Create Loyalty Program
This tutorial will show you how to create a loyalty program using the Dashboard. We will set up a complete loyalty workflow with digital wallets, program rules, rewards, and automatic notifications.
Before you start
- Read Getting Started Tutorial before you create your first loyalty program.
- How does it work?
- Program details
- Earning Rules
- Rewards
- Tiers
- Notifications
- Metadata
- Summary
- Loyalty card publication
- Customer Cockpits
- Tracking and maintenance
- Useful resources
How does it work?
The Campaign Manager creates a loyalty program that consists of the following elements:
- Digital loyalty cards are represented by unique codes, which function as digital wallets for points when shared with end customers.
- Earning rules that define actions and conditions for assigning new loyalty points to the customer's card.
- Rewards that are exchanged for a particular number of loyalty points.
- Tiers that divide your loyalty program into membership levels (optional). Customers are qualified into a particular tier based on their current point balance. Each tier can have different rules for earning and exchanging points for rewards.
- Notifications are optional messages sent to end customers or 3rd party applications. Notifications deliver loyalty cards and automatically notify card owners about new loyalty points or reward redemptions.
- Metadata is a space for your custom attributes. You can assign metadata attributes to the loyalty campaign and each loyalty tier. Read more about metadata.
Additionally, this guide shows the following loyalty concepts that you can use after creating the campaign:
- Publications of loyalty cards – we will show you how to assign loyalty cards to your customers.
- Customer cockpits and their URL addresses – the cockpit is automatically created for each new customer in your account. By sharing its URL, your customers can track their loyalty score, program updates, and exchange points for rewards.
Let us create a complete loyalty workflow step-by-step. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Campaign Hub section and run the Campaign Manager with the plus icon.
Program Details
Choose Create next to the Loyalty Program campaign and add the program name. By default, your program is auto-updated. If you leave auto-update mode on, the campaign will be auto-extended with new cards when the initial batch of loyalty cards runs out.
If you want the codes to follow a predefined pattern, check Advanced code settings and set the syntax.
When ready, go to the next step.
Earning Rules
Before you start
This section shows how to create an earning rule, assuming you have already familiarized yourself with our Getting Started Tutorial.
Loyalty points accumulated on a loyalty card can expire in a pre-defined time frame.
You can turn on points expiration for the campaign by navigating to the second step in the Campaign Manager > Enable points expiration.
Point expirations are set globally for all earning rules
The points expiration setting sets the point expirations globally for all points earned through means of earning rules, i.e., there is one expiration period per all earning rules.
Next, enter the period (number of months) for the expiration points. The points will expire within the set number of months after the customer creates an order. Read more about how Voucherify handles expiration dates for points earned on the last days of the month.
The first option lets you set the points expiration to a specific date, counted from the action date that triggers the loyalty points to be earned. You can also round up the points expiration date to a specified period after the earning activity. Check off the rounding option and choose your preferred period.
Read more here on loyalty points, expiration periods, and rounding options.
Choose Create earning rule to define the first action that rewards your customers with points.
Start by selecting the action that triggers points. You can choose from:
- A customer paid for the order.
- A customer performed a specific action (custom event).
- A customer entered a particular customer segment.
- A customer joins the loyalty tier structure.
- A customer leaves the loyalty tier structure.
- A customer's tier is upgraded.
- A customer's tier is downgraded.
- A customer's tier is prolonged.
Go here to learn more about earning rules.
If you choose a tier-type earning rule, you must select whether the rule is related to any tier or a specific tier.
Define the start and expiration dates of the earning rule. After fulfilling the rule conditions, points will be assigned only during this period. Defining the earning rule timeframe is optional. If you leave it unset, the earning rule will inherit the campaign timeframe (start and expiration date). All time-related limits are optional and described precisely in this guide.
Timeframe options include:
- Start date & time
- End date & time (expiration)
- Valid in this timeframe only (recurring)
- Valid on particular days only
Next, specify the number of points that customers should get when they match the rule.
For each earning rule type, you can create either a basic rule that gives a fixed amount of points or a more advanced rule that adds points proportionally in a given context.
Next, add or unset metadata for an earning rule.
You can learn more about metadata in our dedicated guide here.
Using optional validation rules, you can define additional limits for your customers that will be checked before triggering points.
To attach validation rules, select one from the existing sets of rules or create a new set on the spot.
Validation rules can limit the earning rule to specific customer segments, cart structures, or other buying circumstances of your choice. Go here to read more about validation rules supported in loyalty programs.
When ready, save your earning rule with Save. Add as many earning rules as you want to your campaign. The Points expiration & earning rules view will list all active rules.
If you want to edit or delete the earning rule, click the tricolon and choose an option from the list. You can view the metadata assigned to the earning rule by clicking on the icon under Metadata.
When all rules are set, go to the next step and prepare your Rewards Catalog.
Select the reward by searching for it using the magnifying glass. If you did not prepare your rewards beforehand, create a new reward instead by selecting the plus and defining the new reward on the spot. Define the reward price in points. You can find the detailed Reward descriptions in this guide.
Confirm with Add reward when you map the reward to a predefined number of loyalty points. All added rewards will be listed in the Rewards Catalog.
Go to the next step to enable Tiers. If you do not want to use the tiers, skip this section.
Tiers are optional membership levels of your loyalty campaign. Setting up tiers is a four-step process.
Step 1: Defining tier timeframe
Customers have two options for qualifying for a tier: points-based and time-based.
Points Balance
In the first option, customers qualify for the tier if their points balance is in the points range of the tier. This means that they fall out of a tier if their point balance is out of the defined range and enter a tier if they reach the minimum required to be in that tier. You can customize this further by specifying when the tier will expire for a customer. This happens when the customer falls out of the points range by default.
Using the Custom option, you can define a period for which the tier is valid even after the customer falls out of the points range. The expiration date counter starts when the customer reaches the minimum required points needed to be in the tier. You can define the expiration period in months and also choose to round the expiration date to some period (e.g., end of the month, quarter, year, etc.).
Points collected in a period
In the second option, customers can qualify for the tier if they collect enough points in a given period. So, in addition to reaching a points range, the customer also needs to have collected the points within a set period, which can be a month, quarter, half-year, or year.
Period | Definition |
Calendar Month | Points collected in one calendar month January, February, March, etc. |
Calendar Quarter | Points collected in the quarter
Calendar Half-year | Points collected in the half-year
Calendar Year | Points collected in one calendar year January - December |
Here are how tier start and expiration dates are defined:
Tier start date | Definition |
Immediately | When the tier threshold is reached, the customer is immediately upgraded to the tier. |
For example, if we have monthly qualification periods and the customer collects a required number of points on the 10th day of the month, the tier will start from that day. | |
Next qualification period | When the tier threshold is reached, the customer is upgraded to the tier from the subsequent qualification period start date. |
For example, if we have monthly qualification periods and the customer collects a required number of points on the 10th day of the month, the tier will start from the 1st day of the following month. | |
Tier expiration date | Definition |
End of the qualification period | The tier will be valid till the end of the qualification period in which the tier was granted. |
For example, if we have monthly qualification periods, the tier will be valid until the end of the month it was granted. | |
End of the next qualification period | The tier will be valid till the end of the next qualification period in which the tier was granted. |
For example, if we have monthly qualification periods, the tier will be valid until the end of the following month based on the month the tier was granted. | |
Extensions | For both options (end of the qualification period and end of the next qualification period), adding additional time for tier expiration in days or months is possible. |
For example, if we have monthly qualification periods, then the tier will be valid till the end of the month or the end of the next month in which the tier was granted and defined an additional seven days period in our extensions. The tier will expire not at the end of the month but on the 7th day of the month. |
Follow the next three steps to set up individual tiers and customize earning rules and rewards to tiers.
Step 2: Adding tiers
Click Create tier and define its details (points range, name, and, if needed, custom metadata). Confirm with Save.
You can add as many campaign tiers as you want. Note that each tier needs to cover a different point range. You can edit and delete tiers using the tricolon.
Step 3: Mapping earning rules
Next, you can define new points mapping to each earning rule. The mapping changes the way points are assigned in a specific tier. The mapping can be based on multiplying the default points value as defined in the earning rule, or it can be redefined as a fixed, custom number of points that overrides the default points set by the earning rule. New points assignments changed through mapping will be executed only for members in the particular tier. Choose Map earning rules and Add mapping for the rule you want to edit.
The mapping changes how points are assigned in a specific tier; a multiplier changes the default number of points assigned to the earning rule.
Remember to confirm mapping with Save.
Step 4: Mapping rewards
Click on Map Rewards to define new tier-specific reward prices. Click Add mapping for the reward whose price in points you would like to edit. As a result, customers from different tiers will need to use a different number of points to get the same reward.
The mapping changes how many points are needed to obtain a reward. The mapping can be based on multiplying the default points value as defined in the reward, or it can be redefined as a fixed, custom number of points that overrides the default points set for the reward. You also have the option to turn off a reward for a particular tier by choosing Not available. This way, you can define rewards as available only in specific tiers. New reward prices changed through mapping will be executed only for members in the particular tier. You can view the metadata assigned to the reward by clicking on the icon under Metadata.
When tiers are ready, go to the next step to set up automatic notifications.
Notifications are optional; automatic messages are sent from Voucherify to end customers or third-party applications. You can set up three types of loyalty notifications in the Campaign Manager.
- Send loyalty program code (digital loyalty card) – notifications will send a message with a unique loyalty card every time you publish (assign) a new card to a customer. There are many ways of publishing cards to your customers; you can learn about them in this short guide and choose the proper method.
- Loyalty points gained – notification is sent automatically to customers once they get new loyalty points.
- Reward redeemed – customers redeeming their reward trigger the messages. You can notify about updated loyalty scores, send coupon codes, and inform about reward details.
Choose which notification you want to set up and configure the message.
Choose a message channel by enabling its settings.
Then, configure the message details and design the template. If you need help with that, visit our Distribution Guide. Note that you can use more than one channel in each notification setup.
Using emails or text messages, you can include the following loyalty variables in the message template:
- For sending loyalty codes: voucher code (loyalty card code), voucher value, customer cockpit URL, loyalty card QR code, and barcode.
- For notifying about new points: earning rule (name), earning rule points value, loyalty card code (text, barcode, QR code), customer cockpit URL.
- For notifying about redeemed reward: reward name, reward value, cockpit URL, loyalty card code (text, QR code, barcode).
You can manage and track notifications in the Distributions tab when the campaign is on.
With notifications ready, go to the next step.
Next, go to the Summary to see the overview of the campaign setup.
In the last step, you can see the program summary and return to each section to make edits. When everything is set correctly, click Save to confirm the loyalty campaign.
After saving the campaign, Voucherify will show you a campaign dashboard with metrics and stats you can track. Voucherify automatically updates reports to show the ongoing program performance.
The loyalty campaign is ready. Now, you can publish and share loyalty cards with end customers.
Loyalty card publication
- Invoke Create Publication API method.
- A web widget placed on your website.
- Manual or automatic distribution via the dashboard.
- Manual publication using the Publish button in the detailed loyalty card view.
Be careful while using Distributions and Loyalty Notifications in parallel. If you have already set up Notifications that send loyalty cards, choosing the same channel in the distribution settings results in sending the message with the loyalty card code twice.
Customer Cockpits (Digital wallet)
Each customer with a loyalty card has a digital wallet with earned points and available rewards. Depending on balance changes, Voucherify will dynamically activate/deactivate particular rewards for a customer. As a result, a customer can exchange earned points for specific rewards.
To visit the customer's cockpit, go to their profile and click the cockpit icon.
Redeeming Loyalty Rewards
When a customer collects the required number of points, the reward is automatically published in their cockpit (it is active). Then, they can decide if they want the reward by clicking on the respective button.
If a customer chooses to transfer points for a reward, Voucherify updates their points balance. A customer can use the chosen reward during the purchase, which invokes the validation and redemption process noted in the Voucherify dashboard.
Tracking and maintenance
Go here to learn about tracking results and maintenance of your loyalty campaigns.