Areas and Stores

With the Areas and Stores feature, you can create campaigns targeting specific markets or shops within one project. You can create areas representing your regional structure and stores representing your points of sale. Additionally, you can manage your team and assign permissions to store or area managers. This way, they can run campaigns independently without the risk of affecting campaigns assigned to other areas or stores.

Areas and Stores are an Enterprise feature.

The areas and store feature shown in the Voucherify project settings. The details of an area called Area-001 are shown with three stores added to the area.


  1. Basic Principles
  2. Roles and Permissions
  3. Managing Areas and Stores
  4. Managing Restricted Users and API Keys
  5. Visibility
  6. Managing Resources in Areas and Stores

Basic Principles


An area can be used to limit and, in this way, make it easier to manage your promotional activities. An area can include stores and you can assign users as well as API keys to manage campaigns by assigning them to the area. Users assigned to an area can also manage campaigns in its stores. However, the users assigned to one area can only manage campaigns in that area. A campaign assigned to the whole area can also be used within the area’s stores.


A store further narrows down the possibilities of managing campaigns. You can assign users as well as API keys to a store. However, the users assigned only to one store cannot manage other stores within the area. Similarly, campaigns assigned to one store cannot be used by users assigned to another store.


A user is a person who can manage campaigns in a store or a whole area. There are several user roles that can manage areas and stores with different permissions:

  • Admin
  • User
  • Restricted user

You can create specific API keys to a user restricted role, which can be assigned to areas and/or stores.

API Keys

An API key can be assigned to a user restricted role and to areas and stores. This API key ensures that a system can access campaigns only within specific areas and stores, and perform campaign-related actions there, like redeeming a voucher. This way, the API key cannot be used to access the campaigns that are assigned to other areas or stores or perform related activities.


A campaign is a standard Voucherify campaign. You can assign all types of campaigns to an area or a store.

How it is all tied together

You can represent your regions and particular points of sale where you run promotional activities by creating areas and stores. You can also add your team members and, if necessary, create roles or custom roles with separate API keys. This way, your team members who are, for example, store managers can run individual campaigns assigned to their store without affecting campaigns that other store managers run. Also, you can have area managers who supervise campaigns run throughout the whole area or within particular stores.

All this is possible within one Voucherify project, so you do not have to create multiple projects with the same metadata configuration, validation rules, etc., to recreate your regional structure.

Roles and Permissions

The following roles have different permissions and management options in Areas and Stores. 

Areas and Stores Permissions

The following permissions govern what a role can or cannot do with areas and stores:

  • Join areas and stores – the role can be assigned to areas and stores
  • Manage areas – the role can create, edit, and delete areas and stores as well as assign team members to them.
  • Read areas – the role can assign campaigns to areas and stores.

Use these permissions if you want to create custom roles that will be used to manage areas and stores.

Account Owner

The account owner is not a separate role as such. However, the account owner has an admin role by default.

The Voucherify account owner can manage team members and assign them the restricted user role. The rest of permissions depend on the account owner’s role they have in the project.


This is a default Voucherify role or any custom role with the following permissions in the context of areas and stores:

  • Modify base Project Details,
  • Manage areas,
  • Read areas
  • Campaign permissions

The user with an Admin role can:

  • Add a restricted user to an area or a store,
  • Create API keys with a restricted user role and assign them to an area or a store,
  • Create, edit, and delete areas and stores,
  • Create, edit, and delete campaigns and optionally assign them to an area or a store.


This is a default Voucherify role or any custom role with the following permissions in the context of areas and stores:

  • Read areas
  • Campaign permissions

The user with a User role can:

  • Create, edit, and delete campaigns and optionally assign them to an area or a store.

Restricted User

This is a default Voucherify role or any custom role with the Join areas and stores permission. In the case of API keys with the User Restricted role, the scope of visibility and activities is the same.

The user with a restricted user role can:

  • Create and edit campaigns and assign them to an area or a store to which the restricted user is assigned, as well as delete campaigns in their area or stores,
  • Be assigned to an area or a store by an admin,
  • See only the campaigns within the assigned areas or stores,
  • Perform campaign-related activities only within the assigned areas or stores, e.g.:
    • code publication,
    • validation rule assignment,
    • validation,
    • redemption,
    • qualification,
    • rollback.

Role Comparison

What can the role do? Admin User Restricted User
Create API keys with the restricted user role and assign them to an area or store YES NO NO
Add a Restricted User to an area or a store YES NO NO
Create, edit, and delete areas and stores YES NO NO
View areas and stores and the assigned restricted users YES YES NO
Create campaigns and assign them to an area or a store YES, and the assignment is optional YES, and the assignment is optional YES, but the assignment is mandatory and limited to the Restricted User’s assignment to areas or stores 
Edit campaigns and assign them to an area or a store YES, and the assignment is optional YES, and the assignment is optional YES, but only if the campaign is assigned to an area or store to which the Restricted User is assigned. However, if a user is assigned only to a store, they cannot edit campaigns assigned to the whole area.
Delete campaigns YES YES YES, but only if the campaign is assigned to an area or store to which the Restricted User is assigned.
See all campaigns YES YES NO, only the campaigns assigned to the Restricted User’s areas or stores
Perform campaign-related activities, e.g., code publication, validation rule assignment, validation, redemption, rollback YES YES YES, but only within the campaigns assigned to the Restricted User’s areas or stores
Be assigned to an area or a store by an admin NO, because the Admin can access and manage all areas and stores and manage all campaigns NO, because the User can view all areas and stores and manage all campaigns YES

The default roles of Viewer, and Merchant can only view areas and stores. These roles can neither be assigned to areas or stores nor create, edit, or delete them.

Managing Areas, Stores, and Restricted Users

The following actions can be performed by an Admin only.

You can create up to 100 areas per project and 100 stores per area.

To create a new area:

  1. In the Home section, go to Project Settings.
  2. Go to the Areas & Stores tab.
  3. Click Add area.
  4. Name the area and edit the list of users authorized to manage campaigns in the area and its dependent stores.
  5. Click Save.

To add a store:

  1. In the Areas & Stores tab, click on an area to unroll the area details.
  2. Click Add area store.
  3. Name the store and edit the list of users authorized to manage campaigns in that store.
  4. Click Create.

In the area detail view, you can:

  • View the area details, its stores, and assigned users,
  • Edit area details – its name and authorized users,
  • Add stores,
  • Edit stores – their names and authorized users,
  • Delete stores,
  • Edit assigned users and their assignments to the whole area or particular stores,
  • Delete the area only if it does not have any stores.

Managing Restricted Users and API Keys

Only the Account Owner can assign or remove the Restricted User role to a team member.

To add a new Restricted User:

  1. Go to Team Settings.
  2. Go to the Team tab.
  3. Select the team member you want to edit.
  4. Assign the User Restricted role to them in the respective project.

The following actions can be performed by an Admin only.

To add or remove a Restricted User to an area or store:

  • Edit the list of authorized users when creating a new area or store,
  • Edit the list of authorized users in the area (Assigned users tab) or in the store detail view.

You can also remove the Restricted User’s area and store assignments within an area by clicking the user’s name in the Assigned users tab and clicking X next to an area or store.

You can also create API keys for with user restricted permissions:

  1. In the Home section, go to Project Settings.
  2. In the General tab, scroll down to Application Keys.
  3. Click the plus button.
  4. Enter the channel name and select the User Restricted role.
  5. Click Edit access list to assign areas and/or stores.

Restricted users cannot create or see API keys.

The users with this Application ID and Secret Key can manage campaigns and perform other activities through the API within the areas and/or stores assigned to this channel.

You can change the assignments by clicking the three-dot menu next to the channel and selecting Edit.

The secret key is visible for 15 minutes when it is generated for the first time or regenerated. Write your key down and keep it in a safe place.

A Restricted User or Restricted User API key can have up to 100 assignments to areas or stores.


Administrators and Users can view all the resources in all areas and stores. However, Restricted Users have limited access to some of the resources and these will not be visible to them.

Restricted Users can view the following resources only within the area or store to which they are assigned:

  • Campaigns
  • Vouchers
  • Redemptions
  • Validations
  • Promotion tiers
  • Combined promotions

Restricted Users do not see, e.g., the campaigns assigned to other areas or stores to which they do not have access.

Standalone vouchers

Even though standalone vouchers are created through the campaign manager, they are not campaigns, so they cannot be assigned to an area or store. As a result, standalone vouchers will not be visible to Restricted Users.

Restricted Users can see the following resources regardless of the area or store to which they are assigned:

  • Customers
  • Validation Rules
  • Orders
  • Products
  • Rewards
  • Locations
  • Categories
  • Distributions
  • Landing pages
Limited visibility

If a resource (e.g., a reward) uses or refers to resources (e.g., a campaign) that is not assigned to the area or store which is accessible to the Restricted User, the Restricted User may not see all the details. Also, access to some views may be forbidden.

Managing Resources in Areas and Stores

Administrators and Users can manage all resources in all areas and stores. However, Restricted Users have limited access to some of the resources and, as a result, have limited management possibilities.

Managing Campaigns in Areas and Stores

Voucherify Campaigns can be assigned to particular stores or whole areas. To assign a campaign to an area or store:

  1. In the campaign editor, go to the Access settings step.
  2. Click Edit access list.
  3. Select areas and/or stores to which the campaign will be assigned. You can use the search field to find particular areas or stores.
  4. If you need to unassign the campaign from an area or store, click the X button next to the name of the area or store.
  5. Save the campaign.
Global Campaign Assignment

If you want the campaign to be visible and applicable to all areas and stores, check all areas. If the campaign is not assigned to any area or store, it will not be accessible to Restricted Users.

A campaign can have up to 100 assignments to areas or stores.

Managing Resources as a Restricted User

Restricted Users can manage the following resources or perform actions within the area or store to which they are assigned:

  • Campaigns
  • Vouchers
  • Redemptions
  • Validations
  • Publications
  • Qualifications
  • Promotion tiers
  • Combined promotions

This means that Restricted Users cannot access and manage campaigns and associated resources, such as vouchers or redemptions, that are not assigned to a Restricted User’s area or store. When a Restricted User creates a new campaign, they must assign it to any of their areas or stores.

Additionally, if a campaign is assigned to the whole area, but the Restricted User is assigned only to one or several stores within that area, the Restricted User cannot edit the campaign. However, they can still view it or perform related activities, like redemption or publication.

Restricted Users can perform activities, like creating, editing, or deleting, on the following resources regardless of the area or store to which they are assigned:

  • Customers
  • Validation Rules
  • Orders
  • Products
  • Rewards
  • Locations
  • Categories
  • Distributions
  • Landing pages

You can further limit what Restricted Users can do by creating a custom role with the Join areas and stores permission.

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