Tier modification rules

It is possible to implement a change in the already existing loyalty program campaign qualification rules (points balance, points collected in the period, tiers start and expiration dates, etc.) as well as tiers structure (number of tiers, tiers thresholds, etc.).

There are the following rules:

  • For tiers qualification rules changes:
    • Without the ‘Refresh tiers’ option selected:
      • Customer tiers are not changed according to the new rules upon campaign save (there are no tier upgrades and downgrades).
    • With the ‘Refresh tiers’ option selected:
      • Customer tiers may be refreshed according to the new rules upon campaign save (there might be some tier upgrades and expiration dates might also be updated (shortened or extended), but there will be no downgrades).
  • For tiers structure changes:
    • Adding new tier(s) or changing points threshold(s):
      • Customer tiers without expiration dates - customer tiers are updated according to the new structure upon campaign save (there might be some tier upgrades and downgrades),
      • Customer tiers with expiration dates - customers will not be downgraded to the lower tiers but may be upgraded to the higher tiers according to the new structure upon campaign save (there might be some tier upgrades but no downgrades).
    • Removing tier(s):
      • Customers lose removed tier(s) upon campaign save.

Changing tiers qualification rules and tiers structure within a single campaign modification step is possible. However, it is not recommended as two tasks might be scheduled upon that operation that will work asynchronously:

  1. The first task will recalculate tiers according to new qualification rules that have been set up (if the ‘Refresh tiers’ option has been selected),
  2. The second task will recalculate tiers according to the new tiers structure.

Based on that, there might be some discrepancies in customer tiers updates (in some edge cases). That is why we strongly recommend performing these operations in a sequence; for example, first make changes to the tiers qualification rules (change tiers qualification rules and save the campaign), and then make the second campaign update to change the tiers structure, or vice versa - in the first update change the tiers structure and in the second update change the tiers qualification rules. 


If you want to make tiers qualification rules or tiers structure changes but are not sure what the outcome of your changes will be, please contact our support team before making any changes.

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