FAQ about Referral & Loyalty Programs

In this article, you will find some frequently asked questions regarding referral and loyalty programs. If you don't find the answer here, please don't hesitate to contact us directly.

What is the difference between a one-sided and double-sided referral program?

You can create two modes of referral programs in Voucherify. In the case of one-sided referral programs, only the referrer (customer who shared a referral code) is going to be rewarded for a successful referral. However, in the case of a double-sided program, both the referrer and the referee will be rewarded for redeeming a referral code. 

Visit this article for more information on referral programs.

How redemptions are counted in a referral program?

In the case of referral programs, only redemptions made with the use of a referral code count as redemptions.

What is a conversion event? What types of conversion events can I use?

A conversion event defines a successful referral. You can choose between two main types of conversion events:

  • referee redeems the referral code 
  • and a custom event.

In the case of a referee referring a referral code, this activity is going to be counted as a successful referral that will trigger a reward for the referrer or both referee and referrer (double-sided referral program).

You can also establish that your referral program will not be based on referral code redemption but other activities (custom events), such as leaving a positive review or tagging your brand on social media. In this case, the successful referral action is based on custom events. 

Visit this article for more information on custom events.

What types of rewards can I offer to a referrer?

You can choose between four rewards for referrers – discount coupons, gift card credits, loyalty points, and material rewards (based on Products). You can base the criteria for the reward assignment on each referral action or X number of referrals needed for the reward assignment (e.g., the referrer will receive a reward after three successful referrals). 

If you want to have different rewards or/and different rewarding criteria then you can add tiers to your referral campaign. For example, tier 1 can reward each referrer who refers at least one customer with a $5 discount; tier 2 can reward each referrer who refers at least two customers with a 20% discount. 

What types of rewards can I offer to a referee?

In the case of double-sided referral programs, you can also reward the referees. You can reward them with discount codes, gift card credits, or loyalty points. Note that the referral code on its own can act as a discount. 

Can I assign a referral code to multiple customers?

You can assign a single referral code to multiple customers. You can do it manually in the dashboard to individual customers one by one. To do so, select a referral program, select the referral code tab, and select the code. In the referral code details, there is an option to share the code with customers. You can also assign the code to many customers using one API call with the Add Referral Code Holders endpoint.

Will the referee see a referral code with the qualification feature?

The customers who the referral code is assigned to can see the code thanks to the Qualifications API.

How can I disable a reward for a given tier?

Define rewards available only in specific tiers by marking a reward as Not available in reward mapping.

View this article for more information on disabling rewards.

What does it mean that customers will be allowed to join a referral campaign only once?

If you enable this option, then when the same customer requests another referral code, Voucherify will give him/her the same code again and will not generate another code for this end-user. Therefore, one customer can only receive one referral code assigned from a particular referral campaign.

What is an earning rule?

Each earning rule defines an action that assigns a particular number of points to a customer's account. You can choose between three types of earning rules – based on orders, custom events, and customers entering new segments. You can assign a proportional number of loyalty points to order value (e.g., 1$ = 0.5 loyalty point), but a fixed number of points to the remaining two earning rules. 

Follow this guide for more information.

Is there a limit on tiers in a loyalty program?

No, there are no limits in creating tiers for your loyalty programs. However, keep in mind that too many tiers may create confusion and make your loyalty program less transparent to end-customers. 

Visit this post for more information about loyalty tiers.

How redemptions are counted in a loyalty program?

In the case of loyalty programs, only loyalty reward redemptions count as redemption.

How can I transfer points between loyalty cards?

If a customer has two or more assigned loyalty cards, Voucherify offers you an opportunity to transfer points from one card to another, e.g., when the customer does not have enough points on a single loyalty card to receive the reward. Points can be transferred between cards in the same and different loyalty campaigns and for the same and different customers. You can transfer loyalty points using API.

Here you can find a full workflow with API reference.

How can I manually add points to or remove points from a loyalty card?

There is a possibility to add or remove points via the Voucherify Dashboard. In the Customer view, click on the Wallet tab > Loyalty Cards, find the loyalty card that you are interested in and click on the loyalty card code. You will be redirected to the loyalty card view. Here in the upper right hand corner, click on the icon that resembles a card. A popup window will allow you manually modify the points. To add points, enter a positive number and click Add. To remove points, enter a minus sign followed by the number of points and click Subtract.

View this article for more information on modifying points.

How can I export points expirations?

You can create a CSV file of all your points expirations for a given campaign. Simply navigate to your campaign, choose the Points Expiration tab and click on the Export tool.

View this article for more information on exporting points expirations.

What does it mean that customers will join the loyalty campaign if the earning rule is fulfilled?

By marking this option, you enable the automatic addition of loyalty member participants if they perform a designated action (earning rule). It can be making an order with specific parameters, joining a predefined customer segment, or performing a custom event (e.g., sharing your profile on social media).

What is a customer cockpit?

The customer cockpit is an individual space of each customer that presents details of loyalty programs, assigned referral codes, and owned incentives (discounts, gift cards). Thanks to white-labeling, you can customize customer cockpits in accordance with your brand guidelines.

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