Klaviyo Integration

Klaviyo is a unified customer platform enabling brands to take complete control of consumer data and interactions. By utilizing over 250 native integrations, brands can automate email, SMS, and push communications, providing a more personalized experience for customers.

Voucherify provides a ready-to-go integration with Klaviyo, enabling you to share Voucherify codes via Klaviyo.

The integration supports:

  • Sharing of promo codes, referral codes, loyalty card codes, and gift cards. 
  • Sharing related campaign information such as publication date, QR codes, or links to customer cockpits. 
  • Saving and updating custom properties in Klaviyo related to the Voucherify distribution. 
  • Creating and modifying customers in Klaviyo.

The Voucherify integration with Klaviyo uses messages limits for sending codes to Klaviyo. You can read more about messages limits in our Fair Use Policy.


  1. Bulk Import Codes to Klaviyo
    1. Step-by-Step Process
    2. Key Consideration: Ensure Sufficient Codes
    3. Summary

  2. Updating Klaviyo's Profile Custom Attributes Using Voucherify's Plugin
    1. Integration Configuration
    2. Distribution and Assignment of Promo Codes
    3. Application of Custom Properties in Klaviyo
  3. Fetching Coupons from Voucherify in Klaviyo Flows
    1. Process
    2. Implementation
    3. Important Considerations
    4. Summary

Bulk Import Codes to Klaviyo

Example Business Case: Bulk Voucher Distribution for Large-Scale Campaigns

This approach covers exporting unique voucher codes from Voucherify and importing them into Klaviyo as a set of unassigned coupons for use in email or SMS campaigns. It allows for easy and efficient distribution of vouchers without complex API integrations and customer data sync processes.

Step-by-Step Process

Generate Voucher Codes in Voucherify

  • Create a Bulk Unique Codes Campaign in Voucherify. This allows you to generate a set of unique codes with all additional features — validation rules, expiration dates, usage limits, etc. You can generate as many codes as you need. 
  • Export the codes from Voucherify in a CSV file — it is enough to include the ‘Code’ field into the export in this scenario.

Prepare the CSV File for Klaviyo

  • Open the exported CSV file in a spreadsheet editor.
  • Rename the column header “Code” to “Coupon Code” or “Coupon” (in the first cell, A1).
  • Save the file as a CSV file — with the proper column header, the file is ready to be uploaded in Klaviyo.
Klaviyo Coupon Codes file requirements
  • The maximum file size is 50 MB.
  • There should be only one column in your file, and the first row of your file should be a header, labeled Coupon or Coupon Code.

Import and Use Codes in Klaviyo

In the preview mode, Klaviyo shows a placeholder value like "{your uploaded coupons name}-PREVIEW" to avoid using up any real codes.

Key Consideration: Ensure Sufficient Codes

It is crucial to ensure that the number of voucher codes imported matches or exceeds the size of your send-out. For example, if you are sending a campaign to 1000 customers, make sure that at least 1000 unique voucher codes have been imported. If the codes run out during the campaign, some recipients will not receive a voucher.


This approach is ideal for businesses wanting to execute quick, large-scale campaigns with minimal technical complexity. By leveraging Voucherify as the code generation tool, marketers can efficiently manage large volumes of unique codes and import them into Klaviyo for seamless distribution across their customer base.

Updating Klaviyo’s profile custom attributes using Voucherify’s plugin

Integration configuration

The integration requires generating a new API key in Klaviyo. Additionally, the API key needs to be configured to ensure full access to the API Scope – Profiles to allow Voucherify to add and modify customer attributes. 

In Klaviyo, go to Settings > Account tab > API keys tab on the left sidebar.

Select Create Private API Key to generate a new key and choose Full Access for Profiles:

Once the API key is added, it will be visible in Klaviyo.

With the Klaviyo API key ready, connect both tools by going to Voucherify Dashboard > Integrations tab. Select Klaviyo and provide the API key in the pop-up screen.

Distribution and assignment of promo codes

With both platforms connected, you can start a new Voucherify distribution that assigns a unique code to the Custom Properties in the user profile in Klaviyo. Later, you can use received attributes in your Klaviyo campaigns and emails.

Create a new distribution. Choose the trigger, fill in the name, and choose to send and publish codes from Voucherify. Choose the source of codes from a selected campaign. 

Next, select Klaviyo as the distribution channel and map the fields you want to transfer to Klaviyo. Note that each published voucher will be transferred alongside the respective barcode and QR code, allowing you to run omnichannel campaigns. 

In the integration, the customer’s Source ID in Voucherify is used to find the respective Klaviyo ID to update the voucher code. We suggest using a single ID in Klaviyo and Voucherify. The source_id in Voucherify should match either the External_id of the profile or the Unique ID of the profile in Klaviyo. If the customer profile still has not been found, Voucherify sends the customer data with the phone and email address details (but without the name) to Klaviyo. Then, Voucherify’s Customer ID is used to automatically create a new External ID in Klaviyo.

Application of custom properties in Klaviyo

Once the distribution is live, Voucherify will automatically assign codes to Custom properties in user profiles in Klaviyo.

We recommend that Klaviyo ID of the User Profile be the same as Voucherify customer Source ID. The best way to achieve this is to import the User Profiles from Klaviyo (e.g., via a CSV file) into Voucherify. You can also use Voucherify Customer ID as an External ID in Klaviyo. This happens when you distribute coupon codes to a Voucherify customer who is not added in Klaviyo, as described above.

The Voucherify code is added to the Klaviyo user profile as a Custom property. In case of issues, check the Analytics tab of your Voucherify Distribution for effective troubleshooting and transparent logs. 

With the Voucherify code saved in Klaviyo user profile, you can personalize your messaging with promo codes. All it takes is using the Klaviyo personalization feature to paste custom properties that will be dynamically upserted when the messages are sent.

Here is an example of a final email message with a Voucherify promo code attached:

Besides being sent, the Voucherify code is also automatically assigned to a respective customer. You can check all owned incentives of a given customer by going to the Wallet tab on the customer profile page.

Fetching Coupons from Voucherify in Klaviyo Flows

Example Business Case: Customer Reactivation Campaign

In this scenario, the dynamic segmentation in Klaviyo can trigger Voucherify to create personalized discount coupons. These coupons are then fed back to Klaviyo and sent to customers via e-mail or SMS.

This setup can be used:

  • to re-engage customers who have not made a purchase in a while, aiming to bring them back to active status and increase customer lifetime value;
  • to re-engage customers who have added items to their cart but left without completing the purchase;
  • to automatically send personalized birthday offers to customers, increasing engagement and potentially driving sales.


Concept Flow

The process flow diagram showing the process from the customer to Voucherify, to Klaviito, to Customer

Klaviyo Flow

  1. A customer enters a segment in Klaviyo (e.g. as an inactive customer).
  2. Klaviyo picks up customer’s profile to be processed through the following flow:
    1. A webhook is sent to Voucherify to publish a voucher code from a specific Voucherify campaign and assign it to the customer (as uniquely identified by ID in Klaviyo).
    2. Klaviyo waits (e.g. 2 minutes) — meanwhile:
      1. Voucherify receives a webhook as a POST call to its Publications API and publishes a voucher code from the defined campaign and assigns it to the customer.
      2. Voucherify distribution is triggered to post voucher code to update the Klaviyo customer’s profile via Klaviyo API (using the Voucherify plugin).
      3. Klaviyo receives a request to update a custom attribute (e.g. ‘voucher’) in the customer’s profile.
      4. Klaviyo updates the customer’s voucher code profile attribute or creates a new custom attribute named according to the configuration in Voucherify-Klaviyo plugin.
    3. Klaviyo sends out a message to the customer using the template that uses a voucher code placeholder.
  3. The customer gets incentivized with a message containing a voucher code.


Voucherify Configuration Checklist

  • A discount coupon campaign, e.g. “Customer Reactivation Campaign” for $10 off of an order, is created;
  • Klaviyo is connected via a dedicated plugin (see the Integration configuration section);
  • A distribution is created on successful coupon publication from the proper campaign (it is called “Customer Reactivation Campaign” in the example here) and Klaviyo is selected as a distribution channel;
  • In the Map fields in the Klaviyo channel configuration within the distribution: the Voucher code property is mapped to a custom attribute in the Klaviyo profile, e.g. it can be called "voucher";

Klaviyo Configuration Checklist

In Klaviyo, a flow is created in which:

  • A trigger is a segment of customers or any other trigger;
    For example, it can be a segment that includes customers who have no't made a purchase in a specific timeframe (e.g. 3–-6 months). The segment criteria can be based on the "Placed Order" event and the time since the last purchase. In a simplest case, a segment can be based on a certain specific customer profile attribute (e.g. inactive_customer = TRUE).
  • A webhook action is configured to send a webhook to Voucherify Ppublications API with the name of the specific campaign (e.g. “Customer Reactivation Campaign”) and a placeholder for customer’s KlaviyoID specified:

    Webhook details view in Klaviyo, showing destination URL, headers, and the JSON body

      Webhook Details
    • Destination URL: https://{cluster}.voucherify.io/v1/publications
    • Headers: Include Content-Type: application/json and the necessary Voucherify API credentials (X-App-Id and X-App-Token) that can be retrieved from Voucerify project settings.
    • JSON body: Pass the data needed for Voucherify to create the voucher: campaign name and customer ID (here you would normally put a placeholder (variable):
            "name":"Name of your campaign"},
        "customer": {
          "source_id":"{{ person.KlaviyoID }}"}
      Insert the source_id value placeholder into the JSON block to enable the enrichment of the customer’s profile with the voucher attribute when Voucherify sends data to Klaviyo. The placeholder can be either {{ person.ID }} or {{ person.KlaviyoID }}, depending on whether the profiles in Klaviyo were imported from another system and have an external ID. Contact the implementation team to confirm which customer ID attribute should be used.
  • A 2 minute delay is configured to make sure the Voucherify distribution, an asynchronous process, updates the customer profile in Klaviyo with a voucher code before the message is sent.
  • Email (or SMS) send-out is configured with a template that uses the custom attribute “voucher”.

Here is an example of an email template:

An example of an email template with populated variables

Here is an example of a sent email:

An example of an actual email message where the variables are populated with actual data.

Important Considerations

Voucherify has API rate limits, which means that the volume of webhook requests must be managed to avoid exceeding them.

  • Customers should prepare their segments in Klaviyo in a way that ensures the number of webhook calls does no't exceed 60-70% of their hourly/minute API quota for Voucherify.
  • If larger segments need to be targeted, consider breaking them into smaller groups and scheduling the Flow to stagger webhook requests over time.


This setup combines Klaviyo's powerful segmentation and automation capabilities with Voucherify's dynamic coupon generation to create a sophisticated customer win-back strategy. By following this guide you can create an efficient workflow for managing vouchers distribution while ensuring API limits are respected.

For additional information or support, refer to the Voucherify and Klaviyo integration guides or contact the Voucherify support team.

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