Approval Requests

Enterprise feature available upon request

When assigning custom user roles, you can implement approval policies to protect your promo campaigns from internal fraud or errors. This article will guide you through Voucherify Approval Requests. First, we’ll describe how to create a request and then we’ll continue on with showing you how to approve a request.


  1. How does it work?
  2. How to create a request?
  3. How to approve a request?
  4. Notification Settings

Access Control

    You can turn on approval requests by creating a custom user role with limitations. Read more on creating custom user roles.

Before continuing you can also watch our Product Update video and learn how Voucherify can support big organizations with user roles and approval workflows.

How does it work?

If you create a user with limited permissions in Voucherify, you can turn on the following limitations, which will trigger an approval manager to be displayed before any changes are applied in the system.

  • Adding vouchers to existing campaign
  • Updating vouchers
  • Creating generic vouchers
  • Create campaigns
  • Update campaign
  • Validation Rules changes

Changes are applied in the system only after a request is Approved.

Request Approval Workflow

The approval process is described below.

If a requester performs an action that requires an approval, they will need to request approval.
Choose an approver (user with an Admin role).
Provide details in a comment
Submit request for approval.
Approver reviews the request and chooses either to approve, reject, or requests changes to be made.
Each of the approval requests will have statuses associated with it. Here is a summary of the statuses.
Status Description
Approved Your request has been approved and the changes you requested have been applied in the system.
Pending Your request is pending an action on the approver's side.
Rejected The approver has rejected your request. You will need to submit a new request if you have another proposal.
Changes requested The approver is requesting you to make changes to the request. You can go into the request to see any comments left by the approver and resubmit the request for approval after applying the new changes.
Draft You started creating a change to a resource, but have note finished the approval request process. You can click on the tricolon next to the request and choose View Wizard to go back and finish the request.

How to create a request?

A user with limited rights will be redirected to an approval workflow for a given operation. Simple operations will direct you immediately to select an approver (user with an Admin role). More complex changes will allow you to make changes within the manager and finally allow you to choose an approver at the end of the operation.

  1. The first step is to choose an approver. Select the magnifying glass  

  2. Then choose an approver . Confirm with Select Users.

    Select approver

  3. In the Comment section, write a message to your approver to let them know what you would like to do.

    Enter a comment

  4. Click Save

Viewing and Editing Requests

You will be redirected to My approval requests

My approval requests

This is a list of all of your requested approvals and their current status.

Next to each request below the actions column, you have several options.

  • View Comments will display more details about your request. 
  • Delete will delete your request.
  • View wizard (available for more complex operations) will allow you to go back and make edits in the request and resubmit changes and comments.

Act on a request

Updating requests

If an approver requests changes to be made to your request, you will receive an email notifying you about the requested changes. You can navigate to My approval requests to make changes.

How to approve a request?

Each approver will have a list of pending requests in their que.

Navigate to My approval requests.

You will be presented with a list of requests that have been sent for your approval.

List of approval requests

Simple operations

  1. For simple operations, choose View Comments to review the request. 

  2. You can immediately enter a comment and either Approve or Reject a request.

Complex operations

  1. For complex operations, click Open Wizard

  2. After you go through the wizard, you will be presented with an option to enter comments. Enter comments

  3. Finally, you can either Request changes, Approve or Reject a request.

    • Request changes will change the status of the pending request to Requested changes and the originator of the request can make edits based on the feedback and resubmit the request.
    • Reject will annul the request.
    • Approve will approve the request and make the requested changes in the system.

Notification Settings

Notification customization can be achieved by navigating to the Notifications Center > Personal Settings > Approval requests changed.

An approver will be notified about new approval requests and a requester will be notified about any status changes to the approval request.

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