Loyalty Maintenance & Tracking

In this guide, we'll cover the maintenance and tracking of your loyalty campaigns. Read on to learn about loyalty metrics you can track and how to introduce changes to ongoing campaigns to boost your results.


  1. Maintenance
  2. Tracking and Reporting
  3. Transactions


Click on the campaign name to open the dashboard. From this view, you can introduce the following program changes and actions:

  1. Change the campaign status from Active to Disabled (stop campaign).
  2. Add new digital loyalty cards (unique loyalty codes).
  3. Edit campaign settings. This option directs you back to the Campaign Manager, where you can edit earning rules, rewards catalog, tiers, and other program details. 
  4. Clone the campaign.
  5. Delete the campaign. If you want to reuse the campaign name in the future, remember to check the Delete permanently checkbox.
  6. Import CSV files with loyalty cards or Export campaign data.

Next to adding new loyalty codes, you can manually Publish (assign) them to particular customers.

Create distribution directs you to the Distribution Manager where you can set up new loyalty notifications. 

Tracking & Reporting

Track the real-time performance of your loyalty program on many levels. Using the dashboard, you can monitor and analyze the campaign metrics and each participant's activity individually. 

Loyalty Program Performance

Click on the loyalty program name to visit the campaign dashboard. 

You can see the following campaign metrics:

  • Active distributions and sent messages (they can deliver rewards, inform about added points, send loyalty cards, and more).
  • A sum of points gained by your customers sorted by date.
  • A conversion rate chart shows the number of redeemed points sorted by date.
  • Recent program changes and customers' actions.

Using the remaining tabs, you'll get insights into campaign details.

  1. The Loyalty Cards tab shows all the unique loyalty cards generated so far. By clicking the code, you can see card details. You can also publish or deactivate a particular card, display the QR code, and get an overview of the number of redemptions for each card.
  2. The Tiers tab shows the setup of your program levels. 
  3. The Earning Rules tab shows the list of campaign earning rules and lets you manually enable or disable each one. 
  4. The Rewards Catalog shows what incentives customers can get in exchange for points. 
  5. The Participants tab lists all customers with a loyalty card published (assigned) to their account. It shows the customer name, attached loyalty card code, and publication date.
  6. The Metadata tab stores all custom attributes assigned to the campaign.
  7. In Rewards Redemptions, you can see a list of all points redemptions made by your customers so far.
  8. The Notifications tab shows the setup of distributions used to communicate with your customers throughout your loyalty campaign.
  9. The Activity tab shows events in chronological order associated with your loyalty campaign. You can filter events by category and time of occurrence.
  10. The Points Expiration tab shows an expiration forecast containing information about when a specific number of points will expire. The forecast is displayed in descending order based on the expiration date, with the soonest expiration date at the top.
  11. The Analytics tab gives you an insight into the campaign's overall performance. Four charts present details regarding points, orders, validations, redemptions, rollbacks, vouchers, and publications.
Campaign Calendar

Once you save your campaign or save it as a draft, you can see when it will be active in the Campaign Calendar in the Marketer Hub sidebar section. The Campaign Calendar shows an overview of all campaigns and their timeframes and additional information when you click on a given campaign bar.

Customer Activity

Voucherify enables you to track end-customer activity in particular loyalty campaigns. Click on the customer's name to visit his/her profile and go to the Activity tab. Using filters, you can choose a particular loyalty campaign or list activities from all loyalty programs. Moreover, you can filter out customers' activities performed within the given timeframe.

Points expiration dates

The next batch of loyalty points to expire is shown in customer profile > Wallet > Loyalty Cards or customer profile > Details > Upcoming loyalty points expiration tile.

Exporting points expiration periods

You can create a CSV file of all your points expirations for a campaign. To do so, navigate to your campaign, choose the Points Expiration tab, and click on the Export tool.  

View this article for more information on exporting points expirations.

You can also use our API to filter all customer activities by date or a specific event. Visit our Developer Hub to learn more.


Transactions are point movements on the loyalty card. They can be viewed and exported on the Transactions tab of a particular loyalty card.

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