Uber-style referral program

Create a custom event ( sign_up).
Launch a double-sided referral program.
Add referral notifications.

Referral program diagram

Reasons for Uber referral success:

  • Their program is double-sided, so both referrers and new users get a good reason to at least try Uber.
  • Rewards and incentives for new users are very attractive as this free balance is usually enough to get a free ride.
  • On top of that, Uber made referring smooth and easy. Rules and benefits are clear for both sides.

Add a new custom event

To start, you need to add an event that defines sign up to the Voucherify dashboard. Go to the Event Schema in your Project Settings.

Custom event

Note that your app or website needs to be already integrated with your Voucherify account. The integration enables Voucherify to track custom events performed by your visitors, such as new sign-ups, etc. Visit our Developer Docs to learn more.

After you define the event, open Campaign Manager and add a new referral program.

Create a double-sided referral program

In the first step, define program details such as:

Referral Program Details

In the 2nd step, define optional time limits – add a campaign timeframe, days of the week, or recurring periods when referral codes are active. You can read about all the time limits for vouchers here.

The 3rd section lets you define program structure and add referral codes with free credits that new customers can use during their first ride.

Choose a conversion event (when a new customer is approved as a referred) – in this program, a conversion event is a sign up made by a new customer with a referral code. It means that if a new customer signs up, he/she will be counted as a referred customer.

Choose a double-sided referral program to rewards both the referrer and the referee. Go to the next step and define the reward for the referee (new customer).

Incentive workflow

Referral code gives new customers free balance to spend on their first ride. It means that redemption of referral code (while signing up) results in adding free balance to a gift card attached automatically to a new customer. Here's how it works step-by-step:

  1. A new customer gets a referral code from the already registered user.
  2. A new customer signs up with a referral code.
  3. Redemption invokes adding free balance to a new customer's account which is gathered on a predefined gift card.
  4. Added balance can be used by a new customer while paying for a ride.

Choose gift credits as a reward for a referee and add a value of referral code. In the screenshot, you can see that new users who redeem the referral code will get 20$ loaded on their predefined gift card.

Every customer in Voucherify has a predefined gift card attached to their account. It's automatically added to each customer at the moment he/she enters your database and the initial value of a predefined gift card is always 0.

referee reward

Below the Referee reward section, you can see Validation rules for the referral code's redemption. Validation rules enable you to additionally restrict redemption of referral codes to one per customer. As a result, you can be sure that already registered users won't use the code. To add a rule, click on create and define the rule name (identifier for the future).

Choose Redemption per customer from the Budget constraints section and set it to one.

once per customer uber referral program

You can add more validation rules and limits to referral codes. If you'd like to learn more about available options, go here.

When referral codes are equipped with all necessary limits, confirm with save.

In the 5th stage of the program creation, you need to define rewarding criteria and tell Voucherify when the referrer is rewarded. Choose the first checkbox to reward riders every time their referral code is redeemed (new user signs up with their code).

Referral Tier

Define the reward for referrers. It's going to be 20$ balance to spend on rides loaded on a customer's predefined gift card.

referrer reward

Add referral notifications

Lastly, in this stage, you can implement channels via which you want to notify a referrer about a reward (new balance on their predefined gift card).

You can choose from:

  • HTTP callout (add specific URL for notification).
  • MailChimp or ActiveCampaign (Integrations).
  • Email (the manager lets you design the message template).
  • SMS (the manager lets you design the message template).

In the 6th stage, you can add optional metadata. The last stage of the manager shows you a summary of your referral program. You can see the overview and, in case you need to, go back to each step to set it up again. When all program details are ready, confirm by saving and wait until the campaign is generated.

Remember that each referral code needs to be published before new customers (referees) can use it. Publication means the process of assigning referral code to a particular customer (referrer). You can perform this action either through Distribution in the dashboard or programmatically via API.

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