Campaign and Voucher Maintenance

This article covers the maintenance of your existing codes and campaigns, including searching resources using built-in filters and metadata.


  1. Categories
  2. Code search
  3. Filter vouchers
  4. Delete a single coupon
  5. Delete a campaign
  6. Enable/disable coupons
  7. Enable/disable campaign
  8. Clone campaign
  9. Campaign search
  10. Activity
  11. Campaign Calendar


In the dashboard, go to the Campaign Hub section > CampaignsVouchers tab to find the list of all your unique codes:

  • unique coupons,
  • unique gift cards,
  • referral codes,
  • loyalty cards. 


Organize codes into categories so you can filter them quickly. A category can be created while creating a campaign or added in the detailed view of the voucher. You can manage categories in the Campaigns > Categories tab.

The category also shows its hierarchy. The lower the number, the higher the importance.

To search for generated vouchers by code, use the search box on the left below the currently chosen project.

Filter Vouchers

Go to the Vouchers view and choose Add filter to set up search criteria. 

Browse coupons by details such as:

  • Voucher code
  • Voucher type
  • Redeemed quantity - defines how many times the code was already redeemed
  • Campaign
  • Campaign status
  • Category
  • Start date
  • Expiration date
  • Creation date
  • Update date
  • Voucher status (active, expired, and so on)
  • Custom attributes assigned to a code as metadata
  • Note that you can use many filters in one search. For example, you can filter out only expired gift cards or active loyalty cards created in a particular timeframe. The number of filters you can use is unlimited. 

    Generic Codes Search

    To list generic codes in the Vouchers view, you need to set the filter Campaign is unknown.

    Starting with version v20241004, you have to pass a campaign name to search for newly-created generic codes.

    Delete Single Coupon


    Choose the Delete permanently option if you want to use the same code in future promotions. Otherwise, if you choose to Move to the Bin, the voucher code will be soft deleted, meaning the app will not allow you to recreate it in this project until it is deleted from the bin.

    Delete a coupon with Actions. Click on the three dots ⁝ > Delete

    Choose between Move to bin or Delete permanently. This means that afterward, you will be able to create a new voucher with the same code. Use the bin to delete codes permanently moved there.

    Delete a Campaign

    There are two ways to delete a campaign.

    • Delete an entire campaign in the detailed view. Click the campaign name and then click the bin icon.
    • In the list of campaigns in the Campaigns section, click the three dots ⁝ > Delete.

    In both cases, a dialog box will appear where you can choose how to delete the campaign:

    • Move to bin: This option prevents you from recreating the same campaign name and codes within this project.
    • Delete permanently: Choose this option if you want to use the same campaign name and new vouchers with the same codes in the future.

    Enable/Disable Coupons

    In the Campaign Details > Vouchers View

    • Navigate to the Campaign Details page.
    • Open the Vouchers tab to view all vouchers associated with the campaign.
    • Use toggle buttons to enable or disable individual vouchers directly from the list.

    Enable/Disable Campaign

    A campaign can be active or disabled. As long as the campaign is disabled, vouchers cannot be redeemed.

    Go to the Campaigns view, click on the campaign name, and press Disable to block campaign redemptions.

    Clone Campaign

    If you release multiple similar campaigns, you can clone an already existing campaign.

    Go to the Campaigns view, click the Campaign you want to clone and duplicate it in the Campaigns dashboard. Referral Programs cannot be cloned.

    You can filter out campaigns using predefined criteria. Go to the Campaigns section in the dashboard and Add filters.

    You can use the following filters:

    • Name – filter out particular campaigns, exclude some campaigns from the results, and search by typing the campaign name.
    • Type – filter out or exclude discount campaigns, gifts, referral programs, or loyalty campaigns.
    • Bulk and generic – filter campaigns to view campaigns with bulk codes or with generic (standalone) ones.
    • Start date – filter campaigns starting after or before a specific date, campaigns that have this date defined or with an unknown start date.
    • Expiration date – filter campaigns expiring after or before a specific date, campaigns that have an expiration date defined or with an unknown expiration date.
    • Creation date – created after or before a specific date.
    • Areas and stores assignments – filter campaigns by their assignment to an area, store, or all stores. It is visible only when the Areas and Stores enterprise feature is enabled. 
    • Metadata – filter campaign with or without specific custom attributes assigned.

    Confirm each filter with the Save button.

    Add condition to narrow down the results within one filter, for example Start date after 01/01/2024 AND (logical junction) Start date before 01/01/2025 to filter results for the whole 2024 year.


    In the activity tab, you can filter and view campaign events. The events are listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top of the list. You can filter the events by category and time of occurrence.

    Campaign Calendar

    Once you save your campaign or save it as a draft, you can see when it will be active in the Campaign Calendar in the Marketer Hub sidebar section. The Campaign Calendar shows an overview of all campaigns and their timeframes and additional information when you click on a given campaign bar.

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