Distributions GDPR Compliance

There are several features that ensure the GDPR-compliance of your distribution channels.


  1. Brand details
  2. Marketing permissions
  3. Preference center

Brand Details

Go to the Project Settings - Brand Details. In this tab you will be asked to provide the name of your brand (1), physical mailing address (2) and contact information (3). The provision of these details is obligatory as international law states that all marketing emails must include physical mailing address and contact information of your brand. Here you may also provide a URL to your own Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, customizable permission reminder which helps avoid false spam reports and your website URL (4). Lastly, you may also upload the logo of your brand (5). 

Brand Details GDPR

Brand Details 2 GDPR

Note: The information provided in this tab will be automatically placed in the footer of any Voucherify template you use, such as email or distributions.

Marketing Permissions

Go to the Project settings > Marketing permissions. This tab allows you to add your own opt-in consents and group them. It is important to remember that in accordance with the GDPR, consent has to be opt-in which means that it should be freely given and that neither pre-checked boxes nor customers’ silence are equal with consent for personal data processing. 

Here you may fill in all the details of the consent (name, category and description). These details will help you find, categorize and group them effortlessly. After creating your first consent, you will be able to see it in the field below Opt-in Consents form. 

Marketing Permissions

This tab also grants you a possibility to group your consents and to place them in Voucherify templates. 

Grouping Marketing Permissions and Opt-In Consents

Where can I use the marketing permissions I’ve just created?

You will be able to choose between particular consents while working in the Distributions Manager. In the picture, you may see both the Distributions tab and a drop down list with consents that you’ve created for the particular project. You will be asked to provide marketing permissions on the 3rd step of the Distributions Manager "Choose your audience" so that you may segment your audience accordingly. 

Marketing Permissions in Distributions

Contact Preference Center

In order to further comply with GDPR and other data-related policies, your customers can decide whether they want to stay subscribed to messages from your brand. You can find preference center in your customers' cockpits. The contact preference center allows them to change their communication settings at any point in time.

Customer Cockpits - Contact Preference Center

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