
This guide assumes you are already familiarized with the Distribution Manager basics.

Our built-in integration with Mailchimp enables you to create Mailchimp Automations with Voucherify promo codes. Read on to learn how to integrate your accounts, sync Mailchimp audiences, and send Voucherify codes in Mailchimp emails.

The integration with Mailchimp consumes API limits for actions that are sent from Mailchimp to Voucherify.


  1. Installation
  2. Sync Audiences
  3. Codes Distribution to Mailchimp Contacts
  4. Mailchimp Automation with Promo Codes
  5. Manage Merge Tags with Promo Codes
  6. Export CSV with campaign codes to the Mailchimp Audience

Step 1: Integrate Voucherify with Mailchimp account

To connect your Mailchimp account to Voucherify, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Home section and choose Integrations tab.
  2. Find Mailchimp integration and click Connect.
  3. Log in to your Mailchimp account to authorize the integration.

Step 2: Sync Mailchimp Audiences

Once your Mailchimp account is connected, sync Mailchimp audiences and customers' attributes with Voucherify.

Go to Settings (Integrations tab -> Mailchimp) to see the details of the integration.

Click Sync Audience to sync your Mailchimp contacts.

  • Select an audience to sync with. 
  • You can also add custom attributes to customer profiles from the list as metadata. Metadata will be visible in each customer profile in Voucherify (optional). 
  • Confirm syncing with Add Audience.

As a result, your audiences are synced, and you can now send Voucherify codes to added customer profiles in Mailchimp.

Customer Synchronization

Synchronization of customers starts when you connect both accounts. That means only new customers, added to the audiences after you enable syncing, will be automatically added and visible in the Voucherify dashboard.

As a result, if you set email automation in Voucherify, it will  target only newly added customers.

Step 3: Attach Voucherify codes to contact's profiles in Mailchimp

Voucherify codes can be sent to customers' Mailchimp profiles and attached as merge tags to your emails.

To deliver codes to customer profiles, you need to:

  1. Create a customer segment for customers from a particular Mailchimp audience.
  2. Create unique codes in the Voucherify dashboard.
  3. Schedule segment-based distribution of unique codes in the Voucherify dashboard.

Build a customer segment for the Mailchimp audience

In Voucherify, you can divide your customers into segments. When your Mailchimp account is synced, you can add a customer segment in Voucherify that represents a synced Mailchimp audience. 

  1. Add customer's metadata schema in Project Settings that will store the name of Mailchimp audience.
  2. In the Integrations tab, use this metadata when syncing an audience. As a result, every new subscriber in the Mailchimp audience that is synced with Voucherify will be created as a customer. The metadata will be set to the defined value.
  3. Go to the Customers tab and click Find and apply filtering button to add a customer segment in Voucherify that represents the synced Mailchimp audience.
  4. In Metadata, choose the defined metadata.
  5. Click Apply to see the list of customers who are in this segment.
  6. Save the segment as an auto-updated segment so new users will be added when they meet the segment criteria.

When the segment is ready, you can create unique codes that you will share with your audience.

Create unique codes 

Create unique codes that you will use in the Mailchimp email campaign. The codes will be attached to customer profiles as merge tags. You can create unique discount coupons, gift cards, referral codes, or loyalty cards and forward them to your Mailchimp account. 

Follow the respective tutorial to learn more about generating unique codes:

Validation rules

Use validation rules to limit code redemptions to the chosen Mailchimp audience represented by the Voucherify customer segment. As a result, only customers from a particular audience (segment) will make a successful redemption.

When the codes are ready, you will need to create segment-based distribution in Voucherify that sends unique codes to every new customer in the chosen audience.

Schedule segment-based distribution

  1. In the Engagement section, click Distributions.
  2. Name the distribution and choose the automation trigger – Customer entered the segment. 
  3. Define the trigger of the distribution.

    Only the following trigger categories can use Mailchimp as a distribution channel:

    • Custom events
    • Manual messages
    • Cart related activity
    • Segment related activity
  4. In Action, choose the Send and publish unique codes from campaign action and select your voucher campaign
  5. In Channels, choose Mailchimp as a distribution channel and add a list of your receivers (a synced Mailchimp audience).
  6. Add the name of the merge tag, a unique label that identifies your code in the customer's profile in Mailchimp.To assign codes properly, you need to add the merge tag that identifies your code to the list of merge tags in the Mailchimp audience before you save and start distribution in Voucherify. Go to the Adding merge tags for more details. When ready, put the added merge tag name into the Code presenting published voucher field.  You can also map optional merge tags with QR code, barcode, and code attributes (value, publication date). QR and barcodes, need to be mapped to image merge tags.
  7. When mapping is ready, go to Summary to review your distribution configuration. Confirm the distribution with Save & Send.

When you confirm the configuration,the distribution, it starts. When a customer enters the synced Mailchimp list, Voucherify automatically assigns a code from the chosen campaign to the merge tag in their profile.

Now, you can use assigned codes in your Mailchimp campaigns. For example, you can create a campaign with email automation and send a message with Voucherify codes automatically when a new customer joins the chosen Mailchimp audience.

  • To assign codes properly, you need to add the merge tag representing the code to the merge tags list in the Mailchimp audience.
  • Keep in mind that this process will only work for newly added accounts after syncing the Mailchimp audience and setting the distribution live. 

Step 4: Set up Mailchimp automation

When your codes have been already assigned with the Voucheify distribution, you can set the automation workflow and deliver coupons straight to the customers' mailboxes in a nicely designed email.

  1. Create a new email campaign in Mailchimp.
  2. Choose Automated mode and then, email trigger (Welcome new subscribers) to set a segment-based send out.
  3. In the next step, name your automation and choose your audience (receivers). Confirm with Begin.
  4. Set the automation workflow by switching to advanced settings.

  5. In the advanced settings, you can set automation timing and add other conditions to be met to send an email. Add a segment with additional criteria.

  6. Filters in the segment provide that the message is sent automatically when the merge tag with the Voucherify distribution code appears in a customer's profile. Mailchimp filters enable you to add this rule by a merge tag name combine with is not blank option.

  7. Confirm with Save segment and then go through three stages of email creation:
    1. Setup – put the email subject, signature, etc.
    2. Template – choose from saved templates or create a new one.
    3. Design – fit your template into a current subject and add merge tags with the code.

  8. Once the template is ready, you can confirm the workflow and start sending emails.

In response, the moment a code is assigned, a predefined email with the coupon is sent automatically to the customer’s inbox.

You can get a quick overview of the customers who met the criteria and pending a message in a Mailchimp queue. Open a detailed campaign's view in the Mailchimp dashboard and scroll down to find the Queue.

Manage merge tags with Voucherify codes

To successfully run a Voucherify distribution and assign codes to Mailchimp contacts, you need to add a merge tag representing a published (assigned) code to merge tags list in Mailchimp audience. The name of the merge tag defined in the merge tags list in Mailchimp needs to be the same as the name of the merge tag defined in the Voucherify distribution.

You can also add a merge tag for a QR code and barcode by using the following syntax:

  • The name of the merge tag represents the code's text format (required merge tag): newsletter_code (merge tag type: text).
  • The merge tag with a QR code: newsletter_code_qr (merge tag type: image).
  • The barcode: newsletter_code_barcode (merge tag type: image).

If you do not add the merge tags for a QR code and barcode, only text code format gets to the customer profile.

Export campaign codes from Voucherify to a Mailchimp Audience

Besides distributions, you can use the CSV export to deliver campaign codes to synced audiences. As a result, each contact from the chosen audience will get a new merge tag with a promo code in their profile. 

Step 1: Create a campaign of unique codes

Create a new campaign with unique coupon codes or gift cards. Codes from this campaign will be assigned to customer profiles in Mailchimp audience. Each customer receives only one unique code which is also assigned to their profile in the Voucherify dashboard.

Auto-update campaign

Enable auto-update mode in your campaign or make sure you have enough codes generated for all audience contacts. 

Step 2: Export CSV file with campaign codes

Codes will be exported from Voucherify and automatically imported to your Mailchimp account. Each customer from the chosen audience will get a unique code assigned to their profile under a predefined merge tag. 

  1. Click the campaign name and choose Export to Mailchimp from the right corner menu.
  2. Choose the audience and define a name for a merge tag with code. 
  3. Confirm with Export.

When the export is completed, you can see in the contact's profile that a code with a merge tag is assigned.

Export limit

You can export up to 100 codes in a single request. To export codes to more than 100 contacts, wait until the first export is finished and start another export. Voucherify will assign the codes to the next 100 contacts who have not received the code yet. 

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