Invite a New User

This article will teach you how to manage your users and their project permissions. These features provide a flexible way to manage users' data access.


  1. How to add a new team member?
  2. User structure and management
  3. Management API
Only the Account Administrator (account owner) can access the Team settings. If you need to add an additional account owner, the existing owner can request that via the contact support form or by emailing Voucherify support.

How to add a new team member?

  1. Go to Team Settings by clicking on your username in the bottom left corner.
  2. Select the TEAM tab and click Invite member.

  3. Provide the details of the user you want to invite. Here, you can also choose the projects the invited member should have access to and a particular user role.
  4. Click Invite Member to submit the invitation.
  5. Once the user confirms the activation link, they can access the Dashboard. The new user's information will appear in the Team section.

User structure and management

Within Team Settings, you can assign particular roles to your team members and affiliates. Roles control the extent of access to the data a particular user is granted. The roles can be added only by the account owner.

Management API

After adding users to your account, you can also manage their roles and project assignments via the management API.

Note that the management API is an Enterprise feature.

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