been made available. We will shortly share some more information on how to configure the integrations. It may be a few days before you see the application at our partners sites.

  • Qualification API (beta) - We will be releasing a Qualifications API that will help recommend applicable promotions and coupons in the given customer and order context with filtering options based on campaign category and hierarchy. The qualifications API can be applied, for example, in the customer’s cart and be based on the cart contents. Another example where it could be used is in the product catalog. The API can return a reusable code that is available to everyone or a one time use code that is applicable to that one specific customer. There will be an option to extend it to show bundle promotions. If you bundle two or more products, you will be able to get a better price for a specific product. If one product from the bundles is already in the cart, then the Qualification API will recognize the product and will hint a better deal which is defined in a bundle discount. We are working on documenting this endpoint and plan to release an endpoint description in our developer documentation.

  • Confidential Files - You will have the ability to view files such as information security management rules that we share with you directly in your Dashboard. Go to Team SettingsLegal & Compliance and navigate to the Confidential Files section.

  • Distribution based on expiring points - You can now trigger a notification to be sent when points expire on a loyalty card.

    Distribution for expiring points

  • Tiers recalculation - For an already existing loyalty campaign, you will have the option to re-calculate loyalty tiers using a Refresh tiers option in the Campaign Manager. Navigate to your existing loyalty campaign and go to the Tiers step and mark the Refresh tiers check box. Selecting this option will refresh the customer tier, meaning that customers can have their current tier expiration date extended or shortened. Customers tiers can also be upgraded or downgraded but will not be downgraded if they already have a tier with any expiration date.

  • Permissions - We've updated the user permissions section to display relevant/dependent settings for a given permission.

  • Integration Keys - In the Project SettingsGeneral section, we're giving you the ability to create API keys with specific role types that are to be used for integrations with Voucherify.

  • Selectors - We introduced new drop down options in several locations across the dashboard to help you find resources more quickly.

  • Data Import - You can now import Redeemed Quantity (discount vouchers and gift cards) and Redeemed Amount (gift cards) with standalone vouchers and vouchers being imported into a campaign. Read more. This can be done through the UI and additionally you have the option of using the import API endpoint for standalone vouchers and the API endpoint for vouchers being imported into a campaign.
  • Braze (beta) - We are continuing to invest and improve our integration with Braze and the inbound integration has been released. Read more.

  • Dashboard - A slue of styles improvements to upscale the look and feel of the Dashboard.

Bug fixes:
  • Allow users to delete the predefined gift campaign in the sandbox project.
  • Count referred customers only once in customer profile.

What's new in version v20230228

Released in April 2023
What's new:
  • Reporting - We released a new reporting feature in the Campaign Manager. For newly created campaigns (discount codes, gift cards, loyalty programs, promotions), view your campaign analytics by navigating to the Analytics tab. You can change the time frame for the data in the date picker and choose a bar chart, a line chart, or an area chart from the chart picker. Scroll down within the Analytics tab to see more charts. Read more.

  • Blocked API keys - Check whether a set of API keys are blocked in Project SettingsGeneralApplication Keys. The cause of blocked API keys could be the result of reaching the limit of allowed API calls.

  • Loyalty Tier Calculation - Improved loyalty tier calculation for current and past periods during period expiration.

  • Filtering using Metadata - Improved the filtering capabilities for metadata arrays in the Dashboard by adding an includes option. To return results with a particular value in the metadata's array, you can filter using the includes option. This is applicable to the Validations Manager when filtering for redeemables and to the Vouchers Manager when listing vouchers with filters for custom attributes of an array type.

Bug fixes:

  • Added transactions to events

What's new in version v20230130

Released in March 2023
What's new:
  • Transactions - We are expanding the reporting functionality by adding a Transactions tab where you can view a list of transactions for gift cards and loyalty cards. We've also added an export functionality within the Dashboard to help you export transactional data. Read more. Finally, we expanded the exports API to give you the option of exporting this data using our dedicated export endpoint.

  • Categories in Promotion Tiers and Stacks - You can assign categories to promotion tiers and stacks while configuring promotions in the Dashboard. Alternatively, you can also assign categories using API endpoints.

  • Join-once - Customers will be allowed to join a loyalty program only once by default. We no longer allow the user to toggle this feature on/off from the Dashboard.

  • Dynamic Discounts Builder - Read more
    • More options for building dynamic discounts. You can now create discount formulas using the product metadata with order line item properties including attributes of the cheapest and most expensive cart item.
    • You can also use new rounding operators roundceil and floor with a specified precision. For example, round a customer metadata attribute to the nearest tenth or nearest tenths.
    • Two new date operators now and today combined with Day of Month, Month, Year operators allow you to build enhanced formulas based on today's date. 

Bug fixes:

  • Clarified error message when user attempts to add a SKU with an existing source ID
  • Improved voucher code feasibility checks when adding vouchers to a campaign using advanced code settings

What's new in version v20230109

Released in February 2023
What's new:
  • Preparing for New Features - Backend and frontend changes that are preparing the way for new features to be released in the near future.

  • New look and feel for Referral Programs - Streamlined the Referral Campaign Dashboard and Referral Campaign Manager, especially the step defining milestones and rewards for referrers. Read more.

Bug fixes:
  • Number of allowed codes within a campaign for a Sandbox project updated to 1000

What's new in version v20221219

Released in January 2023
What's new:
  • Points in Period - Extended the qualification method for loyalty tiers by introducing a new definition. Previously, customers who reached a certain points balance were then able to qualify for a tier. Customers qualified for the tier if their points balance was in the points range of the tier.

    The new definition adds another option, where points collected in a period are based on tier qualification periods. A customer qualifies for the tier only if the sum of the accumulated points in a defined time interval reaches the tier threshold.

  • Earning Rules - Introduced a new version of the pop-up used for creating earning rules by adding a Tiers events tile and renamed two of the earning rules (Customer joined loyalty tier & Customer left loyalty tier).

  • A new Activity tab in the detailed view of 5 resources for more in-depth insights and better event tracking.
  • Activity - You can now click on a link to an event or log from an activity listed in the activity tab for a resource to get more insights on the particular activity.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed saving promotion tiers validation rules

What's new in version v20221201

Released in December 2022
What's new:
  • Introduced a new discount applicability limit to percent and fixed amount discounts for a discount effect applied to items. This is the same type of concept that we introduced earlier this year for the amount discount. Read more here about the previous release. Now you can limit the number of units that can be discounted at most for an order line item and set a limit on the aggregate number of units from order lines that match the product or product collection. Read more.

  • Validate Stackable Discounts API - Vouchers that have expired, inapplicable or cannot be found will cause the response to yield a 200 OK response with the valid parameter set to false instead of, as previously, a 400 Bad Request with an error code. Read more.
  • List Promotion Stacks Endpoint - You can list promotion stacks irrespective of the campaign they are associated with. Read more.

    Endpoint Name Updates
    List Promotion Stacks
    GET /promotions/stacks

    The following query parameters are available.

    • limit
    • page
    • order
    • created_at[before] & created_at[after]
    • updated_at[before] & updated_at[after]
    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
  • Background tasks - introduced key parameters for asynchronous actions.

    1. % progress to completion and processing time in the Dashboard

    You can now see the progress for the asynchronous action responsible for generating vouchers. The progress is displayed using a percentage in the Dashboard. By navigating to the Audit Log > Background Tasks, you can also see when the action was last updated in the Updated at column. Read more

    2. % progress to completion and processing time in the API

    You can also see the progress for the asynchronous action as a response body parameter to the Async Actions API endpoints.

    Endpoint Name Updates
    Get Async Action
    GET /async-actions/{asyncActionId}

    You can view the progress and processing_time.

        "id": "aa_0c150c1deacf960e87",
        "status": "DONE",
        "result": {
            "message": "Generated 1 vouchers."
        "created_at": "2022-12-01T10:34:52.716Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-12-01T10:34:53.250Z",
        "request_id": "v-0c150c1ddb1488215d",
        "progress": 100,
        "processing_time": 534,
        "object": "async_action"
    List Async Actions
    GET /async-actions

    You can view the progress.

        "object": "list",
        "data_ref": "async_actions",
        "async_actions": [
                "id": "aa_0c150c1deacf960e87",
                "type": "CAMPAIGN.VOUCHERS_GENERATE",
                "status": "DONE",
                "created_at": "2022-12-01T10:34:52.716Z",
                "updated_at": "2022-12-01T10:34:53.250Z",
                "request_id": "v-0c150c1ddb1488215d",
                "progress": 100,
                "object": "async_action"
    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
    3. Failed vs. successful counts

    Furthermore, for partially completed background tasks, the Dashboard:

    • displays the entire results object, including the failed array
    • and shows the failed_count when applicable, indicating how many instances of the resource failed and
    • done_count indicating how many resources were successfully processed
Bug fixes:
  • Blocked publications when no more possible codes

What's new in version v20221117

Released in November 2022
What's new:
  • Lots of changes on our backend resulting in performance improvements in voucher publications.
  • Customer Segments - Added 4 operators to customer birthdays in relative without year category: in more than (days), in less than (days), was more than (days ago), and was less than (days ago). Read more.
  • Customer Cockpits - Tier expirations are visible in the customer cockpit now.

  • You can now edit a voucher from the Vouchers Manager by clicking on the action drop down (three dots) and choosing Edit.

  • Loyalty Campaign Earning Rules - You can now add a customer loyalty tier in the advanced validation rule builder for an earning rule related to an order paid, a customer entering a segment, and a custom event is triggered. Read more.

  • Create Validation Rules Assignment Endpoint - You can assign a validation rule to a reward assignment.

    Endpoint Name Updates
    Create Validation Rules Assignment
    POST /validation-rules/{validationRuleId}/assignments

    Pass the following parameters in the request payload.

        "related_object_id": "rewa_6VSWcXjfm5PuZ",
        "related_object_type": "reward_assignment"
    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
Bug fixes:
  • Removed duplicate related events in logs.

What's new in version v20221026

Released in November 2022
What's new:
  • Loyalty Earning Rules - customers can earn points by joining a tier, leaving a tier, upgrading a tier, downgrading a tier, or prolonging a tier. Read more.

  • Tier Expirations - in addition to setting the tier expiration for a customer based on the point balance, define a custom date-based expiration by defining how long the customer can still be qualified to be in a tier even though they have dropped out of the range to be in that tier. Read more.

  • Customer segments - a new filter which allows you to create a customer segment based on loyalty tiers.
  • Validation Rules - a new validation rule available in the Advanced Rule Builder that limits redemptions to specific loyalty tiers.

  • Campaign & Customer Events - Extended list of campaign and customer events related to tiers. Read more in our API documentation.
    Endpoint Name New Events
    List Customer Activities
    GET customers/{customerId}/activities

    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
  • API Endpoints - Responses have been extended in several endpoints to include tier expirations and loyalty tiers.
    Endpoint Name Updates
    Get Campaign
    GET /campaigns/{campaignId}
    Get Loyalty Program
    GET /loyalties/{campaignId}
    List Loyalty Programs
    GET /loyalties

    Returns the tier expiration settings.


    "loyalty_tiers_expiration": {
        "qualification_type": "BALANCE",
        "start_date": {
            "type": "IMMEDIATE"
        "expiration_date": {
            "type": "BALANCE_DROP"
    List Loyalty Tiers
    GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/tiers
    Get Loyalty Tier
    GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/tiers/{tierId}

    Returns new config object.


    "config": {
        "points": {
            "from": 500,
            "to": 1000
    Get Customer
    GET /customers/{customerId}

    Returns the customer's loyalty tiers within the loyalty object.


    "loyalty": {
        "points": 675,
        "referred_customers": 0,
        "campaigns": {
            "Loyalty Campaign 1": {
                "points": 550,
                "referred_customers": 0,
                "loyalty_tier": "ltr_7rVIPlPzdSFwpnbCcUXgwzH2"
            "Loyalty Campaign 2": {
                "points": 75,
                "referred_customers": 0,
                "loyalty_tier": "ltr_UJ5Q54Q0OvEhua87Qfv2Ki5x"
            "Loyalty Campaign 3": {
                "points": 50,
                "referred_customers": 0,
                "loyalty_tier": "ltr_XnUu2B0abeDxpfJC2uNoxtDb"
    Get Member's Loyalty Tier
    GET /loyalties/members/{memberId}/tiers

    Returns specific start and expiration dates.


    "expiration": {
        "customer_id": "cust_qBwHpagDOFu71Z3F22UzR80X",
        "campaign_id": "camp_fkZ28pe7DUAEmmabofkxHI8N",
        "tier_id": "ltr_7rVIPlPzdSFwpnbCcUXgwzH2",
        "start_date": "2022-11-10T00:00:00.000Z",
        "expiration_date": "2023-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
        "created_at": "2022-11-09T11:26:26.719Z",
        "updated_at": "2022-11-10T08:54:47.200Z"
    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
  • Formula Builder - build nested formulas within If statements with the possibility of using nested IF statements within true/false blocks. Use max, min and power functions within the true/false blocks. Read more.

  • Listing Resources - you can now use the order query parameter in API endpoints to list exports, validation rules, and validation rule assignments in a predefined order. 
    Endpoint Name Updates
    List Exports
    GET /exports
    List Validation Rules
    GET /validation-rules
    List Validation Rule Assignments
    for Validation Rule

    GET /validation-rules/{validationRuleId}/assignment

    Return the response in a sequence defined in the order query parameter.


    *Path shows endpoints without the base url.
Bug fixes:
  • Voucher categories

What's new in version v20221011

Released in November 2022
What's new:
  • Webhooks - Refined the delete dialog by removing the extra confirmation step.

  • Metrics filters - Added date-time range filters for campaign metrics. Read more here to find out more about the data resolution per range.

  • Voucher redemption limit - Added the ability to change the the redemption limit for individual vouchers and for entire campaigns. A change in the redemption limit for a campaign will propagate to vouchers that have neither been redeemed nor published yet.
  • Rules Builder - Moved the Create new segment button inside the Add segment pop-up.

  • Validation and Session events - Improved redeemable validation events and added voucher and customer validation events, and session events for vouchers. These will be listed in the Activity section for vouchers or customers.

Bug fixes:
  • Improve fetching voucher and campaign activities
  • Improvements for new categories
  • Fixes in redemption metadata listing

What's new in version v20220926

Released in October 2022
What's new:
  • Dynamic Discounts Builder - straight from your user interface you can create a dynamic discount value based on voucher redemptions and scale your discounts based on date calculations. Read more.

  • Static Segments - we've increased the limit for a static segment from 1k to 20k customer profiles for the Create Segments POST /segments endpoint. Read more.
  • Listing Redemptions - you can now use the order query parameter in your API call to List Redemptions GET /redemptions in order to return the list is a specific sequence. Read more.
  • Error Handling - we introduced better error handling by adding two new error responses, one for queries that are too large and the other for an incorrectly creating a validation rule using the Create Validation Rule API endpoint. Read more.
    Error Type Example
      "code": 400,
      "key": "query_too_large",
      "message": "Query too large",
      "request_id": "v-0bb1166f858063cd60"
    Create Validation Rule
      "code": 400,
      "key": "invalid_validation_rules",
      "message": "Invalid Validation Rule Definition",
      "details": "Rules must be a plain object",
      "request_id": "v-0ba52322de4063e43b"
  • New Validations Manager & Sessions List in Dashboard - you can now release sessions straight from the dashboard for vouchers that have an established session lock. Read more.

  • More user-friendly Vouchers view presenting the list of created vouchers and their details.

  • Webhook Notifications - get notified if a project-level or distribution webhook does not reach the destination by setting up an Account Settings notification. Read more.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed possible deadlocks when running massive creation of single vouchers

What's new in version v20220825

Released in September 2022
What's new:
  • Introduced a new discount effect to an amount discount. Now you can limit the number of units that can be discounted at most for an order line item and set a limit on the aggregate number of units from order lines that match the product or product collection. Read more.

  • Changed icon for formula builder to  .
Bug fixes:
  • Fix layout for currency change buttons in subscription manager.
  • Fix total of customers in static segment.

What's new in version v20220808

Released in August 2022
What's new:
  • More test features are available in our test e-store Hot Beans connected to your Sandbox account. Read more about the Showcase.
  • A new Activity tab in the reward detailed view for more in-depth insights and better event tracking. Read more.

  • Turned off the ability to update the customer and order source_id parameters. These need to be synced to Voucherify during first data synchronization or import.
  • Extended the response of Validate Promotions API endpoint with a new categories parameter.
Endpoint Name Updates
Validate Promotion
POST /promotions/validation

Expand your response by adding an options object with an expand array carrying the "category" string value.


    "options": {
        "expand": [

The categories object is returned in the response containing details of the category.

*Path shows endpoints without the base url.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed advanced code settings for add vouchers dialog.

What's new in version v20220718

Released in August 2022
What's new:
  • Re-designed look for our onboarding and account emails.
  • Improved performance of fetching vouchers published to a customer.
  • Improved metadata validation for order and customer during validate, redeem and order upsert.
  • A new API endpoint allows you to import orders via JSON. Read more.
  • A new API endpoint allows you to list validation rules' assignment(s) by the related object ID to which the validation rule was assigned or by the validation rule ID. Read more.
  • The ability to view historical exports and download CSV files straight from the dashboard of previously requested exports. Navigate to Audit Log > Exports and click on a unique export ID.
  • Added a new permission in user roles strictly for exports; explicitly allow/limit users to perform data exports within Voucherify. If there are any custom roles created in the system that relied on the read permission to decide if a user could perform exports, please note that the custom roles will need to be updated to include/exclude exporting of data. Read more.
  • The ability to disable rewards for specific tiers. Read more.

    Note: Consequently, rewards that are disabled for a given tier will not be returned in the List Member Rewards endpoint: GET /loyalties/members/{member_id}/rewards

  • We turned off the ability to edit the initial gift card amount when updating a gift card campaign in the Dashboard.

  • In Loyalty campaigns, we added a feature allowing you to define custom event earning rule metadata validation. This means that you can now define a validation rule for an earning rule triggered by a custom event that checks the metadata fields carried by the custom event. Read more.
  • Extended the ability to add metadata to rewards & earning rules to support adding information such as terms & conditions for reporting purposes. Read more.
  • When export requests are made from the Dashboard, the user_id is saved in the export object. Read more.
Endpoint or Object Name Updates

The Export Object

If the user exports data through the Dashboard, then the export object will return a user_id and the channel will be WEBSITE.
List Exports
GET /exports

Get Export
GET /exports/{export_id}
The channel parameter in the response body returns the channel that was used to generate the particular export.
The user_id in the response identifies the specific user who initiated the export through the Voucherify Dashboard; this user_id is returned when the channel value is WEBSITE.
*Path shows endpoints without the base url.
Bug fixes:
  • Added general styling improvements in our Dashboard
  • Fixed saving category for loyalty campaign.

What's new in version v20220628

Released in July 2022
What's new:
  • A new open source plugin for commercetools enables customers to build captivating promotions with the state-of-the-art commerce platform. Read more.
  • A new auto-save feature in the Campaign Manager allowing you to return to a working draft of a campaign that you started putting together but were not able to finish.

  • Improvements in the Locations Manager. You can now display which resources are using the location, re-center your map view to the constrained region, filter locations, and edit locations. Read more.
  • A new delete project feature. You can now delete projects on your own without having to contact our support team. Read more.
  • A new Filters Editor in Projects, Teams and Locations. The new Editor enables you to filter resources based on built-in attributes.
  • A new Metadata Schemas API allows you to list metadata schemas and retrieve them by their resource type. Read more.
  • A new Categories manager to help you manage all your categories in one place. The new feature lets you create, filter, edit and delete categories. Read more.
  • A new Categories API allows you to manage your categories through the API. Read more.
  • Extended the response of several API endpoints with new category parameters: category_id and categories
Endpoint Name Updates

List Vouchers
GET /vouchers

New query parameter: expand=category

Example: filter for vouchers with a category name of Second

GET /vouchers&expand=category&category=Second

Added an expand=category query parameter that is required. The previous category query parameter is deprecated. To filter vouchers in a specific category, you need to pass both the expand and the category query parameters.
Redeem Stackable Discounts
POST /redemptions

Redeem Stackable Discounts (client-side)
POST /client/v1/redemptions

Expand your response by adding "category" in the expand array; please note that you also need to include the "redemption" and "redeemable" options in the array for it to work properly.


    "options": {
        "expand": [
Validate Stackable Discounts
POST /validations

Validate Stackable Discounts (client-side)
POST /client/v1/validations

Expand your response by adding an options object with an expand array carrying the "category" string value.


    "options": {
        "expand": [
Redeem Voucher
POST /vouchers/{code}/redemption

Redeem Voucher (client-side)
POST /client/v1/redeem?code={code}

Expand your response by adding an options object with an expand array carrying the "category" string value.


    "options": {
        "expand": [
Get Voucher
GET /vouchers/{code}

Get Campaign
GET /campaigns/{campaignId}
Two new properties are returned in the response, the category_id and the categories object containing details of the category.
Create Voucher
POST /vouchers/{code}

Update Voucher
PUT /vouchers/{code}

You can now use the category_id as an alternative to the category request body parameter to assign a category to a voucher.

Create Campaign
POST /campaigns

Update Campaign
PUT /campaigns/{campaign}

Added two new request body parameters allowing you to define the campaign category: category_id or the category.

*Path shows endpoints without the base url.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix listing distributions.
  • Error handling for BigCommerce integration.
  • Date shifting in date picker for UTC timezone.

What's new in version v20220531

Released in June 2022
What's new:
  • Added six new validation rules for limiting redemptions related to month and day limitations: per day, per month, per code per day, per code per month, per customer per code per month, per customer in a campaign per month. Read more.
  • A redesigned Notifications UI with a new tab allowing the user to see notifications related to the the latest account activity.

  • New Filters Editor in Distributions, Landing Pages, and Rewards. The new Editor enables you to filter resources based on built-in attributes.

  • A redesigned Business Validation Rule delete UI to delete a rule permanently from the database and unassign it from resources or soft delete the rule by moving it to the bin. Read more.

  • A redesigned Campaign delete UI to delete a campaign permanently from the database or soft delete the campaign by moving it to the bin. Read more.

  • Added new API endpoints and query parameter:
Endpoint Name Updates
List Loyalty Tier Earning Rules
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/tiers/{tierId}/earning-rules
Added new endpoint. You can retrieve the available earning rules for a given tier and how many points are added with tier mapping taken into account.
List Loyalty Tier Rewards
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/tiers/{tierId}/rewards
Added new endpoint. You can retrieve the available rewards for a given tier and the cost for the reward in points with tier mapping taken into account.
Get Reward Details
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/reward-assignments/{assignmentId}/reward
Added an alternative endpoint. Retrieve reward details using the campaignId and reward assignmentId as path parameters. It returns the same response as Get Reward
GET /rewards/{rewardId}
List Reward Assignments
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/reward-assignments
Added an alternative endpoint that is renamed to more accurately describe the type of response available by the endpoint. Returns the same response as List Reward Assignments.
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/rewards
List Rewards
GET /rewards

List Reward Assignments
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/rewards

List Reward Assignments
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/reward-assignments
Added an  assignment_id query parameter to these endpoints. You can now retrieve reward details using this filter.
Get Reward Assignment
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/reward-assignments/{assignmentId}

Get Reward Assignment
GET /loyalties/{campaignId}/rewards/{assignmentId}
Added two new endpoints. Return the same responses as List Reward Assignments but for one reward assignment.
Get Member
GET /loyalties/members/{memberId}

Get Member Activities
GET /loyalties/members/{memberId}/activities

Redeem Reward
POST /loyalties/members/{memberId}/redemption

Add or Remove Loyalty Card Balance
POST /loyalties/members/{memberId}/balance
Added alternative endpoints. You can now make API calls to these endpoints without specifying the campaignId path parameter in the URL.
*Path shows endpoints without the base url.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix labels for rewards and earning rules
  • Performance improvements in notifications

What's new in version v20220513

Released in June 2022
What's new:
  • New functionality for approving changes requested by users with limited rights. With the new Approval Manager, users can easily collaborate on requested changes. Read more.
  • More options for building dynamic discounts. You can now create discount formulas with order line item properties including attributes of the cheapest and most expensive cart item. Read more.
  • An overview of ongoing background tasks (asynchronous actions) is now available in the dashboard. You can see all scheduled operations with their results and details. 
  • Improved loyalty points expiration settings in the dashboard. From now on, you can set 0 months as an expiration period and as a result, the points will be valid only to the end of the day they were gained.
  • More user-friendly Campaigns view presenting the list of created campaigns and their details.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for importing vouchers with decimal places.
  • Styling fixes for loyalty points expiration forecasts.

What's new in version v20220430

Released in May 2022
What's new:
  • Loyalty points expiration - a new feature now available in loyalty campaigns. When manually adding loyalty points, you can set the duration that customers will be able to redeem the added balance. The expiration of these loyalty points can be inherited from the campaign, have their own expiration date or not expire. Read more. The API endpoint has also been updated to be able to set the expiration date for points added manually. Read more.

  • API Usage notifications - in addition to email notifications, you can now set up in app notifications for exceeding API call limits. Read more.

  • Import Products/SKUs using CSV - You can now use a simple manager which guides you through the process and enables you to import products and SKUs. On the API side, we added two dedicated endpoints, one for importing products and one for importing SKUs.

  • Loyalty points forecast - a new feature to display upcoming points expirations has been added in the Customer details view in the Dashboard. Read more.

  • Loyalty points expirations and tiers in customer cockpits - a new feature to display upcoming points expirations and tiers has been added at the top of the customer cockpit view. Read more.

  • Expanded Bulk Unset for Metadata - In each metadata schema, you can now purge removed definitions. Read more.

  • Get member rewards - list a members rewards using a new API endpoint.
  • Fix for validation rules in customer event-based distributions.

What's new in version v20220410

Released in April 2022
What's new:
  • Loyalty points expiration - a new feature now available in loyalty campaigns. When creating rules for earning loyalty points, you can set the duration that customers will be able to redeem the gathered balance. The expiration of loyalty points is expressed in months and can be rounded using many options available in the Campaign Manager. Read more.

  • Dynamic Discounts Builder - straight from your user interface you can create formulas with mathematical and logical operators and assign a dynamic discount value to vouchers or auto-applied promotions. Discounts will be calculated during redemption based on the provided formula and metadata values. Read more.

    A user-friendly formulas builder enables you to add dynamic expressions for the discount when setting up discount details in the Campaign Manager. Read more.

  • More validation rules for distributions. All order-related distributions can be now enhanced with additional triggering criteria built with validation rules. Read more.

  • Fixes for error handling in Voucherify Intercom Rewards integration.

What's new in version v20220325

Released in April 2022
What's new:
  • New Discount Effect for applying discounts to cheapest or most expensive cart items. Read more.

  • New validation rules related to cheapest and most expensive items. You can use product collections or all cart items and model redemption requirements for the cheapest/most expensive items. Read more.

  • New validation rule limiting redemption per customer per campaign per day.
  • New dashboard in the Project Settings presents current API usage and limits in each project. You can set up notifications that keep you posted on your current API calls and webhooks usage. Read more.
  • Redesigned component for creating campaign timeframes and time-related limits.
  • New option of defining a rollback reason straight from the dashboard.
  • New API endpoint for listing product collections.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed saving loyalty campaign draft with earning rules.

What's new in version v20220228

Released in March 2022
What's new:
  • New user-friendly UI for adding new metadata definitions to your schemas.
  • We've increased the webhook retry limit to 24 hours.
  • Another batch of backend changes for Loyalty points Expiration policies. We're closing the points expiration development in the next few weeks.
  • Improved API error handling when passing empty payloads.
  • Improvements in generating big-scale campaigns, from now on, the process is more seamless and supported by async actions.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for approving process when both campaign and validation rules need to be reviewed.

What's new in version v20220214

Released in March 2022

What's new:
  • New methods to calculate points proportionally in loyalty earning rules. From now on, if you choose to award points proportionally, you can create definitions based on amount spent, quantity in cart, customer metadata and much more. Read more.
  • Enhanced earning rules in API. Along with the additional options to calculate points in earning rules in the Dashboard comes an update in the API. You can now create earning rules with the new proportional type configurations. Read more.
  • Foundation for Loyalty points Expiration policies. We want to close the points expiration development in the next weeks and make the whole functionality ready for release.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for qualification API when promotion tiers has a specific timeframe set.
  • Fixes for requested actions in roles that require approval from managing users.

What's new in version v20220131

Released in February 2022

What's new:
  • A new Activity tab in the campaign and voucher detailed view for more in-depth insights and better event tracking. Read more.
  • A new discount effect for Unit discount type.You can now offer multiple types of free items and decide on a discount effect for each item type. Read more.
  • A new time-related option for earning rules in loyalty campaigns. From now on, if you choose a start date and time on an earning rule, you can define a recurring timeframe when your customers can earn loyalty points.  Read more.
  • A new Dynamic Discounts feature just came into BigCommerce integration. You can create formulas with mathematical and logical operators and assign a dynamic discount value to a voucher or auto-applied promotion. Discounts will be calculated during redemption based on the provided formula and metadata values.
Bug fixes:
  • Fix for cart-promotions when using campaign metadata schema.
  • Fixed error handling for 429 in landing pages.

What's new in version v20220118

Released in January 2022

What's new:
  • New Dynamic Discounts feature just came into open beta. You can create formulas with mathematical and logical operators and assign a dynamic discount value to a voucher or auto-applied promotion. Discounts will be calculated during redemption based on the provided formula and metadata values.
  • Contact us if you're interested in testing dynamic discounts and accessing the open beta.

  • A redesigned Vouchers delete UI to delete a code permanently from the database or soft delete the code by moving it to the bin. Read more.
  • You can now additionally customize error translations for Voucher not found and Promotion not found errors. Read more.
  • Expanded Stackable Discounts API for validation. From now on, API responses include each redeemable metadata. Read more.
  • Added cookie support for client-side Stackable Discounts API endpoints. You can use anonymous tracking ids to identify customers in redemption requests. Read more.
  • Improved performance of voucher validation in a BigCommerce integration. As a result, the vouchers validation with advanced logic and context is more seamless and faster at the BigCommerce checkout.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed vouchers search bar in a Merchant dashboard.
  • Fixed errors handling for wrong query parameters in validation requests.

What's new in version v20220104

Released in January 2022

What's new:
  • A redesigned Notifications UI with customizable user specific notifications related to account and project information. Read more.
  • Support for Date and Date time metadata in a Redeem Landing Page.
  • Improvements in Events Schema design.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes for cloning loyalty rewards assignments. 
  • Fixes for displaying validation rule builder in referral campaign.
  • Fix for rules builder in the Custom Event Distribution.

What's new in version v20211217

Released in January 2022

What's new:
  • A new Promotion Stacks feature in the Dashboard allows you to group promotion levels so that multiple discounts can be redeemed in one transaction. Read more.
  • A new Promotion Stacks API allows you to manage your promotion stacks through the API. Read more.
  • A new Error Messages feature allows the customization of standard error messages. Read more.
  • Improvements and fixes for the Merchant role (Merchants with access to the dashboard). Read more.
  • A new API feature for permanently deleting previously soft-deleted codes. Read more.
  • Improvement for the Geofencing. From now on, geo-coordinates sent as geopoint metadata support only geo URI schema.
  • Support for double-sided referral campaigns in Voucherify <> BigCommerce plugin. If referral codes have a discount assigned, they can be redeemed in your BigCommerce store. Read more
  • Lots of changes on our backend resulting in performance improvements such as faster and more user-friendly operations on loyalty campaigns.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes for listing campaigns and project currency changes.
  • Fixes for gift cards exports. 

What's new in version v20211125

Released in December 2021

What's new:
  • A new Product Collections API allows you to manage your collections through the API. Read more.
  • New functionalities in the landing page with redemption form. You can now create an additional form with redemption and customer metadata and execute rules built with custom attributes. Read more
  • Validation rules for Pay-with-points reward in loyalty programs. You can limit paying with loyalty points to predefined conditions. Validation rules create limits with redemption, order and customer attributes. Read more.
  • Lots of changes on our backend resulting in performance improvements such as faster and more user-friendly operations on customer resources.
  • Export of your orders managed via UI and API
  • Updates for Merchant role. From now on, users assigned to the Merchant role can browse for a code using the searchbar.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed notification when a customer tries to redeem more than 5 gift cards at the checkout (fix for our BigCommerce integration)
  • Fixed rounding values for advanced loyalty use cases when the points exchange ratio is 0.001.
  • Fixed adding fraction values for metadata attributes.

What's new in version v20211108

Released in December 2021

What's new:
  • New API for stackable discounts. You can now validate and redeem up to 5 promo codes and promotion tiers in a single request. With the new API, you can mix coupons, gift cards, loyalty cards, referral codes, and cart promotions in a single redemption call. Read more.
  • You can set time limits for cart promotions on two levels. Set the campaign timeframe and additionally add time limits for each promotion tier separately. Read more.
  • Improved user interface for creating loyalty earning rules and rewards.
  • Simplified management of metadata. Products and SKUs now share the same metadata schema. 
  • More security improvements preparing for the ISO certificate.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed creating vouchers when you set empty start and expiration dates in the API request.
  • Fixed setting up of the month filters in the Customers dashboard section.  

What's new in version v20211020

Released in October 2021

What's new:
  • New distribution type that sends a message every time a customer triggers a particular custom event. This distribution supports customer and event-related validation rules that let you create additional criteria for distribution audience. Read more.
  • New features in Voucherify & SendGrid integration. You can now use dynamic SendGrid templates in Voucherify distributions. Read more.
  • New, simplified pricing that offers a Free plan and transparent charging based on API calls. Read more.
  • Improved voucher search bar in the dashboard that enables you to browse vouchers using only the first three characters of the code.
  • Improved CSV imports for more intuitive mapping of the CSV fields.
  • Improved export of vouchers via the dashboard and CSV file. From now on, API and dashboard exports enable you to download the same number of voucher attributes. 
  • You can now remove points from loyalty cards using the dashboard, choose Add points and provide a negative number that will be deducted from the card.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed populating metadata when assigning a new custom event to a customer.

What's new in version v20211006

Released in October 2021

What's new:
  • Big refactor of the distributions backend preparing the Distribution Manager for new features (coming soon).
  • Improved error handling in customer cockpits.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix for free shipping discount in Voucherify <> BigCommerce plugin.
  • Fix for transferring points between loyalty cards when one of them was redeemed at least once.

What's new in version v20210913

Released in October 2021

What's new:
  • Geofenced campaigns in the dashboard. We've released a new enterprise feature enabling you to run location-based campaigns and reward customers on the move. With geofencing, you can pass the current locations of your customers or products and use it when validating promotion rules. Read more.

  • Improved metadata export to let you download particular metadata properties instead of all assigned metadata. 
  • SKU-based unit discounts are now available in the BigCommerce <> Voucherify integration.
  • More test campaigns and features are available in our test e-store connected to your Sandbox account. Read more about the Showcase.
  • New API for bulk operations which are now handled asynchronously. 

Bug fixes:

  • Backend fixes for listing redemptions to improve performance.
  • Fixes for webhooks triggered by redemption.succeeded event. Promotion tier data returns now the proper value of action property.

What's new in version v20210826

Released in September 2021

What's new:
  • New Welcome page. From now on, after logging in to Voucherify, the user will be greeted by a new page. The new Welcome page includes information such as Hot News, Roadmap, useful links, etc.
  • New Notification Center. From now on, Voucherify has a more readable and user-friendly Notification Center.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes for Discounted items view when a large number of objects is added

What's new in version v20210806

Released in August 2021

What's new:
  • New API for BigCommerce. The latest Voucherify plugin for BigCommerce enables end customers to apply multiple gift cards at the checkout. Besides gift cards and discounts available in the former versions, the new plugin supports a fixed price discounts. You can read more in this guide
  • The date-time when a campaign or code was created is now returned by API and displayed in the dashboard.
  • Improvements in the Campaign Manager. The default number of redemptions for gift cards is now set to unlimited.
  • A batch of backend changes to add a new stacking API. With the new API, you'll be able to redeem multiple codes and discounts with a single API call. The stacking API will be available soon for all Voucherify users.

What's new in version v20210726

Released in August 2021

What's new:
  • New Sandbox mode with a free project for testing purposes. Sandbox API requests don't count into your account limits of API calls and redemptions. Read more.
  • Refactor of Custom Events API to improve performance.
  • Support for arrays in CSV imports. You can pass arrays metadata when importing CSV files with customers' or vouchers' data.
  • New webhooks that notify about changes in validation rules.
  • The batch of backend changes preparing new Sandbox for connecting test e-store. At the end of August 2021, Sandbox projects will be connected to the test e-store. The Showcase presents how the integration between Voucherify and customer touchpoints works in practice. 
  • Improved mapping of CSV column headers when importing CSV files.
  • Purging metadata removed from products, vouchers, and customers schema is now managed asynchronously.
  • New API for SKUs and new Get SKU endpoint. Read more.
Bug fixes
  • Fixes for distribution drafts when the audience is not defined yet.
  • Fixes for ActiveCampaign distributions to better present distribution statistics and handle errors.

What's new in version v20210705

Released in July 2021

What's new:
  • Timeframes for loyalty earning rules and promotion levels (tiers). Each promotion level and loyalty earning rule can have its individual start and expiration date. 

    In the campaign dashboard, you can instantly disable and enable each promotion level or earning rule. Moreover, in our API, you can find new endpoints for disabling and enabling tiers or earning rules.

  • New discount type – Fixed price applied to items. You can define new prices for particular products or collections that will be set when redeeming the discount. Read more.

  • New metadata schema for order items metadata. From now on, you can pass metadata attributes attached to order items and use them to build custom validation rules.

  • We've added a predefined product collection that gathers all existing and incoming products.

  • Improved promotion API – when validating a promotion, the API response returns a campaign object with details of the promotion that the validated tier belongs to.

  • Improved backend for listing orders using created_at filter.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed unsetting metadata in the Campaign Manager.
  • Fixed showing discount effects on campaign drafts.
  • Fixed popup informing about the instant effect of unassigning validation rules.

What's new in version v20210524

Released in June 2021

What's new:
  • Product collections are available in your dashboard. You can group products into static and dynamic collections using standard and custom (metadata) filters. Read more.

  • New validation rules connected to product collections. There is a new component for choosing included (discounted) and excluded products, and also new validation rules that use product filters and collections to model the required cart structure. Read more.

  • Improved manual distributions and building new customer segments. From now on, you can see a syncing status next to the segment name. Syncing means checking if your existing customers meet the criteria of the new segment. In distributions, messages won't be sent until the syncing is completed. 

  • New Logs section in the dashboard. We've added a new dashboard with a detailed history of your project. You can see logs and errors sorted by their origin, status, and time frame. Read more.

  • You can now stack many discounts by applying them to the same order. By using the order id or order source_id in redemption requests, you can apply many promo codes and in-cart discounts to the selected order. Detailed order view presents all redemptions and details of applied discounts. Read more.
  • Improved Apply to items discount effect. When you choose to apply a discount to items you can now decide if the discount should be applied to items defined by validation rules or to each item in the cart. If you choose to apply the discount to each item, all items will be discounted, except for items added to excluded products. 

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed creating new cart-level promotions using the API.
  • Fixed displaying Wallet tab in the customer's profile. 
  • Fixed error handling when importing soft-deleted codes.

What's new in version v20210518

Released in May 2021

What's new:
  • New field in the redemptions CSV export. You can now download the customer's name alongside other redemption data.
  • Multiple changes optimizing our API. We made a refactor of the Project Settings to improve performance.

What's new in version v20210428

Released in May 2021

What's new:
  • New Async Actions API to track all asynchronous actions scheduled in your Projects (CSV imports, and more).
  • More birthdate filters to let you celebrate the particular birthdays of your customers. You can use them to trigger a message with a birthday gift when a customer celebrates their 60th, 18th, or other "special" birthday. 
  • We keep extending Orders API with new improvements to prepare for stacking discounts
  • More export options when pulling voucher data via CSV. You can now download complete information about each generated code using this API endpoint.
  • Improved UI for selecting discounted products in the Campaign Manager.
  • Improved error handler for listing Customers. We've added information about errors 431 and 414 that occur when the filtering query is too complex.
  • With more Campaign filters, you can now search for the particular campaign by typing its name. Read more here.
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed approving new promotion tiers by the managing user when a team member with limited rights requests approval.
  • From now on, expiration dates are set right at the moment you create a campaign/promotion. It enables you to put short time frames on incentives with the option to Keep valid for a specific amount of time after publishing.
  • Fixed validation of integers for date and date-time filters created in the Dashboard.
  • Fixed functionality of overwriting a validation rule for a single code.

What's new in version v20210407

Released in May 2021

What's new:
  • New discount type. Use Fixed order amount discount to set a fixed total on the whole cart (1). Discount will be calculated dynamically based on a predefined fixed amount value (2). For example, if a fixed amount is set to $10 and the order amount equals $25, then the discount will be $15. Read more
  • Lots of changes optimizing our API, we made a refactor of redemption and validation endpoints to improve performance.
  • Backend for product collections that are coming soon to the UI. We're working on adding product collections to the validation rules builder. As a result, you'll be able to build collections using dynamic filters and add predefined product collections to campaign rules. 
  • Close button added to the toaster with dashboard notifications.


  • The new version of our mobile application with a batch of improvements, including publishing unique codes. 

  • Fixed initial redemption limit settings for the predefined gift cards campaign.
  • Fixed displaying referee rewards in the referral campaign dashboard.

What's new in version v20210330

Released in April 2021

What's new:
  • More discount effects. You can now split discounts and apply them to specific items proportionally. Discounts can be proportional to the item amount or item quantity in the customer's cart. Read more.

  • Birthdate filters for customers. You can create customer segments based on birthdate conditions. This feature enables you to launch birthday campaigns in many configurations, with automatic messages, and birthday discounts. Read more
  • Improved validation for combinations of different discount types and effects.
  • From now on, the campaign dashboard presents information about the discount effect attached to the codes.
  • Improved styling of images you can add to your products via the dashboard.
  • New filter in the Vouchers section to list standalone codes. Read more.

  • Improved backend responsible for customers import via CSV.

Bug fixes:

  • A batch of small fixes in the user interface styles.

What's new in version v_20210319

Released in April 2021

What's new:
  • New editor in the dashboard for filtering customers and building customer segments.

    Learn how to use new filters editor.

  • Improved backend for adding vouchers to an existing campaign.
  • Improvements on distributions backend and more automatic API tests.
  • Fundamentals of new test e-store which you'll be able to connect to a sandbox project. The new test online store will be implemented similarly to our showcase app. Visit the roadmap for more details.
  • Improved forms in Voucherify landing pages. You can choose between English and Spanish language for non-editable form components. 

  • Redesigned rollbacks backend and new API tests. 
Bug fixes:
  • Minor fixes in the discount effect feature.
  • Fixed promotions API to make sure that validate and redeem methods return consistent responses.
  • Fixes in redemption tests.

What's new in version v20210305

Released in March 2021

What's new:
  • Discount Effects – when creating campaigns you can now decide if the discount should be applied to the whole order or to particular order items. Moreover, product-specific discounts can be applied in two different ways:
    • To order line items – a discount is applied to each discounted item.
    • Per order line items proportionally – the discount is divided and applied to discounted items proportionally to their share in the total amount. 

    Here's the API documentation and the User Guide on Effects.

  • New Filters Editor in Redemptions, Vouchers, Campaigns, and Products view. The new Editor enables you to filter resources based on built-in attributes and custom metadata. This improvement is the big step towards introducing product collections.

  • New filters in Qualifications API. You can check if your customers qualify for a promotion or discount and filter the results using new queries. Now, advanced qualification queries can show you what codes/campaigns from a particular category, type, or with specific metadata can be redeemed by a customer. 
  • Advanced validation filters for in-cart promotions. New filters enable you to limit results of validation to specific promotion ID or tier metadata. 
  • Massive improvements on our backend to improve auto-updates of customer segments. As a result, eligible segments are automatically saved in the customer profile.
  • Changes in the Campaigns backend to seamlessly handle big updates and voucher edits. 
  • More automatic tests in our API.
  • Disabled edits of a discount type after the in-cart promotion is already created. 
Bug fixes:
  • Blocked referral code redemption when the customer data is missing.
  • Fixed broken validation for some customer segment filters.
  • Fixed UI label for a validation rule that counts daily code redemptions to make it clear that the app validates daily usage of a single code per customer. New label:  Redemptions per customer per code per day.

What's new in version v20210219

Released in March 2021

In this work cycle, the majority of changes were made in our backed. These improvements prepare Voucherfy for significant features that will be available within the next weeks. 

What's new:

  • The redesigned backend of the redemption process structure, preparing for incoming stacking discounts feature. 
  • The batch of improvements in validation rules backend and new API tests for the validation rules engine.
  • New backend improvements in the processes of user profile authorization. We keep developing authorization updates to make sure we secure your account and data the best possible way.
  • Massive improvements of products and SKU backend. This batch of changes is a step forward in introducing product collections.  
  • More filters in Distributions Activity. From now on, you can filter distribution history by Actions and Effects. Actions present all maintenance and internal actions, while Effects give you insights on sent messages and their receivers.
  • New icon for a percentage discount in the Campaign Manager.
  • Improved notification when hourly API calls limit is close to being exceeded. Current information presented in UI and email content clarifies that API calls for synced actions between Voucherify and BigCommerce, ActiveCampaign, or Shopify are counted towards a separate API calls limit.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed campaign created event to properly save and pass campaign id.
  • Fixed issue with creating a new segment in the Distribution Manager.  
  • Fix validation of the reward price in points field in the Loyalty Campaign Manager. Validation blocks adding reward with the wrong data type (only numbers are allowed). Each reward in a loyalty campaign can be assigned to a predefined number of points greater than 0.

What's new in version v20210211

Released in February 2021

What's new:
  • A batch of backend improvements to boost distribution performance.
  • The improved process of creating material rewards. Using the new feature, you can overwrite a product image while adding the product as a material reward. As a result, each of your material rewards can have a dedicated image. 
  • More metadata improvements and automatic tests in Products API.
  • New functionalities in the Codes Import. You can now include the current gift card balance or loyalty card score in your CSV file and import them to your existing campaigns.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes in the distributions Analytics tab to improve chart metrics.
  • Fixed a distribution results display when using webhooks. 

What's new in version v20210124

Released in February 2021

What's new:

  • From now on, Voucherify treats SKUs as products. It means that SKU inherits the metadata assigned to the product and combines product and SKU attributes. As a result, the app validates SKUs against product-specific rules:
    • validation process executes rules built with product metadata against all product SKUs;
    • if you define a rule discount applicable to a specific product id, the discount will be applied to the product and all product SKUs,
    • if you define a rule discount applicable to based on product metadata, the discount will be applied to the product or/and SKU with matching metadata attribute. Go here to read more.
  • Improved error handling for Customers' CSV import.
  • A new batch of automatic tests for our API.
  • You can now decide what code formats you want to use in the MailChimp distribution (text, QR, or/and barcode).
  • The batch of backend and UI changes resulted in the new Activity tab in the detailed order view. Straight from the dashboard, you can be up-to-date with the order history and status changes.
  • The new popup reminds you about an active distribution that sends the message once you publish a new code.
  • New features for Pay with Points Reward in Loyalty Programs: 
    • You can use three decimal places while defining the exchange ratio for the Pay with Points reward. 
    • You can map a custom number of points to a predefined cash amount.

Bug fixes:

  • Improved rounding discounts in cart-level promotions.
  • Fixed minor issues with SKU validation schema.
  • UI fixes in referral program view for proper cents conversion and displaying gift credits as a referee reward.
  • Minor fixes in our MailChimp integration to improve the performance.
  • Fixed searching vouchers with special characters via the UI search bar.

What's new in version v20210106

Released in January 2021

What's new in the User Interface:

  • Improved MailChimp integration UI to make it more user-friendly and consistent with MailChimp definitions. You can now see Audiences instead of Lists or Webhooks, and your Audiences names in the Voucherify segments builder.
  • A new Activity tab in the distribution detailed view for more in-depth insights and better tracking results. You can see the distribution status, and updates including who and when received the messages.
  • A new message box in the distribution manager informs that messages will be re-sent after updating the manual distribution.
  • Styling improvements in Metadata Schema and Customer Activity tab.

What's new in the API:

  • More detailed error messages for the Customers endpoint. Now, API returns more meaningful error information if the request body is invalid to help you fix your requests faster.
  • New attributes in the order object: total_discount_amount, and total_amount in the Validations and Redemptions API response body. With this batch of changes, the stacking discounts from multiple promotions are coming soon!

Bug fixes:

  • The Reward name and Reward value are back as variables usable in the email editor.
  • Fixed metadata filters including filtering array properties with the date and date-time type.
  • Resolved the issue of blocking users while trying to add a new property to the campaign metadata schemas after changing the Add new property button status.

Changelog of v20201229.1 and former versions

Released 2017-2020

Since January 2021 Voucherify Team presents release notes in a new format with more details split into UI and API updates. The changelog below shows the majority of big updates in our app made within 2017-2020.

December 2020

Now, you can log into Voucherify using the SAML protocol, therefore via a different security domain. This feature is available on request for Enterprise plans.

A new tab dedicated to customer activity was added to each customer profile in Voucherify.

October 2020

New Distribution Manager UI and analytics

The Distributions UI was streamlined to make it easier for you to launch trigger-based code delivery. We have also added new metrics to the distribution analysis tabs. 

September 2020

List Customer Segments

This new API endpoint is going to return all segments to which a given customer belongs.

September 2020

Source id for Braze Integration 

From now on, each code publication has a unique source id which ensures that Vocherify always sends only one code even if the request is unintentionally multiplied by Braze. It prevents sending subsequent codes to the same customer.     

September 2020

Advanced and Basic Validation Rules

To simplify the use of validation rules, you can choose between an advanced builder with all available rules or use a shorter version with the most popular rules for the given campaign type. 

September 2020

Discount Effects

For every unit discount, you can decide on a discount effect that is either always going to add a free item to the order or not, depending on what customers have in their carts. 

September 2020

Instant Win for Giveaways

Now, you can base the rules of the giveaway draw on the sign-up order. For instance, you can decide that every third person wins a reward, e.g., a discount coupon. 

July 2020

Nested Metadata and Arrays 

To extend Voucherify customization capabilities, you can use nested metadata and arrays. This feature comes in handy if predefined Voucherify objects do not match your business logic and you need to create metadata objects from scratch. 

July 2020

Multi-factor Authentication

In order to protect your account better, now you may use multi-factor authentication for each login attempt. If the configuration is enabled, each user before the next login will be obligated to set up the second mechanism for authentication (Google Authenticator, backup codes, or SMS verification codes).

May 2020

Pay with loyalty points

Now, the API accepts loyalty codes redemption the same way Voucherify operates with gift cards. The end-customers will be able to cover a part of the payment in a connected checkout form by applying a loyalty card id as a gift card/coupon code.

May 2020

Proportional Assignment of Loyalty Points

You can now assign a proportional number of points for customers who made an order in your loyalty program. For instance, you may establish that for each dollar spent, a customer should get 2 loyalty points.

May 2020

Beta Integration with Google Ads

By connecting Google Ads with Voucherify, you can effectively promote your campaigns and landing pages via Promotions Extensions functionality. Contact support to get access to this integration.

April 2020

Loyalty Program Tiers

You can use loyalty tiers to easily create loyalty programs with different levels of membership and varied earning rules and rewards based on customers' tiers.

March 2020

Brightpearl Partnership

Voucherify is now an integral part of the Brightpearl solution for e-commerce. Visit Brightpearl to learn more.

February 2020

Segment integration

Now customer data collected and stored in Segment can be easily shared with Voucherify and used to launch targeted promotions based on relevant and up-to-date data.

December 2019

Custom error messages

Now you can set up custom error messages per validation rule. It's a great way to let your customers know why they are unable to validate or redeem a voucher.

November 2019

New validation rule 'Redemption Count per API'

Check the validation rules section to use the new rule that limits redemption allowed per given API key giving you greater control over your cooperation with affiliates and merchants. 

November 2019

Clone Campaign feature

If you need to release a similar or exact same campaign, you don't have to create it from scratch. Just clone the campaign and that's it! You can do so by choosing the 'clone campaign' option in the top right corner in the Campaign detailed view.

November 2019

New look and flow of coupon and gift card campaigns

Visit the brand-new campaign manager to experience the improved flow and look of coupon and gift card creators.

November 2019

Email anti-fraud options for landing pages

To protect you from users misusing your landing page to receive multiple codes, we have introduced several safety checks that you can enable/disable in landing page settings.

October 2019

New cart-level promotions look and flow

Explore promotion stacking possibilities in the revamped cart-level promotions manager. 

October 2019

Voucherify Cookbook

We have released a special campaign directory that shows you how to run specific types of campaigns step-by-step. Visit it to learn something new or to get some inspiration for your next campaign!

October 2019

Powered-up loyalty programs

To meet your needs, we revamped our loyalty programs to enable features such as:

October 2019

Moltin partnership

Moltin offers tailored solutions for e-commerce and now you can easily integrate Voucherify with Moltin to allow smooth data transfer and easy code redemption at Moltin-hosted stores. 

October 2019

Platform monitoring feature

Visit your Project Setting to monitor your API usage. Don't worry though, if you ever exceed your quotas just reach out to us.

October 2019

New campaign type: giveaways! (Deprecated in 2024)

Reach out to us to get early access to a brand-new campaign type that allows you to run fun giveaways, engaging online contests and lucky draw programs. 

September 2019

Double Opt-In for Landing Pages

Out of concern for GDPR, we introduced a "Double Opt-In" feature. This option is enabled by default and is used to verify your customers by sending them a confirmation email. Read more here.

July 2019

Brand Details and Marketing Permissions

Voucherify is a GDPR-compliant software - that’s why now we offer you the possibility to provide your brand details (necessary for distribution) and create your own consents and marketing permissions. All of these options are available in your Project Settings.

July 2019

New customization possibilities of customers’ cockpits

Now you can be in full control of what your customers see in their individual cockpits:

July 2019

Beta Integration with Google Analytics 

Now you are able to track your campaign with the help of one of the best tracking tools available. Gain access to this feature by getting in touch with our support team!

July 2019

New validation rules  

Now you can have even bigger control over your campaign with two brand new validation rules:

17th June 2019

New Landing Pages Creator

We are proud to announce a new feature that allows you to design, publish and track landing pages - Landing Pages Creator. Stay tuned for more information in our monthly newsletter!

17th June 2019   

Discount qualification

Now you can see a list of Vouchers ( standalone and bulk) a specific Customer is eligible for.

17th June 2019    

Metadata bulk update

Modify custom fields for up to 100 Vouchers, Customers, or Products.

6th June  

Erase metadata in bulk

You can erase added metadata fields using bulk delete right from the Dashboard.

6th June  

Material rewards in loyalty programs    

You can add material rewards (integrated with Products) to your Loyalty Program incentive catalog.

26th April 

New mobile app

Create offline points of sales/redemptions as part of your online-to-offline strategy. Your staff at the location can redeem codes from your campaigns, validating order structure and customer attributes too. Download the app for free and invite your customers to redeem their incentives in-store. 

26th April 

Detailed referral reports

Each referral program now has a separate dashboard with metrics and stats presenting its current performance. You can see the top referrers, triggered rewards in numbers, revenue from referees, and other meaningful insights.

26th April 

Loyalty Programs   

Follow the loyalty campaign User Guide, to learn more about the new feature and to explore how you can use it to complement other promotions and to eventually increase customer engagement.

18th March 

More rewards for referred customers 

Flexible double-sided referral programs let you reward both sides with a whole variety of incentives including discounts and gift card credits. 

18th March 

Referral programs with custom events 

2nd February

Integration with Active Campaign   

You can now send codes to your customers in ActiveCampaign by using standard distributions or using ActiveCampaign as a part of the referral program (distribution channel for rewards). Read more details.

2nd February

New manager to build customer segments  

Now building customer segments and dividing your audience is even easier. You can implement your custom segments and be sure that Voucherify updates them on the fly.

2nd February

New Help Center 

More articles, more video tutorials and  brand- new list of FAQs. Still, if you can't find what you need, it's very important for us to hear about it. Contact us here.

2nd February

New Referral Campaign Manager   

We simplified the Referral Campaign Manager and added new features to the referral setup. From now on, you can define referral conversion using custom events tracked by Voucherify (e.g. new customer signed up). Moreover, you can reward both referrer and new customers with gift card credits.

30th November 2018

New validation rules design 

We’ve also extended validation rules capabilities from the API point of view:

30th November  2018

Distribution with webhooks 

With distribution webhooks, you can use any marketing tool or channel to notify your customers about promotional campaigns.

30th November  2018

BigCommerce Integration beta  

Voucherify promo campaigns can now be synced with BigCommerce stores. The beta version awaits you. Let us know if you’re interested in getting early access to this feature by sending us a  request  here

16th August   

Time & date in validation rules

With this extension, you can create promotions that are only valid within specific timeframes. E.g. the promotion is active every day in July from 1 pm to 4 pm or the coupon is valid only on Thursdays. Read more on this in our Help Center article.

16th August    

Instant "sorry" coupons for Intercom

With Voucherify integration, you can trigger a personalized "sorry" coupon to a customer who's just filed a complaint. Apologize instantly right from the Messenger window, before any negative mentions start harming your brand. Read how to retain your customers with Voucherify and Intercom.

16th August    

"Publish" with new powers

We've made quite a few changes to publish endpoint. From now on, you can:

this article

10th April

GDPR readiness

In the last weeks, we’ve been working on making Voucherify GDPR compliant. We expect our platform to be GDPR-ready before May 25th, 2018. Go here to learn more details.

15th March      

Email/SMS performance tracking

Each distribution is now supplied with charts presenting message deliverability metrics. 

15th March       

Metadata fields with dates and numbers

Enhance your metadata schema with “date” and “number” data types. Use new fields for customer segment filters.

15th March       

Campaign approval workflow

Allow managers to approve the campaigns created by your team members before it goes live.

15th March       

New onboarding tutorial

To familiarize new users with Voucherify’s key features and workflows, we’ve prepared an interactive “getting started” tutorial.

15th March       

Custom roles

Build a multi-level team structure to collaborate with many affiliates and keep your data safe. With the Voucherify roles directory, you can decide which actions and data particular users have access to. 

15th March       

Loyalty program fired off!

Each customer in your Voucherify database has now a predefined gift card to collect balance as a part of a loyalty program. You can load it with referral campaign rewards. Keep your finger on the pulse, more loyalty features are coming soon!

15th March       

WooCommerce integration

A simple plugin to create personalized coupons for your WooCommerce store. If you need inspiration and promotion ideas, visit our blog.

16th January

Cart-level promotions

You can apply  discounts automatically based on whether the customer's shopping cart has met certain criteria. The criteria can include several parameters such as if an order contains specific products, the total price exceeds a given value, or if the customer belongs to a particular segment.

16th January 

Coupon reminders

Reminders are automatic messages sent to customers if they haven't redeemed their codes in a specific timeframe. Reminders are set while creating your distribution in the 7th step of the Manager. They allow you to remind customers about unredeemed vouchers via SMS, emails, and the Intercom channel. 

16th January 

Braze integration

Voucherify Braze integration enables you to send vouchers with your Braze account. 

16th January 

Coupons valid in specific timeframes

In Voucherify, you can now set time restrictions for a campaign on two levels:

16th January 

Customer import – new manager

We've improved this feature to make customer import easier. You can use a simple manager which guides you through the process and enables you to import customers with all needed data.

15th December 2017

Custom events

Custom events are actions taken by your customers. You can use them to track shoppers' behavior and then build highly personalized coupon deals.

15th December 2017

Product metadata

From now on, you can map your product catalog structure into Voucherify. In this way, you can come up with more fine-grained product-specific validation rules.

15th December 2017

MMS QR codes

The Twilio integration now supports sending an MMS with the QR code. Take a look at the other MMS designer capabilities in this article.

15th December 2017

Better customer filtering

The customers' endpoint lets you filter the data with new fields: name, email, and city. See the endpoint reference.

15th December 2017

Distributions with Mailgun

Next to Mandrill and SendGrid, you can now send emails with your Mailgun account.

15th December 2017

Magento integration

If you want to get early access to the Magento extension, you can request it here.

6th October 2017

Intercom distribution and customer base sync

We supplied Voucherify with another massive integration. This time we enabled you to send messages from the dashboard to your Intercom customers. Thanks to the customer sync, you can distribute messages with codes automatically. Follow this link to learn more.

6th October 2017

Monitor orders in the dashboard

From now on, you have an overview of all orders and their details. On top of that, you can use them to create new validation rules (see the next section).

6th October 2017

New validation rules

In response to your requests, we have added more validation rules. You can now set:

6th October 2017

Timezone and currency

Voucherify automatically configures the currency and time of your campaigns by using your location. As a result, messages with discounts and gift cards’ balance will be displayed in a local currency, and a campaign’s timing will fit your time zone. 

11th August 2017

Viewer and Merchant role

We have introduced these 2 roles to give you more flexibility when mapping your distribution workflow with Voucherify. Read our blog to find more inspirations. Don’t forget to check the Help Center to get instructions: merchant role | affiliate coupon scheme

11th August 2017

Display your coupons everywhere

Now with a little help from our JavaScript snippet, you can place a coupon widget on pretty much every website. It allows you to publish unique codes from specific campaigns in exchange for an email address and other customer data. See the example of placing the coupon widget on one of the landing pages managed by Unbounce.

11th August 2017


We’ve equipped Distributions Manager with another channel. From now on, next to email and SMS you can deliver coupons with the live chat window of Intercom. The channel works for both manual and dynamic send-outs. Check out the demo here

11th August 2017

Metadata schema -validation (beta)

Sometimes you want to enforce structure and format of your custom fields. In this case, the metadata schema validator should help. You’ll be able to define:


11th August 2017

New validation rules

The latest release also adds more validation rules which should help you target your campaigns even better:

11th August 2017

New API version and examples

A couple of weeks ago we released a new API version. It offers some improvements when it comes to response format. If you want to check it out, read how to perform the upgrade.

You can see new API and new features in action at refreshed examples section. Amongst others: Stripe integration, Voucherify.js new capabilities, cart integration - visit examples.

They’re all hosted on platform which makes them super interactive. Play around with them and let us know should you have any questions.

8th June 2017

Automatically deliver coupons to MailChimp lists

After your suggestions, we have refined the way the distribution manager handles MailChimp send out; from now on, it’s as easy as selecting an MC list, defining the conditions to trigger a message, and choosing the respective coupon campaign. You can use manual delivery or set up an automatic trigger based on customer segments.

8th June 2017

Send referral program rewards automatically via email

With this improvement, you don’t have to configure a  webhook to send a reward for a referrer via email. The new feature will enable you to use your Mandrill or Sendgrid account, or use our internal email mechanism.

8th June 2017

Set up a custom domain for distribution emails

The recent DKIM integration allows you to send our distribution and referral emails on your behalf. Read the tutorial to learn how to set it up.

8th June 2017

Validation rules can be modified in UI and API

The validation rules can be edited with the dashboard or through the API at any time. This can be done for a single voucher as well as for the whole campaign. So if you want to relax or tighten up the business criteria for a running campaign, you can do it in real-time.  
It’s worth noting that the history of all such changes can be viewed in the dashboard. You can now see who introduced the modification and what were the previous attributes.

8th June 2017

Voucherify.js 2.0

We’ve upgraded our web widget. The new version offers a new “publish form” which allows you to display and assign unique codes to customers right on your landing pages. Learn more here or see the docs.

8th June 2017

Add customers through the dashboard

Apart from the API and CSV import tool the marketing team can add customers manually. Just go to the Customers section and open a new customer form. 

8th June 2017

Salesforce and WooCommerce integrations

We’ve prepared 2 beta Zapier integrations which will help you keep customers from Salesforce and  Woocomerce . Every time a new customer is added to your CRM, the Zaps will automatically create a counterpart in Voucherify.

4th May 2017

Distribution Manager

We’re happy to announce one of our biggest milestones so far. When you log in to the dashboard, you’ll notice a distribution section in the navigation. This feature is responsible for a key element of coupon lifecycle – code delivery.  How does it help you? In a nutshell, it automates coupon delivery via   email or via SMS.  

We built this feature having full flexibility of the solution in mind, which means that you can customize your delivery process using a number of parameters such  as:  

  • Email & SMS provider.
  • Automatic and manual delivery.  
  • MailChimp sync (e.g. send a code when a customer joins a MailChimp list).  
  • Message template visual composer.

  • SAML mechanism
    Improved customer activity overview
    • personalized and automated notifications,
    • webhooks plug-in,
    • monitoring of loyalty program members' activity,
    • transfer of points between different cards.
    • Choose which campaigns are hidden/displayed.
    • Modify colors to fit your brand’s style.
    • Hide Voucherify logos and our Privacy Policy
    • Any order item's product metadata satisfy.
    • Each order item's product metadata satisfy.
  • Convert new users and send rewards based on performed events. A new type of referral program counts customers as referred when they take a particular action in your app or website. Read the exemplary use-case inspired by Uber.
      - Create any AND/OR combination between rules.     
      - Assign a single validation rule to multiple campaigns.
    • Publish multiple vouchers with a single request.
    • Publish a voucher through multiple channels.
    • Use the "publish" event as a trigger for a new distribution.

    Go to for details on how to enable it in your account.

    • By using the start and expiration date (the 4th stage in the Campaign Manager).
    • By scheduling recurrent time periods when the coupon is valid (the 4th stage in the Campaign Manager). As a result, before the coupon expires, redemption will be possible only within the specified time windows.
    • max redemptions per customer per day,
    • max redemptions per merchant,
    • upper limit of discounted amount (maximum order value which allows customer for a coupon redemption),
    • redemptions count per mobile app operator,
    • limits based on a campaign’s budget:
        - total amount of all related orders
        - total discounted amount of all related orders
        - total redeemed Gift amount
        - count of redemptions among the whole campaign
    • Which metadata field is optional
    • What’s the type of the field (text, numeric, boolean)
    • Additional, type-dependent constraints (text length, number lesser/greater than, has any value and more)
    • The specific number of redemptions per day - every single voucher be it from a campaign or a standalone one can be limited X times per customer per day. This rule is the first step to more advanced calendar-based promotion engine, watch out for new validation rules soon.
    • Discount applicable for a specific product only - imagine that a customer has several items in their cart and you want to discount only one of them, leaving the prices of others unchanged. This can be achieved by selecting this option while defining product/SKU validation rules.
    • Redeem only at a specific merchant - as you’ve learned in the previous section, we have added a new role - Merchant. Now you can limit redemptions to be possible only at specific merchants. You can use it to create geolocated promotions when the coupon can be redeemed at specific places. 
    • Only when you explicitly “published” a coupon to a specific customer - sometimes even if you use unique coupons, the code can still be leaked. To prevent it, we introduced a new validation rule which blocks the code’s usage if the customer’s profile (e.g. email address) doesn’t match.
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