The Redemptions section in the Dashboard consists of four tabs: Redemptions, Validations, Sessions, and Stacking Rules. The Redemptions tab lists every redemption attempt of any code created within Voucherify. Its goal is to help you track what happens to your codes. Thanks to the filter panel and export tool, you can analyze and draw insights from redemption data.
Each redemption attempt, whether successful, rolled back, or failed, is saved in Voucherify. To get a list of redemptions, head to the Redemptions tab in the Campaign Hub section.
- Status
- Code
- Creation date
- Voucher code
- User who redeemed the voucher (available only for Administrator)
- Campaign
- Customer
- Metadata (custom attributes)
Click the Save button to create a search query.
Redemption details
The basic view contains:
- Status
- Type
- ID
- Campaign
- Incentive
- Customer
- Creation date
You can click on any redemption to display all the details. Depending on the campaign the voucher comes from, the details view can additionally include:
- Order summary
- Customer details
You can also access the redemption details by going to the voucher details and the Redemptions history tab in the Vouchers section of the dashboard.
Failed redemptions
Because Voucherify supports complex coupon validation rules, the redemption can fail for multiple reasons. Click on the ID of a failed redemption attempt to see the failure code and failure message. The following list shows all of the failure messages:
- Voucher did not exist
- Voucher was not active yet
- Voucher expired
- Voucher was disabled
- Redemption quantity exceeded
- Gift voucher amount exceeded
- Order does not match validation rules
- Customer does not match to the segment
- Redemption conditions not met
- Order was specified incorrectly
- Order amount was specified incorrectly
- Order amount was not specified
- Order items were not specified
- Customer was not specified
- Invalid input data
Remember 💡
Successful redemptions can be reversed with the process called “Rollback”. You can rollback each redemption using the API or with the Rollback button in the redemption details screen. Note, however, that you can roll back a redemption up to 3 months back.
Detailed logs
If you want more information about the voucher's history, go to the detailed view of the redemption and the Events section.
- Id
- Type
- Occurrence date
- Log ID
- Channel
- Event data
- HTTP method
- Related Events
- Request Body
- Response Body
- Query Parameters
You can also access this view by going to the Audit Log section and clicking the relevant log id.
Data export
You can download a CSV file with redemptions data. You can apply filters and browse data you are interested in, or you can download the complete redemptions history.
In the Redemptions tab, click the export tool button to open the export manager.
You can choose which redemption details to include in your CSV file from Redemption attributes and Custom attributes (metadata).
Click the Export button.
When the CSV file is ready to download, it will appear in your notifications center. Click the notification to download the file.
This tab shows the complete overview of voucher validations with the following details:
- Validation ID
- Session keys
- List of incentives sent in the validation
- List of inapplicable incentives
- List of skipped incentives
- Customer
- Validation date and time
Validation data is stored for 30 days.
Further details about the validation, e.g. the request and response bodies, can be found in the Audit Logs:
- Go to Audit Logs dashboard section in the left panel.
- Create and apply the filter with the timeframe when the validation occurred. Note that the filter date and time are given in the project time.
- Search for the validation (URL with a
value) in question by looking for the date and time. The date and time is in the UTC time – recalculate the equivalent UTC time of your validation. - Click on the log to view the details.
Stacking rules
This tab includes settings for applying discounts in stacks. A stack groups several validations and redemptions under a single API request. For a more in-depth description, read the Stacking Rules article.
Discounts’ application rules
Application rules define which incentives need to be valid in order for a incentive stack to be successfully applied. There are two options:
All – all provided incentives must be in a valid state and be redeemed together. If any single incentive is not in a valid state, the stack as a whole cannot be redeemed.
Partial – this allows partial redemption. If some provided incentives are in a valid state while others are not, only the provided incentives that are in the valid state will be redeemed. The inapplicable discounts where the redemption criteria are not met are discarded.
Sorting rules define the hierarchy order in which incentives are applied. There are two options:
Requested order – this is the default order in which the incentives are sent in the request. In some campaigns, this tier hierarchy can be defined in the dashboard. Otherwise, the default order of the request is applied.
Category hierarchy – the request is sent in the order of category hierarchy and rank, as defined by the hierarchy (number) when creating a new category in a campaign. If the incentives do not have a category, their order will not change.
Limit settings for stackable discounts API
You can set up how many incentives can be supported in one API request, up to 30 incentives. These maximum limits can be configured here.
Maximum count of incentives in API request – this is the maximum number of incentives in one stack that can be sent in a single API request to Voucherify. This will include all incentive options.
Maximum count of valid promotions to apply in a request – of the total incentive options defined in the API request, this determines the maximum amount of valid incentives that can actually be applied in a single request to an order. The number can be the same as the Maximum count of incentives in API request, meaning all incentives being sent in the request would be applied if valid.
Maximum count of valid exclusive promotions to apply in a request – this provides the same function as the Maximum count of valid promotions to apply in a request, but only for the incentives with Never Stackable (exclusive) stacking eligibility.
Campaigns stacking eligibility
These rules define whether incentive categories should never be stackable (exclusive incentives), always stackable (joint incentives that will always be stacked with others), or optionally stackable (regular and flexible stack eligibility based on the hierarchy order).
Never Stackable (Exclusive) – the incentives within this category can be redeemed only with other exclusive incentives. The Maximum count of valid exclusive promotions to apply in a request limits how many exclusive incentives can be applied at the same time. Voucherify will first apply the incentives with the highest hierarchy.
Note: The Always Stackable (Joint) incentives are an exception, and they can be combined with exclusive incentives.
Always Stackable/Joint – the incentives with this category will always be added to the redemption stack, regardless if an exclusive incentive is in the stack.
If a category is not defined as Never Stackable (Exclusive) or Always Stackable/Joint, this means it will be treated with regular stacking eligibility. It will be applied in the hierarchy sort order (see above) defined in the Maximum count of valid promotions to apply in a request.
Discounts calculations by category
Here, you can define the default system mode for how the discounts are calculated using different default settings according to the category.
Default – this is the default mode of calculating discounts across the system for any incentives without categories or with categories that do not have defined discount calculations by either Initial Amount or Discounted Amount below.
Initial Amount – all the selected campaign categories will override the default setting and always calculate discounts by the initial amount. A stacked discount based on the initial amount means that each additional incentive applied after the first one will still base that incentive on the initial pre-discounted order total.
Discounted Amount – all the selected campaign categories will override the default setting and always calculate discounts by the discounted amount. A stacked discount based on the discounted amount means that each additional incentive applied after the first one will base that incentive on the new discounted order total.