Customer Segments

Segments divide customers into target groups based on shared attributes. You can segment your audience using standard attributes, such as city or email, use custom information added as metadata, or build segment criteria using customer activity, such as the number of orders or total spent amount. In this article, you will learn how to build segment criteria for your target audiences and use them in promotion campaigns and distributions. 

There is a cap on the number of customers that you can assign to a static segment: 20,000. If you would like to create a bigger segment, you can use the unlimited auto-update segment instead and use some customer metadata to build this segment. Refer to our dedicated API endpoint for creating segments.


  1. Glossary
  2. Customer filters
  3. Create static segment
  4. Create auto-update segment
  5. Use segments


Here are some definitions you need to understand before building customer segments.

Static segment

A static segment never updates the customer list after it is made. While creating the static segment, you can manually filter and group customers into a segment.

Auto-update segment 

An auto-update segment gathers customers who meet its criteria up-to-date. Auto-update segments are dynamic and change with customers' activities. 


Filters define what criteria a customer has to match to enter the segment. There can be many filters defining a single segment. 

Customer profile

Each customer added to Voucherify has their individual profile. You can visit a customer's profile by clicking the customer's name. 

Customers sync

Your customers are synced with the app once you build respective integration with our API or connect your CRM using built-in integrations. As a result, every time you have new customers in your system, they are automatically passed to your Voucherify account. 

Customer's source id

Customer's source id is a unique customer identifier in Voucherify. To help you identify and update customer profiles, you can pass your CRM unique id in the source id field. It can be email, phone number, or other characteristics of your choice.


Events are actions your customers perform on your website/application that are tracked in your system. If you pass those events using our API, you can use events to segment your customers. 

Customer metadata

Properties that are not in customer profiles by default can be added as metadata properties. Using metadata, you can reflect your customers' characteristics.

Validation rules

Validation rules define redemption limits and rules. You can create validation rules when creating a new campaign or using a dedicated dashboard section.


Distributions push your codes outside Voucherify in predefined messages. You can deliver codes to end-customers or third-party applications. Each distribution settings consist of a message trigger, message purpose, audience, and message channel(s).

Customer filters

Use filters to browse customers who meet certain criteria and build customer segments. Here is a list of all customer attributes you can use to create filters.

1. Profile filters

Profile filters use standard fields from the customer profile:

  • Name
  • Source id – unique identifier of a customer
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Creation date – the date customer profile was created in Voucherify
  • Birthdate
  • Postal code
  • City
  • State
  • Country

2. Activity filters


To use order-related filters, you need to sync your orders with Voucherify by using our API.

  • The total amount of customer orders – defines how much the customer has spent so far.
  • The total count of customer orders – defines how many orders the customer has made so far.
  • The last purchased order – the date of the customer's last purchase.
  • The last order total amount – the total amount of the customer's latest order.
  • Redemptions – number of customer's successful redemptions.
  • Gift cards – creates filters with predefined gift card spendings or predefined amount to go.
  • Referred customers – number of referred customers in a particular campaign or all your referral campaigns.
  • Loyalty points – number of a customer's loyalty points gathered in a single loyalty campaign or all loyalty campaigns.

3. System attributes

  • Source – enables you to filter customers based on the source of incoming data: Mailchimp, Intercom, web widget, BigCommerce, ActiveCampaign, or Shopify.
  • Source metadata – enables you to filter customers from a particular Mailchimp list, Intercom type (lead/user), or web widget.

4. Consents

Consents – filter your opt-in customers with marketing permissions that have been added to Project settings > Marketing permissions.

5. Custom attributes

Custom attributes – group customers with the attributes added to the customer profile as metadata. In the filters list, there are all metadata definitions added previously to the customer's metadata schema (1). Filter by new metadata attribute (2) enables you to build a segment filter with a new metadata definition. 

6. Events

If you want to use events, you need to pass them to the custom event API. All customer actions that you track can be passed to Voucherify. Event filters show the list of the custom events added firstly to the Event Schema in the Project Settings. Using the event as a segment filter enables you to group customers who perform a certain action with predefined time and frequency. Read more about Events.


Each filter gives you a list of operators that you can use to create specific criteria:

  • is
  • is not
  • has any value
  • starts with
  • ends with
  • contains
  • is unknown
  • is less than
  • is more than

For example, you can build rules as follows:

  • The last purchased order more than 30 days ago.
  • The total amount of customer orders less than $500.
  • The email ends with .uk and the source is Mailchimp.
  • The country is Poland and the total amount of customer orders is more than $100.
  • The email has any value.
  • The order contains MacBookAir.
  • The creation date starts at 01.02.

Create a static segment

A static segment never updates its customer list after it has been made. While creating a static segment, you can manually group customers into a segment, but you will not be able to add new customers in the future. A static segment does not change after it has been created.

Go to the Customers tab in the Engagement section. To create a static segment, mark the customer's checkboxes and click Save static segment. 

If you want to group customers using certain criteria, choose Find and apply filters.

Define segment criteria and choose Apply.

Check customers from the filtering results manually or use the Customer checkbox, which adds all customers from the list.

Confirm with Save static segment.

After the static segment is saved, you cannot add more customers to it. 

Note that you cannot create two same static segments in a single Voucherify project. 

Create an auto-update segment

An auto-update segment gathers customers who meet its criteria up-to-date, not only at the moment of creating the segment. Auto-update segments are dynamic and change with your customers' activity. 

First, choose  Find and apply filters to define segment criteria.

Choose a filter from the list and define the segment condition.

When the filter is ready, click the plus and confirm with Apply.

To see all active filters, expand the list next to the number of defined filters.

Now, you can add and mix more filters to create a segment with many rules and limits at the same time. Adding new segment rules is always done the same way and starts from defining filters, each confirmed with Apply

Additionally, you can choose whether a customer has to match all filters or only one of them.

When all segment filters are ready, click  Apply to display customers.

You'll see filters and the filter settings above the list of customers. 

Scroll down and click Save auto-update segment.

Add segment name and confirm with Save

Use segments

The segment is ready to create validation rules or segment-specific code distributions

Validation rules limit redemptions to specific customer segments or exclude particular segments from redeeming the promotion.

Distributions send promo messages to your end-customers or external applications. For each distribution, define the audience (receivers) represented by a particular customer segment.

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