Branding and white-label capabilities in Voucherify

We know how important it is to make your promotions consistent with your branding image. Thanks to these built-in features, the way your promotions look, work, and get to your end customers can be tailored according to the designs and patterns approved in your marketing strategy 🤓

Let's explore all white-labeling possibilities in Voucherify ⬇️

Company details & consents in promo messages ✉️

In Project Settings > Brand Details / Marketing Permissions, Voucherify will ask you about your brand details and marketing consents policy. Information provided in this section will be used during the distribution of your promo codes or emails announcing a new campaign. 

Marketing Permissions as white label solution

The app will automatically equip every email footer with your company details and marketing consents in the form of checkboxes ☑️

Marketing Permissions

To learn more about Marketing Consents, visit this article💡

Integration with your CRM ecosystem 🔁

Voucherify enables you to send all created codes (including gift cards, loyalty, and referral codes) via many marketing channels. In the Integration Directory, you can find built-in connections with distribution apps such as:

  • MailChimp
  • Braze
  • Intercom
  • Mandrill
  • Sendgrid
  • Textlocal 
  • ActiveCampaign 
  • Twilio 
  • CM Telecom
  • Mailgun

Voucherify Integrations

It means that you can leverage templates and databases collected in external apps to deliver promotions to your end customers.

Create advanced code patterns of your promotions 💳

You can create patterns for coupons, gift certificates, loyalty cards, referral codes and also referral/loyalty rewards. 

Unique codes campaign with a predefined code pattern

Unique codes campaign with a predefined code pattern

Fixed code customized to fit the brand

Unique codes campaign with a predefined code pattern

While creating a new campaign of unique codes, fixed codes, loyalty or referral program you can precisely define codes/cards structure:

  • pattern
  • charset
  • length
  • prefix
  • postfix

Effortlessly promote your brand and interact with your customers

Design customised multi-channel messages with promo codes and special offers.
Place ready-to-go web widgets on your website to enable client-side interactions with Voucherify codes.
Customise customer cockpits to be in full control of your customers' view. 

Multi-channel distribution manager ✉️

Next to the previously-mentioned integrations, Voucherify enables you to create tailored emails straight from the dashboard, without external providers. In the distribution manager, you can choose if you want to deliver a message via your favourite app like MailChimp or Braze, or if you want to use the Voucherify email engine. 

Email editor with your domain

Voucherify provides a simple configuration to connect your custom domain. As a result, you can use the Voucherify built-in email engine to create and send emails with your domain in sender data. Go to Project Settings > General > Email settings.

Sending email from your domain

Built-in email editor allows you for implementing your branding style. It means that even without a dedicated external app with ready-to-go templates, you can design emails with incentives that are adjusted to your brand's style. 

Email Designer

Remember that you can mix all channels and send the same message via many channels at once, for example: email and SMS.

Creating omnichannel experience

Ready-to-go web forms for your homepage 💻

Sign up or redeem forms can also be placed on your websites outside Voucherify. You can copy a sample of code and embed it in your website. The website will display a simple web form like this:

Voucherify widget

The form is fully customizable - you can decide which fields are visible and which are mandatory. With widgets, you can plug Voucherify incentives into every customer touchpoint and decide when and where your customers can interact with your promo codes. 

💡 Go here to learn more about adding forms to your websites outside of Voucherify. 💡

Customisable customer cockpits 🧔

Each customer in your Voucherify account has their individual cockpit presenting details of their loyalty programs, assigned referral codes and customer owned incentives (discounts, gift cards). 

Customer cockpits

You are in full control of the customers' cockpits which means that you can enable and disable certain views. Go to Project Settings > Brand Details and scroll down to the Cockpits settings.

Cockpits settings

Voucherify lets you customise what your customers are able to see in their cockpits. You can also change the colors and logos. 

💡Go here to learn more💡 

Reach out for more with API 🤔

If you need custom solutions like social media connections, tracking of customer actions, custom fields attached to your promotions, and so on - no worries. Show Voucherify API to your developers and remember that it was made with developer-friendliness in mind. It means that your tech team can sync tailored solutions and external systems with your Voucherify account in no time. 

If you're not sure what API stands for, visit this blog post to get you started. 

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