Set up multi-channel distribution

This guide assumes that you are already familiarized with the Distributions Manager basics.

The distribution manager enables you to send codes via many channels at the same time. To manage channels in your distribution, you need to go through the first 2 stages of the Distribution Manager. Then, in the 3rd section " Channel choice and messages", you can define a channel/channels that will deliver the message.

To add a channel to your distribution, open a chosen channel tab, and toggle the button to activate it. Active channels are marked with a checkbox

Right after you add a new channel, the manager expands this section and asks you to add details and design message template. You need to customise the message template for each channel separately. 

To remove the already added channel, toggle the channel button back to the left

When the channel settings are ready, you can go to the Next step and confirm your multi-channel distribution.

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