New User Interface – Changelog

Over the past months, the Voucherify interface has been getting a fresh look. This update reflects Voucherify’s growth into a multi-product technology company – its goal is to streamline navigation and make it easier for you to launch and manage promotions. Follow the guide below for a sneak peek of the changes.

The new dashboard is a work in progress. The final appearance may differ from the views shown in the images.

The new interface has been released with the v20240226 version. Follow the Release Notes and Changelog to learn what is new in Voucherify.

As of the latest update, most of the documentation still refers to the previous interface. Voucherify’s team is actively updating it to align with the latest changes. For the most accurate guidance, refer to the provided guide to help you navigate the new interface effectively.




  • New Marketer Hub Section – We have added a new section to the Dashboard, called Marketer Hub. It includes the Demo Shop and a new feature, Campaign Calendar.
  • Campaign Calendar – You can now monitor when your campaigns and draft campaigns start and end in a calendar view. There, you can click on a given campaign bar to display more information or go to the Campaign Details page. This feature will be improved in future versions.


  • New Distribution Manager – Reworked the user interface for creating distributions. Now, creating the distribution has fewer steps and it consists of:
    • Trigger – choose manual distribution or the trigger that will send the distribution, e.g., customer entered segment.
    • Action – choose the action that the trigger will cause.
    • Channels – choose channels through which the message will be distributed.
    • Summary – an overview of the distribution configuration.


  • Filtering in the Customers section – Reworked the user interface for managing customers and segments. You can use the new filtering method to create dynamic customer segments or select individual customers, either from the filtered results or the whole list, to create a static segment.
  • New Segments section – Added a Segments section to the Engagement sidebar for easier managing customer segments. You can see a list of created segments, their type, and other information. When clicked, a segment displays the included customers and other details.


  • The toggle button color is now easier to differentiate.


  • Added a new method of filtering. In this release, it covers only the filtering in the Audit Logs, Webhook sendouts tab. In the future releases, it will be added to other filterable elements.


  • Added new label and filter components throughout the app.
  • Added new font settings.


  • Added new feature – Bin.


  • Fixed the styling of some buttons and icons to differentiate between active and inactive states.


Added the new user interface:

  • Reorganized the navigation of user interface sections.
  • Changed color scheme, styling, and font family throughout the interface.

Quick Overview

Old Interface

Voucherify old interface showing the top bar and sidebar

New interface

The new user interface primarily uses the side navigation bar. The top bar fields, such as voucher search or profile settings, are moved to different sidebar sections. A simplified topbar is visible in the Dashboard – Campaigns monitoring screen.

Voucherify dashboard showing the campaigns monitoring screen

Old interface – top bar New interface – sidebar
Search vouchers by code Search codes (second from the top)
Notifications Notifications (second from the bottom)
Help (opens the help beacon) Get Help (bottom right corner)
Demo shop Marketer Hub – Demo Shop
User name and profile options:
  • My profile
  • My approval requests
  • Team settings
  • Project settings
  • Integrations
  • Support
  • Logout
User name and profile options:
  • Team Settings
  • My Profile
  • Approval Requests
  • Support
  • Log out
(first from the bottom)
Compare plans Compare plans (above Notifications)
Upgrade Upgrade (above Notifications)
Old interface – sidebar New interface – sidebar
Dashboard – Campaigns monitoring Home – Dashboard – Campaigns monitoring
Project list Project List (first from the top)
  • Campaigns
  • Vouchers
  • Promotion Tiers
  • Combined Promotions
  • Categories
Campaign Hub – Campaigns:
  • Campaigns
  • Vouchers
  • Promotion Tiers
  • Combined Promotions
  • Categories
  • Templates
Validation Rules Campaign Hub – Validation Rules 
Distributions Engagement – Distribution
  • Redemptions
  • Validations
  • Sessions
  • Stacking Rules
Campaign Hub – Redemptions:
  • Redemptions
  • Validations
  • Sessions
  • Stacking Rules
  • Customers
  • Segments
Engagement – Customers

Engagement – Segments

Orders Campaign Hub – Orders
  • All
  • Collections
Campaign Hub – Products:
  • All
  • Collections
Rewards Campaign Hub – Rewards
Audit Log Audit Log (below Engagement)
- Bin (below Audit Log)
Locations Campaign Hub – Locations

New Interface Sections

The interface is enhanced with two new sections: Campaign Hub and Engagement. The Campaign Hub groups campaign management functionalities and the Engagement section focuses on customer-related operations.


The Home section lets you follow the newest changes in our releases, monitor campaign performance, and manage project settings and integrations.


  • Dashboard
  • What’s new
  • Project Settings
  • Integrations

New Voucherify interface with the Home section

Campaign Hub

In the Campaign Hub, you can create and manage campaigns, set validation rules, and keep track of redemptions and orders for a comprehensive overview of campaign performance. If you integrate products, rewards, and locations with Voucherify, you will be able to customize campaigns with specific offerings, incentives, and targeted geographical areas.

Campaign Hub:

  • Campaigns
    • Campaigns
    • Vouchers
    • Promotion Tiers
    • Combined Promotions
    • Categories
    • Templates
  • Validation Rules
  • Redemptions
    • Redemptions
    • Validations
    • Sessions
    • Stacking Rules
  • Orders
  • Products
    • All
    • Collections
  • Rewards
  • Locations

New Voucherify interface with the Campaign Hub section

Marketer Hub

The Marketer Hub lets you check campaigns in a calendar view and use the demo shop to test your campaigns.

Marketer Hub:

  • Campaign Calendar
  • Demo Shop


The Engagement Section lets you manage customers, customer segments, create distributions, and build landing pages.


  • Customers
  • Segments
  • Distributions
  • Landing pages

New Voucherify interface with Engagement section

Audit Log

View the complete logs of your project. You can check interactions with Voucherify API sorted by request origin, status, and date


Delete permanently resources that have been moved to the bin.

The old UI paths are italicized, and the new UI paths are emboldened.

Search Codes

  1. Topbar
  2. Sidebar > Search codes

Use Demo Shop

  1. Topbar
  2. Sidebar > Marketer Hub > Demo Shop

As in the previous interface, you can also access the Demo Shop on the welcome page.

Change Project Settings

  1. Topbar > Username > Project Settings
  2. Sidebar > Home > Project Settings

As in the previous interface, you can also access Project Settings in the Dashboard > Campaigns Monitoring screen.

Go to Dashboard and Campaigns Monitoring

  1. Sidebar > [Project’s Name]
  2. Sidebar > Home > Dashboard

Read Release Notes

  1. Welcome screen, right-side panel
  2. Sidebar > Home > What’s new

Create Campaign

  1. Sidebar > Campaigns 
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Campaigns

As in the previous interface, you can also create a campaign in the Dashboard > Campaigns Monitoring screen.

Manage Validation Rules

  1. Sidebar > Validation Rules
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Validation Rules

Manage Redemptions

  1. Sidebar > Redemptions
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Redemptions

See Orders

  1. Sidebar > Orders
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Orders

Manage Products

  1. Sidebar > Products
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Products

Manage Rewards

  1. Sidebar > Rewards
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Rewards

Manage Locations

  1. Sidebar > Locations
  2. Sidebar > Campaign hub > Locations

Manage Customers

  1. Sidebar > Customers
  2. Sidebar > Engagement > Customers

Manage Segments

  1. Sidebar > Customers > Segments
  2. Sidebar > Engagement > Segments

Create Distribution

  1. Sidebar > Distributions
  2. Sidebar > Engagement > Distributions

See Logs

  1. Sidebar > Audit Log
  2. Sidebar > Audit Log

See Notifications

  1. Topbar
  2. Sidebar > Notifications

Manage Team Settings

  1. Topbar > Username > Team Settings
  2. Sidebar > Username > Team Settings

Manage My Profile

  1. Topbar > Username > My profile
  2. Sidebar > Username > My profile

Manage Integrations

  1. Topbar > Username > Integrations
  2. Sidebar > Home > Integrations

As in the previous interface, you can also access Integrations in the Dashboard > Campaigns Monitoring screen.

Manage Approval Requests (Enterprise feature)

  1. Topbar > Username > My approval requests
  2. Sidebar > Username > Approval requests

Contact Support

  1. Topbar > Username > Support
  2. Sidebar > Username > Support

Log out

  1. Topbar > Username > Logout
  2. Sidebar > Username > Log out

Help Beacon

  1. Lifebelt icon in the left bottom of the screen
  2. Get help button in the right bottom of the screen
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