
Learn how to collect and store customer data and use it to run targeted promotions and for reporting purposes. 


  1. Adding a Customer in Voucherify
  2. Data import and synchronization
  3. Update and delete customers
  4. Customer profile overview
  5. Customer metadata
  6. Data export
  7. Group customers into segments
  8. Target and personalize campaigns
  9. Geofencing

If you are not interested in uploading your customer data to Voucherify, you can pass customer information as metadata or operate on source id property, a unique customer identifier in Voucherify. To help you identify and update customer profiles, you can pass your CRM unique id in the source id field. It can be email, phone number, or other characteristics of your choice.

Adding a Customer in Voucherify

You can create individual customer profiles directly in Voucherify and configure their details.

Data Import and Synchronization

Voucherify API and built-in integrations enable you to sync your CRM and use customer attributes in promotional campaigns. You can also upload your customers' data manually using a CSV file.

Customers API

If you want to keep your customer database in sync with Voucherify, you should create a customer in Voucherify every time a new user is added to your database. This comes down to invoking the Create Customer API method in Voucherify.

Import CSV

When your account is verified, you can upload customer CSV files that are up to 10 MB per file. This mode creates and updates customer profiles in Voucherify. You can upload standard customer attributes like address or email, as well as custom attributes called metadata. Source id is a required attribute to identify and validate your customers. You can map the source id to the external id used in your CRM. Besides source id, after the import, Voucherify assigns internal app id (Customer ID) to each customer. 

Before you start

Before starting the import:

  • Create a comma-separated value (CSV) file or download our CSV import template.
  • The dates and date-time attributes need to be provided in compliance with the ISO 8601 norms. For example, 2022-03-11T09:00:00.000Z or 2022-03-11
  • Columns that cannot be mapped to standard fields will be mapped to custom attributes and added to customer profiles as metadata. To provide the proper data type, you need to add all custom attributes to the metadata schema before importing the file.
  • Headers with metadata names cannot contain white-space characters.
  • If you import metadata defined in the schema as arrays, you need to separate each value using a comma, for example:
    • array of strings: "subscribed,premium"
    • array of numbers: "123,234"
    • array of dates: "2000-01-01,2000-01-02"

Click to download a CSV Import Template

To begin, go to the Customers view in the Engagement section and choose the Import tool.

In the Import tool:

  1. Upload the CSV file with your customers' data. 
  2. Map your attributes. The mapping tells Voucherify what kind of customers' properties are assigned to particular columns in your CSV. 

Firstly, go to the Map fields tab and choose a property from the CSV columns. Select a predefined type and a matching property from the list of Voucherify attributes.

If you cannot find your property on the list, change the type to the Metadata (unknown) and add a new property as metadata to Voucherify. It will be saved as an unknown definition in Metadata schema in Project settings.

You can add multiple metadata columns in your CSV file. Name the column with the name of your custom attribute. After uploading the file, you can map custom attributes to metadata properties in Voucherify. It is recommended to add all metadata properties to Metadata Schema in the Project Settings before uploading the CSV file. 

For example, the payment method is not a predefined attribute, so if you want to map it, you need to select Metadata (unknown) and provide the metadata value – property.

Columns with metadata names cannot contain white-space characters.

3. When the mapping is ready, confirm with Import. You will receive a notification once the file is uploaded successfully.

Click  Reload to see new customers. 

Update and Delete Customers

You can update your customers' data in bulk by importing a CSV file or using the Update Customers in bulk API endpoint. You can use the API or make changes directly in the dashboard to introduce changes in a single customer record. 

Update with API

Update with CSV file

CSV import works for uploading new customers and updating already-existing profiles. To update customer profiles, the customer ID is required in your CSV. Next to the ID, create columns with attributes you want to update/add to customer profiles. 

Update in the Dashboard

Click on the customer's name to open his/her profile and make updates. The Edit tool allows you to make changes to the built-in attributes and metadata section. 

Delete Customers

You can delete customers in the dashboard or with a dedicated API endpoint.

Customer Profile Overview

Voucherify gives you quick access to customer details and activity to get in-depth insights into customer behavior. To open a customer's individual profile, click on their name in the Customers section.

The DETAILS tab shows personal information and a summary of the customer's activity. Some of the information you can find here is:

  • Personal details – customer's contact information and Source id.
  • Orders summary – high-level metrics related to the customer orders.
  • Events – a log of events gathers more detailed and technical information about actions performed by the customer.
  • Upcoming loyalty points expiration – list of upcoming point expiration dates.

To view the complete history of customer tracking, visit the ACTIVITY tab. In this section, Voucherify gathers information about all customer actions and related profile updates. Activity filters enable you to search for customer actions performed within a particular timeframe and/or campaign.

Using filters, you can easily track your customers' loyalty and referral activity. The activity tab displays events with new rewards, referrals, or loyalty point assignments. You can get more insights by clicking on the event or log for the particular activity.

In the remaining tabs, customer profiles show the following data:

  • Orders tab shows details about the customer's orders and the order status.
  • Redemption history shows all customer's redemptions with their details.
  • Wallet tab presents a list of codes published (assigned) to the customer and divided into the following types: discount vouchers, gift cards, loyalty cards, and referral vouchers.
  • Metadata section gathers custom attributes added to the customer profile using the metadata schema

Customer metadata

You can extend customer object with custom attributes added as metadata. Metadata stores customer attributes in key/value pairs and many data formats (text, numbers, flag, and more).

You can use customer metadata to create segments and validation rules which are not available by default. You can group customers that share particular metadata attributes and limit redemptions to customers with predefined metadata.

First, add new definition of metadata in the Customer section in the Metadata schema tab in Project settings. The schema keeps consistent data in the project and makes it easy to maintain the added definitions. 

Here's how to add metadata to the schema:

Only the account Administrator (account Owner) can modify the metadata schema.

  1. Go to the Project settings > Metadata schema
  2. Expand standard schemas and click on Customer schema
  3. Click Add new definition and define metadata attribute (name, type)
  4. Save the metadata definition.

For more detailed instructions, read the How to define metadata guide.

When you add all needed attributes, you can use them to group customers and create validation rules.

Validation rules with customer's metadata

You can limit redemptions of promo codes and loyalty-earning rules to customers with specific metadata configurations with validation rules with customer metadata. As a result, when Voucherify validates a redemption request or earning, it checks if the metadata attached to a customer matches the rules. Validation can succeed only if the metadata passed with the customer's data matches the criteria.

Unknown metadata in the context of customer object

Unknown metadata in the customer object refers to custom attributes added to a customer profile without prior definition in the Metadata Schema. These properties are always treated as strings, limiting their usage in filtering and validation rules.

For customer object, unknown metadata can be created when: 

  • An API request includes new customer metadata not defined in the Metadata Schema. 
  • A customer import file contains metadata fields that were not previously defined. 
  • A CDP integration pushes new customer attributes to Voucherify. 
  • A user manually adds a custom property when creating or updating a customer in the UI.

Unknown metadata provides a way to store customer attributes that have not been predefined. It is useful for: 

  • Temporary segmentation, such as marking a specific group of customers for a campaign. 
  • Adding custom attributes to individual customers without modifying the metadata schema. 
  • Using new data from external sources, like imported customer lists with additional fields. 

Since unknown metadata is always treated as a string, it cannot be used for numerical or date-based filtering unless later defined in the Metadata Schema.

Data Export

If you need to, you can quickly export all customer data from the Voucherify dashboard to analyze in your database or external analytics and CRM tools. Here are the attributes that you can export:

Name Customer ID Email address
Source ID Created at Description
City Address Postal code
Country Total redemptions Total failed redemptions
Total successful redemptions Total redemptions rollback failed/successful Total order amount
Total order count Average order Last order amount
Total successful redemptions Total redemptions rollback failed/successful Total order amount
Last order date Loyalty points Referred customers
Updated Total redemptions rollback failed/successful Total order amount
Total order count Average order

Go to the Customers section in the dashboard and click the export tool.

Define the attributes to export and confirm to start downloading the data.

Divide customers into segments

Data from customer profile enables you to divide your audience into customer segments. You can use customer segments to target specific customer groups and trigger personalized communication workflows straight from the dashboard. To create a segment, go to the Customers section and use filters or select customers who will form a static segment. You can also go to the Segments section to create a customer segment.

Segments can group customers based on standard attributes like email or postal code. They can also operate on custom attributes (metadata), custom events, and order history. 

Dynamic segments used in validation rules and distributions provide you with advanced targeting and personalization possibilities. 

Customer segments with metadata

To group customers using metadata, go to the Customers menu and click Add filter.

Click Metadata and choose the metadata that will build a segment filter.

Using the metadata, define the segment filter. Use Other to enter an undefined metadata property. You can also create a new schema and use it to filter results.

You can build filters using many metadata attributes at the same time.

Save to list customers who match the filters. Next, Save as segment and select Dynamic segment. Name your segment and Save to create the new segment based on the filtered metadata. 

Target and Personalize Campaigns

Validation rules enable you to limit redemptions to specific customer segments or customer's attributes. You can also set up automatic delivery of your incentives based on segment changes (customer entered/left the segment).

Customer-related validation rules

While building validation rules, you can limit redemption to a specific segment or/and exclude some segments from redeeming the codes. 

Moreover, rules builder enables you to create limits based on metadata added previously to customer profiles. As a result, you can limit redemptions to customers with the required custom attribute value assigned.

You can use as many metadata attributes as you need to model validation rules in a single campaign.

Segment-based distributions

When using dynamic (auto-update) segments, your customers' behavior is reflected in segment changes. Once a customer meets segment criteria, they join the segment, but when their activity changes and violates the segment rules, Voucherify ensures that the customer leaves the segment. 

Each segment change can trigger distribution and deliver a message with code to the end-user or third-party apps of your choice. By using Voucherify distributions, you can set up an automatic workflow that sends a message with a unique code every time a customer enters or leaves a segment.


Voucherify supports campaigns restricted to specific areas. You can pass the customer's geo-location using metadata. As a result, Voucherify checks if the customer's location sent with the redemption/validation request meets campaign rules.

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