Team & Project Settings

This article will guide you through Voucherify Team and Project Settings.

Access Control

  • Team settings can be viewed and managed only by an Account Owner. 
  • Project settings can be managed by the Account Owner and (optionally) users with proper access granted by an Admin.


  1. Team settings
  2. Project settings

Team Settings

Manage your subscription, user roles and access, two-factor authentication, and more.

If you are an account owner, click your name in the bottom left in the side panel and click Team settings.


The first section displays basic information about the subscription plan, billing details, and API usage. You can manage your subscription and billing details here. The Billing Details section is crucial to continue your subscription after the trial expiration. 

  • Subscription – to create a subscription, choose Create Subscription, choose a plan, confirm billing information, and enter your credit card information. Based on a chosen plan and provided information, Voucherify will create invoices and set limits on your account. To confirm your subscription, select Create.
  • Payment Methods – change payment methods and update credit card information.
  • Billing – you can edit billing details by choosing the pencil icon and updating your information in the form.
  • API usage – to view the API usage per project, choose the down arrow and select a project from the list. You can also Navigate to Project Settings > API Usage to view a summary of API calls for a project. To change the notifications settings, click Set notifications under one of the graphs. You can set the frequency and receivers of notifications for exceeding a pre-defined percent of allowed API calls.


Each month, Voucherify issues a new invoice. The app lists them in the Invoices tab to give you quick access to all your invoices.


In this section, you can manage your team and assign roles to users to build multi-level data access:

  • Use filters to look for members.
  • Click on Invite member to invite a new team member and assign them a role.
  • Click on the tricolon ⁝ to edit or remove existing team members.


Enable Two-factor authentication for your team as it adds an extra layer of security to your user accounts by making users enter a verification code (in addition to a username and password when they sign in to their account).


With this directory, you can:

  • Filter projects.
  • Create project.
  • Get an overview of all your Voucherify projects.
  • Switch to a new project to see its details.
  • Delete projects. Click on the tricolon ⁝ next to the Project you want to delete and choose Delete.
Create project

In Projects, click Create project to add a new project.

  1. In the Details step, set up the following:
    1. Name your project.
    2. Add a description with details about the project (optional).
    3. Select Region where the project operates. There a three shared regions (clusters): Europe, United States, and Asia (Singapore).
    4. Select Time zone. The timezone is important for properly configuring expiration dates, and the currency determines which currency is displayed in the UI.
    5. Add Default international dialing prefix (optional). It affects the phone number of any future customer who is added without a specified dialing prefix.
  2. In the Permanent Settings, set up the Voucher code case sensitivity. Case sensitivity affects searching for vouchers, validating them, and redeeming them.
    1. Case sensitive – capital and lower case letters in voucher codes create different codes, e.g. cOdE1 and CODE1 are two different codes.
    2. Case insensitive – capital and lower case letters in voucher codes do not create different codes, e.g. cOdE1 and CODE1 are the same code.
    3. Once this setting is set during project creation, it cannot be changed later.
  3. In the Users (optional) step, you can add users to the project:
    1. Click Add a user.
    2. In the left drop-down list, select the user you want to add.
    3. In the right drop-down list, select the role the user will have in the project. You can choose between four predefined roles or create custom ones with unique properties (Enterprise feature).

Legal Compliance

Voucherify is a GDPR-compliant Data Processor. Read about our standard terms and privacy policies and amendments to your compliance needs. You may also add the contact details of the EU Representative, Data Protection Officer, and SLS Contact Person. You also can view files such as information security management rules.

Delete People Data

In this section, you may permanently delete any customer history from Voucherify to comply with European data protection laws (GDPR). To do so, search for a particular active or archived customer, select the bin icon, and hit confirm.

Management API

Management API introduces endpoints that let you perform operations connected with projects, users, metadata schemas, custom event schemas, stacking rules, webhooks, and branding. It is an enterprise feature. You can check the management API use chart in the Subscription tab of Team Settings.

Project Settings

In the side panel, click Home section and go to Project Settings.

General Settings

General Project Settings are divided into the following sections:

  • Application Information about a current project:
    • Application name – The name of your Voucherify project
    • Time zone – The default time zone for your project
    • Currency –  The default currency for transactions and campaigns
    • Advanced code settings – Character set used for generating voucher codes
    • Default international dialing prefix – Prefix for international phone numbers; affects any future customer added without a specified dialing prefix
    • Description – Summary or purpose of the project
    • Region – Geographic region where the project operates
    • API version – Version of the API being used
    • Case-sensitive voucher codes – Enables or disables case sensitivity in voucher codes
    • API endpoint – URL for accessing the API
  • Project currency - Setting up currency in the project enables you to display values in the desired format; however, note that currency does not impact how our API calculates amounts as it is currency-agnostic. After changing the project currency, please log out of your account and log in again to continue.
  • Project members – a list of all members assigned to the particular project. If you are an Account Owner, go to Team Settings to invite or add a new user to the project.
  • Email settings – a place for a custom domain. It is required if you want to send emails from your sender address.
  • Webhooks – custom endpoint URLs.
  • Application and Client-side keys – unique keys for every project. 

    The primary secret key is visible for 14 days only when it is generated for the first time and for 15 minutes when the token is regenerated. Secondary secret keys are visible for 15 minutes when they are generated for the first time or regenerated. Write your keys down and keep them in a safe place.

    The API keys in the Sandbox Project are never hidden.

    • Blocked API keys – Check whether a set of API keys is blocked. The cause of blocked API keys could be the result of reaching the limit of allowed API calls. Keys can be blocked only by Voucherify; if you want to get more information about the reason for the blocked API keys, contact the Voucherify support team.
    • IP Whitelisting – Restrict API keys to specific IP addresses, permitting access only from the list of allowed IP addresses.
  • Integration Keys – Create API keys with specific role types and use them for particular integrations with Voucherify.
  • Your website URL allows client requests only from the given domain. Set this to enable requests from any origin. 
  • Client-side settings:
    • Enable client-side redemption (e.g., redeem a voucher using a referral widget on your site).
    • Enable client-side publication (e.g., get vouchers after completing a subscription form on your site).
    • Enable client-side voucher listing.
    • Enable client-side customer creation (e.g., share vouchers in exchange for customer data collected in the Voucherify dashboard and sent through the subscribe form on your site).
    • Enable client-side voucher expiration date update.
    • Enable client-side loyalty and referral program events.

Brand Details

The Brand Details tab allows you to add all necessary marketing information and data protection clauses in compliance with the GDPR and other data-related policies.

In this tab, you will be asked to provide your brand's name, physical mailing address, and contact information.

The provision of these details is obligatory as international law states that all marketing emails must include your brand's physical mailing address and contact information. Here, you may also provide:

  • URL to your Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
  • Customizable permission reminder, which helps avoid false spam reports.
  • Your website URL and logo.

We recommend filling in these details as they let your customers know how your brand collects, uses, and discloses personal data.

Information provided in this tab will be automatically placed in the footer of any Voucherify template you use. Here, you can also set up customer cockpit options.

Event Schema

In this section, you may define custom events that you can later use to identify converted new customers (referred customers). In a nutshell, you can name events and attach certain attributes to them (e.g., name, type, optional/required checkbox) and their types. With Event Schema defined and added to your API, you can use these custom actions as a reward trigger in referral programs and launch successful campaigns. 

Metadata Schema

This section allows you to define metadata for your promotional campaigns and more. Metadata can later be used for validation rules and reporting/tracking. Learn more about metadata, example use cases, and watch a video on metadata.

API Usage

Here, you can see the limits of API callouts set in your pricing plan. This view shows you the API calls that are specific to the project. 

You can also navigate to Team Settings > subscription to view a summary of API calls for each of your projects.

Automatic notifications settings

You can trigger in-app and email notifications when your redemptions, API calls, and bulk API calls reach a predefined percent limit. 

To set automatic notifications, you can either: 

  • Navigate to the Bell Icon at the top of your Dashboard > Notifications Center > Account Settings.
  • Click the pencil icon under one of the charts, and the link will redirect you directly to the API usage notification settings.

To enable new email notifications, navigate to the Notifications Center > Account Settings and follow the steps below:

  1. Click Show details next to the notifications you want to activate.
  2. Toggle the switch next to the Email.
  3. Define the % usage limit that triggers the notification.
  4. Click Add email to define a receiver email address.
  5. Confirm with Save.  

To enable in-app notifications, toggle the switch next to the In app.


Charts display your API usage.

To see API call statistics, hover over a given bar, and you will see the overall usage for the given timeframe (hour/day). The tag will display a percentage of your allowed API calls that have been invoked.

API calls per hour in a project

This bar chart shows your project's API calls per hour and the overall percentage of API calls utilized from the allowed limit.

Bulk API calls per hour in a project

This bar chart shows a project's bulk API calls per hour and the percentage of API calls utilized from the allowed limit. 

Integration webhook calls per day in a project

This bar chart shows the daily Webhook calls used by integrations that sync data back to Voucherify (like ActiveCampaign, BigCommerce, and Shopify). It shows the current usage in a project and the overall percentage of API calls utilized from the allowed limit. 

Areas and Stores (Enterprise Feature)

With the Areas and Stores feature, you can create campaigns targeting specific markets or shops within one project. You can create areas representing your regional structure and stores representing your points of sale. Additionally, you can manage your team and assign permissions to store or area managers. This way, they can run campaigns independently without the risk of affecting campaigns assigned to other areas or stores.

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